Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2581: 1/8 of the Earth

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After having a beautiful dinner in the restaurant of Haoyu Science and Technology Park, these reporters and bloggers began to head towards the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center one after another.

Of course, it is impossible for these two hundred people to enter the lobby of the control center. They can only exit after visiting the entire aerospace command and control center through the guest viewing area on the second floor.

There is a large screen outside, and the relevant public data information inside will be passed through at all times for these personnel to watch.

Of course, there will still be a few media reporters entering the hall. Whoever makes them a heavyweight media reporter naturally has this privilege.

At 8:30 in the evening, Wu Hao took Lin Wei and Zhang Jun with them, and it was long overdue. In fact, there is still more than an hour before landing, which is enough time. But in the eyes of the public, it was a different matter. Everyone would think that Wu Hao and the others paid limited attention to this mission, so it was long overdue.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others coming, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Yonghui immediately greeted them.

Mr. Wu!

Wu Hao greeted with a smile, then turned to look at the big screen and asked, "How are you doing now?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhou Xiangming replied with a smile: "The current situation of the lander is normal, and then we will look at the final landing stage, which is also the most dangerous and critical stage in this mission. Success or failure depends on All of a sudden."

It's okay, just calm down and let everything go as normal. No matter what the result is, we can accept it calmly. After all, there are not many precedents for such a task. We are all exploring, so it is normal to encounter ups and downs, so don't worry too much. Wu Hao patted Zhou Xiangming's arm and comforted everyone with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun, Yang Fan and the others all laughed, while Lin Wei rolled her eyes at Wu Hao and said angrily, "You man, this hasn't even started yet, you think about failure first, that's too much!" It's unlucky, give it a few quick poohs, this mission will definitely be successful, I believe everyone."


Hearing Lin Wei's words, everyone present laughed again.

Thank you Mr. Lin. Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and others were distracted, and Lin Wei thanked them.

Well, my fault, my fault, I shouldn't have said this. Wu Hao apologized again and again, then looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's not talk about it, sit down and watch slowly, there is still a while."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone laughed and went to the guest seats to take their seats. Wu Hao sat on one side with Lin Wei, and on the other side was Zhang Jun.

As for the people in charge like Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, they sat in the row in front of them. So even if there is any problem, they can communicate at any time.

In the middle of the big screen is a photo of a lunar satellite. There are circles of green lines drawn in the photo. The end of the green line is a bright spot. This is the lander of the lunar cargo transportation system, and the green line is the It has circled the orbital trajectory of the flight.

In front of the bright spot is the red line, which represents the orbit that has been planned but the lander has not yet passed. Therefore, everyone can clearly see what stage the entire landing process is in.

"At present, our lander is continuing to fly around the moon, and is constantly lowering the orbital height, and adjusting the orbital angle. When the orbital angle we require is reached, the orbital height has reached our designed height, which is the distance The lunar surface is about fifteen kilometers.

When it reaches the Zhihai sky, the lander will immediately perform a powered descent. The entire descent height is about 15 kilometers, which is 15,000 meters. It takes about 14 minutes to land from the descent path.

During this approximately fourteen-minute descent, we're going to slow the lander's speed from 1.7 kilometers per second to zero. In other words, during the entire landing process, our thrust engine will continuously decelerate the lander, which is very critical.

If the deceleration is too slow and the speed of the lander is too fast, so that the landing speed on the lunar surface is too fast, which will cause the entire lander to crash. Isn't that the case with the lunar probe in a big country in South Asia. "

Yu Chengwu leaned sideways and introduced Wu Hao and the others with a smile.

Ha ha ha ha…

His words caused chuckles from the guest seats. Indeed, Ah San's lunar probe is a popular material for many people to make fun of.

Is the orbit of the moon so low, 15,000 meters, which is the height of a jet plane on the earth. At such a low altitude, won't the lander fall directly? Zou Xiaodong, who had just returned from the South China Sea, asked curiously.

Although he stayed in the South China Sea for a few days, this guy was already tanned, and he had a different skin tone from the one who went to the South China Sea. Sure enough, the sun in the South China Sea was still too strong.

Hahahaha, everyone present laughed when they heard Zou Xiaodong's question.

Yu Chengwu also smiled and explained: "No, the volume of the moon is only one-eighth of the earth, its radius is one-fourth of the earth's, and its weight is only one-eighty-one of the earth's.

Therefore, the moon is very small and its mass is very light, so the gravitational force of the moon is also very small, so its gravitational force is only one-sixth of that of the earth, which is 0.17.

In other words, the Karman line of the earth is 100 kilometers. This line distinguishes the earth's atmosphere and space. If it is higher than this line, it will produce a weightless effect. If it is lower than this line, it will feel the gravity of the earth.

The moon's gravitational force is only 17% of that of the earth, that is, the position of the moon's Karman line should be about 17 kilometers, but in fact there are some deviations. In addition, there is no atmosphere on the moon, and the super-high orbital speed of the lander, so it will not fall down to a position of fifteen kilometers. UU reading

In addition, we want the lander to land, so we naturally hope that it can lower the altitude, which has been carefully calculated and there will be no problems. "

"Is it the same for rising?" Zou Xiaodong asked immediately after listening to Yu Chengwu's introduction.

Rising from the moon is roughly the same, but there are some differences. The main thing is to use the centrifugal force generated by the moon’s autobiography to borrow force. Here, less fuel and thrust can be used to push more objects up. This point It is the same as launching rockets on our earth.

This time the landing site is roughly how far away from the location of the scientific research station on the lunar surface we selected. Lin Wei became curious immediately after hearing Yu Chengwu's introduction.

Hearing the question from the proprietress, Yu Chengwu immediately cheered up and answered enthusiastically: "It's about 200 meters to 500 meters, and it depends on the landing accuracy of the lander. If the accuracy can be controlled, then the landing point of the lander It will be very accurate, about two or three hundred meters away from the site, which will facilitate the transportation of subsequent materials."

(end of this chapter)

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