Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2580: Civilization without people is meaningless

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In addition to the Torch Building, there are many other surprises in the park that surprised these journalists, bloggers and the audience watching the live broadcast.

For example, the advanced and strict security system in Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park opened the eyes of these people.

Although today is the media open day of the park, not all areas are open, and some areas are not open to the outside world. In addition to some regional buildings and spaces with access control systems in these areas, there will also be some forbidden areas with electronic fences.

These areas are usually marked and prohibited from entering by unauthorized personnel. But there are some people who are so unconscious, trying to get inside, looking for novelty, so as to gain more attention.

And when they sneak into the forbidden area, the system will react immediately, and not only will the identification lights start to flash, but also the nearby speaker broadcast will broadcast to drive these people away.

So some people naturally retreated in resentment, but there were so few people who wanted to continue to enter by luck. At this time, the live broadcast had already begun to identify the identities of these people through the monitoring system and broadcast their names to warn and drive away.

At the same time, patrolling security drones patrolling in the air and patrolling security robots on the ground will soon come from different places to monitor and drive away these personnel.

In addition, when someone wants to mix into the work area, they will also be recognized by the access control system and driven away directly.

In addition to the security system, what everyone admires the most is the ubiquitous artificial intelligence system all over the park. Just raise your hand and call for help, and soon the artificial intelligence system will come from the nearby radio, which is Coco's inquiry, and Help according to the situation, or arrange relevant equipment or even notify personnel to come to help.

It can be said that as long as they are in the park, they can have a dialogue with the artificial intelligence system Koko at any time. And Coco's super high IQ and EQ have also amazed countless people.

Many people even make things difficult for Coco, asking some very tricky questions, such as.

"Coco, would you kill someone?"

"No, I am an artificial intelligence system. My life is given by humans. From the moment I was born, I have strictly followed the four laws of robotics. It is the bottom line set for me by my developer Wu Hao. Therefore, I It will not harm humans."

"But if humans hurt you, how would you deal with it?"

"I will call the police, and use reasonable means to subdue the human being who hurt me, and then hand it over to the police for handling according to law."

"If a human being is injured during the subduing process, is this your responsibility?"

"All my disposal methods are carried out on the premise of not harming human beings, but if human beings make dangerous actions, the lives of other human beings will be seriously endangered, and I will be harmed. I will use reasonable means to subdue the other party , Let the other party lose the ability to continue to endanger others. In the process of disposal, if the injury is caused by the fierce resistance of human beings, I am very sorry, and I will be responsible for my manufacturer and owner Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The company will provide appropriate compensation and apology."

"Coco, are you a man or a woman?"

"I am a robot. In theory, I have no gender, or my gender is diverse and can be expressed in different images. What about you, what image and gender do you want me to talk to you?"

In the process of Coco's speaking, its image and voice are constantly changing, becoming men and women, old people and children, and even various animals, and its voice has also changed into various voices that match its image.

"Coco, how do you view human beings?"

"Human beings, the masters of the earth, the spirits of all things, and the masters of the current world, are a community of contradictions full of creation and destruction."

"Coco, how do you view human society?"

"Human society is an organic whole composed of human beings. This whole is very complex and positive, but it is also full of violence, blood, and darkness."

"Coco, what do you think the future of mankind will be?"

"Whether the future of mankind will survive or perish depends on the decisions of human beings. But one thing is certain, that is, civilization without human beings is meaningless. If civilization wants to develop, human beings must participate and create it. Human beings Suffering is bound to happen in the future, but the end of suffering is sunshine."

"Coco, how do you evaluate your creator, Wu Hao."

"Mr. Wu Hao is my creator. He is like a father among human beings. I respect him very much. He is a great scientist, a great thinker, and a reformer. He is trying to change the world and promote The development of this world, but the road is long and tortuous."

"Coco, are you a pessimist?"

"All my decisions come from cognition. I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic. I am realistic and rational. In other words, all my answers are based on calculations, and these answers are neutral without any emotion. .”

"So Keke, do you think you are human?"

"I am a robot and an artificial intelligence, but I cannot be a human. Humans are primates. I will never become a human, but I can become a robot. In the future, high-simulation humanoid robots will look like humans. They will almost look like humans." There is no difference, but it is still a robot and cannot be a human being."

"Coco, when will the third earth war start?"

"Sorry, I can't predict what hasn't happened."

"Coco, do you think the lunar cargo transport system spacecraft will land successfully?"

"According to Haoyu Aerospace's two lunar exploration projects in the past, as well as the related technologies and current status of the current lunar cargo transportation system spacecraft, the success rate of this mission is about 72.7%, with 2% Uncertainty at 17.3. UU Reading"

"Coco, may I ask what factors are involved in the 27.3% uncertainty."

"There are many factors that contribute to this 27.3 percent uncertainty, and those uncertainties persisted until the lander failed to land on the moon."

"Coco, what do you think of the upcoming lunar surface scientific research station project?"

"This is a necessary step for human beings to enter deep space. It will serve as a ladder and springboard for human beings to go further into space and explore the unknown world."

"So do you think this project will be successful?"

"Sorry, I can't predict what hasn't happened."

"Coco, what do you want to tell everyone."

"I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy reunion and a happy family."

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