Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2584: Huge Phase 1 project

At the same time, the news that the Lunar Cargo Transport System lander has successfully landed on the surface of the moon was also broadcast live, and the outside reporters, bloggers, and anchors spread it outward.

For a while, related entries, like a rocket, directly climbed to the top of the major search lists, and the Internet was full of relevant reports and news about the successful landing.

In the live broadcast room of the news channel of Weight TV, after the successful landing, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became much more relaxed and happy.

"Master Chen, now that the lander has landed on the moon smoothly, what should we do next?"

In the studio, seeing the host's question, the gorgeously haired Chief Master Chen smiled kindly and said, "Of course there is a lot of work to do next, according to Haoyu Aerospace's follow-up plan for this mission, and We can see the list of materials and equipment transported this time.

First of all, they should first deploy a hypothetical high-power data antenna system, so that they can directly communicate with the earth without going through the satellite relay that goes back around the moon.

We know that because the communication power of satellites is limited, especially the relay communication satellites that go back around the moon, the power is limited, so the communication bandwidth that can be provided is limited, and only small-capacity data information transmission can be carried out, which certainly cannot meet the needs of subsequent moon missions. The construction of the lunar surface scientific research station is also not conducive to the follow-up scientific research work.

Therefore, it is very necessary to set up such a high-power data antenna system. "

Speaking of this, Master Chen changed the subject and then emphasized: "Of course, this does not mean that the relay satellite is useless, it is not like this. Because the moon is revolving around the earth, it still has to pass through the earth most of the time. The relay communication satellites in orbit carry out the transmission of data signals.

Compared with the relay communication satellites in lunar orbit, the relay communication satellites orbiting in earth orbit are larger, heavier, and have higher power, which are suitable for transmitting large-capacity data information. "

"After the high-power data antenna is set up, it has to be powered. Although it has solar panels, it is definitely not enough to be close to this. So this time there is a set of solar panels in the cargo. These solar panels will jointly contribute to a solar power station on the moon, and will be connected with the super solid-state battery pack transported in this cargo, so as to provide this high-power data antenna system and a series of subsequent construction tasks. and scientific research tasks for power supply.

For example, the lunar soil 3D printer transported up this time, its principle is actually to melt the sand on the lunar soil into liquid through high temperature, and then print out related building components through nozzles.

The entire printing process consumes a lot of power, so a lot of power is needed to keep it running, and this solar power station is essential.

So in the next period of time, what the entire project technical team has to do is to unpack these materials and goods, and then build related infrastructure to prepare for the official construction of the lunar surface scientific research station. "

The host nodded, then looked at a relatively young expert next to him and asked with a smile: "Professor Zhao, as an expert consultant for this project, you have participated in the entire project's demonstration and establishment process. Can you tell us something? Interesting thing we don't know?"

Hearing the host's question, Professor Zhao smiled slightly, and then said to the host with a smile: "When Haoyu Aerospace's lunar exploration plan and lunar surface scientific research station project were conducting feasibility studies, Haoyu Aerospace invited Aerospace Experts and professors in the field and cosmic celestial body research went to conduct feasibility demonstrations.

As for Haoyu Aerospace, it also explained in detail the huge and brilliant lunar exploration plan to all experts, and among them, the lunar lunar surface scientific research station is the core part of the entire exploration plan, and it is also the most critical link.

Only when its construction is completed can it provide a safe and stable living and scientific research environment for our astronauts and scientists going to the moon, which is equivalent to a wilderness shelter.

We know how important it is to have a shelter like this in the wilderness. This is like a home, once you have a home, you can live here for a long time.

Just like many of our young people who work in big cities, if you want to stay in this city, you must first have a suite and a residence, which is the foundation.

What Haoyu Aerospace is doing now is to build such a house on the moon to prepare for the subsequent long-term residence on the moon. "

Speaking of this, Professor Zhao pointed to the CG bird's-eye view of the lunar scientific research station on the screen and said: "Let me tell you a little bit, the part we see so far, that is, the buildings and facilities on this picture, is just the moon. The first phase of the scientific research station."

Is it only the first phase of the project that huge? The host was slightly surprised.

Professor Zhao said with a smile: "The construction scale of the first phase of the project is about 500 square meters, which can accommodate 20 astronauts and scientists to stay in the research station for a long time.

Because the moon has gravity, although it is only one-sixth, such gravity can make our astronauts and scientists stay on it for a long time ~ ~ will not appear in the space station's weightless environment, causing Symptoms of rapid loss of human muscle and bone appear.

Of course, these 500 square meters are only the core area of ​​the entire lunar surface scientific research station, which is its main living and scientific research area. Outside the core area, the functional area serving the entire core area is larger.

For example, the high-power antenna data antenna system we mentioned earlier provides communication support services for the later operation and use of the entire research station. For large-scale solar power stations, only sufficient power can guarantee the operation and use of the entire research station. Not only do people need electricity for their lives, but scientific research also requires a lot of electricity.

There are not only long days on the moon, but also long nights, about two weeks. Under such a long night, the temperature on the surface of the moon will drop to more than minus 230 degrees. In such extremely cold weather, solar power stations cannot generate electricity.

And the entire lunar surface scientific research station is inseparable from electricity for a second, so we need to install a battery for it. This is the peak valley energy storage power station. A battery pack is installed in the research station to form a peak-valley energy storage power station to regulate and control the electricity demand of the entire lunar surface scientific research station.

During the long day of the moon, the electricity generated by the solar power station will not only supply the entire research station, but also charge the battery pack.

After the long night comes, the solar power station stops developing. At this time, the power stored in the battery of the peak and valley energy storage power station needs to be supplied to the entire base. "


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