Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2579: super light quantum computer

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In addition to this beautiful glass corridor, netizens and audiences are also interested in the bionic fish in the artificial lake, from those bionic sturgeons to manta rays and koi. No one would have guessed that these lifelike fish are all fake.

This really makes many people can't believe it, but the facts are here, but they have to believe it.

In addition, the most attractive thing is of course the Rubik's Cube in the abyss of the artificial lake. Everyone has heard about the abyss and the abyss Rubik's Cube in the campus of Haoyu Technology Headquarters, but this time they finally saw it so clearly through the lens.

At the bottom of the artificial lake, which is crystal clear and a little blue, there is a bright cube, which is the Rubik's Cube. It is said that this is the brain of Haoyu Technology's artificial intelligence system.

So basically everyone who comes to the park to visit must come to Abyss to take a look, which seems to be the representative of Haoyu Technology.

In addition to the mysterious Rubik's Cube at the bottom of the artificial lake, there is also the Torch Building by the artificial lake.

Torch Building is not the official name of this building, its exact name is Shaking Building.

The entire Yaoguang building is mainly divided into three parts, namely the underground security system part, the core data center on the ground floor and more than a dozen floors above the ground, and the supercomputing center on the top of the entire building.

Under normal circumstances, everyone automatically ignores the following part of the security system, thinking that the Yaoguang Building is only divided into two parts, namely the core data center, which accounts for 80% of the entire building, and the core data center, which accounts for 20%. Supercomputing Center.

The proportions are a lot like a torch, or torch. The core data center is the handle, and the supercomputing center is the flame, so it is privately called the Torch Building.

In fact, the entire Torch Building is very complicated. As mentioned before, the entire building is made of steel, connected by countless pipelines, the most complicated of which is the water-cooling cooling system, which leads the cold water from the bottom of the artificial lake into the building through pipelines, and flows down from the top of the building by natural gravity. Thereby taking away the heat emitted by the supercomputing center and the equipment in the core data center.

The hot water will be used to generate electricity, and will also be used to heat the entire park in winter. Afterwards, the water will be discharged into the artificial lake. The temperature is cooled by the artificial lake, and the cooled water is then flushed into the Fluctlight Building.

After the supercomputing center and the core data center are operating at full capacity, the heat emitted by them can increase the water temperature of the entire artificial lake by more than ten degrees.

In order to keep the water of the entire artificial lake clear and clean, in addition to having a water circulation purification system in this artificial lake, these bionic fish actually also purify the water quality.

Of course, those huge sturgeons are responsible for security, guarding the safety of the Abyss Rubik's Cube.

Only a few media reporters and a few representatives of bloggers and anchors were allowed to enter the Yaoguang Building. Of course, for the safety of the core data center and supercomputing center, all equipment with networking functions cannot enter the park.

All these bloggers and anchors can only interrupt the live broadcast, and can only shoot with Sui's gimbal camera, or sports camera, and other equipment.

The media reporters are a little more relaxed, allowing professional camera equipment to enter. In addition, it is also possible to carry the device for live broadcast, but it needs to be connected to an internal dedicated line.

These people entered the Yaoguang Building, and were immediately shocked by everything inside. The dense server blade modules on each floor and the flashing green lights make people feel as if they are already in a digital world.

Of course, the most shocking thing is the supercomputing center at the top of the building. This is the Dao super light quantum computer developed by Haoyu Technology.

This is already the second-generation product of the Dao series of supercomputers. The first generation was the photon supercomputer. That photon supercomputer made great contributions to them, and was later replaced by this photon quantum supercomputer. It is 100 million times that of the previous generation.

And that's not all. This optical quantum supercomputer is still evolving, and its floating-point computing ability is still improving rapidly. No one knows how far it can be improved in the future.

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At least one thing everyone is sure of now is that the performance of this optical quantum supercomputer has reached the world's leading level, and there may be few or even none that are really faster than it.

Because of excellent performance, super powerful computing power. Therefore, this Daoguang quantum supercomputer, in addition to serving some important scientific research calculations of Haoyu Technology Company, will also be borrowed for a series of domestic, military, scientific research, economic and other important fields related to national defense, science and technology, economy, etc. computing tasks.

As for the previously dismantled photonic computer, it has been transported to the Northwest Research Center, thus establishing the Northwest Research Center, the Super Photonic Computer Center.

It will also undertake some daily scientific research computing tasks for everyone to use. After all, the super optical quantum computer in Yaoguang Building is too powerful, so too many people are staring at it. Even for Wu Hao and the others, if they want to use it, they have to coordinate for a long time, which is very troublesome.

There is no way, after all, it is related to national security and social life, and it is not easy for them to refuse, let alone refuse.

Therefore, except for some important computing tasks, other common computing tasks are entrusted to this photonic computer.

Of course, this situation cannot continue like this. Wu Hao and the others have reached cooperation with the military, relevant departments and colleges, and will continue to cooperate with them to build two more super optical quantum computers in China.

With these two super optical quantum computers completed and put into use, UU reading www. Then the pressure on their side will be much less.

Of course, for these media reporters, bloggers and anchors, and the people watching the live broadcast, most of them don't have much idea of ​​the excellent performance of this optical quantum supercomputer, they only think it's amazing.

And what shocked or surprised them the most was of course the beams of light in the entire supercomputing center. These luminous subjects are the computing modules of the optical quantum supercomputer of the entire supercomputing center.

Looking at each pure module emitting white light, everyone seems to be in a science fiction world, which feels too unreal.

The control center on the top floor is also an eye-opener, especially when I met many scientific researchers from other departments and institutions who stick to this place to do research on the subject.

Everyone now knows that Haoyu Technology has been cooperating with these departments and institutions to provide them with computing resources and help them conduct scientific research.

All of a sudden, the positive image of Haoyu Technology became three-dimensional.

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