Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2585: Moon tourism 1 will surely be a dream come true

One project is so huge, isn't the scale of the second and third phases of the project much larger than this. the host asked.

Professor Zhao nodded with a smile and replied: "Yes, the scale of the second phase of the project will be about twice that of the first phase, and it will be able to accommodate more than 100 astronauts and scientific researchers to live and work here.

At that time, it will also become the largest lunar scientific research station on the moon, and it will also become the largest commercial scientific research center on the moon.

After the completion of the second phase of the project, the scientific research station on the lunar surface will also be open to the public. At that time, everyone will have the opportunity to travel to the moon for a period of time. "

One hundred people, this is only the second phase of the project, so there is no third phase? The host then delivered the speech.

Hearing what the host said, Professor Zhao replied with a smile: "There are three phases of the project, and the scale of the third phase is larger, four to five times the current scale.

Once completed, it will form a complex that integrates functional modules such as scientific research, life, tourism, industrial production, and mineral development on the moon.

The entire lunar surface scientific research station is large in scale and will accommodate more than a thousand scientific research technicians, experts, astronauts, and even workers in various industries.

It can be said that a small lunar city has been formed. "

It's really incredible. The host sighed, then glanced at the teleprompter on the computer screen in front of him, and then asked Professor Zhao: "Then Professor Zhao, Haoyu Aerospace spent so much money, so much manpower and material resources to build such a large-scale project. What is the use of the lunar scientific research station? With such a huge investment regardless of cost, isn’t Haoyu Aerospace afraid of losing money?”

Hehe, both Professor Zhao and Mr. Chen laughed when they heard the host's words.

Mr. Chen said with a smile: "Actually, if you invest in aerospace technology research and development in a planned way, not only will you not lose money, but you will also make money. According to the calculations of European and American countries, every 1 yuan invested in the aerospace field will generate 7 to 12 yuan." s return.

Both Haoyu Aerospace and the Haoyu Technology it relies on are commercial companies. Their purpose of doing this, or the motivation that drives them to do this is profit. To put it bluntly, it is the people in charge of Haoyu Technology and Haoyu Aerospace who have taken a fancy to the huge potential of lunar development and the huge market benefits it brings, so they are so active in this field. "

After Mr. Chen's words fell, Professor Zhao followed his words and added: "Haoyu Aerospace is a private aerospace company, and it is also a listed company. Such a company must be closely following the development of the market. The current society Capital is more enthusiastic about investing in the aerospace field, which further shows that aerospace exploration, especially scientific research and exploration projects on extraterrestrial planets, are very popular in the capital market.

It is precisely because of this that they are so active in continuing this huge project. Moreover, the stock price of Haoyu Aerospace has increased several times since its listing, which further shows that the market is optimistic about this project. "

At this point, Professor Zhao paused, and then continued: "In addition to the stock market capital factor, this project itself is a cutting-edge project with great development potential.

Once this lunar surface scientific research station is completed, it will be open to the whole world. At that time, astronauts and scientists from other countries can participate in this project, live and live on the moon, and conduct scientific experiments.

In addition, if other countries want to carry out lunar exploration, they don't have to develop their own launch vehicles and launch vehicles.

You only need to develop your own patrol device, or scientific research equipment, and then reach the relevant cargo spacecraft of Haoyu Aerospace to transport it to the moon, and then release and deploy it.

It can be said that this lunar scientific research station will become a gateway for human beings to enter and exit the moon. It is like a port or a canal. The fastest, most convenient and economical way for other people to reach the moon is to pass through here. .

And mastering here is equivalent to controlling the entire moon to a certain extent.

In addition, there are also abundant mineral resources on the moon, especially the helium-III resource, which is the dream of mankind.

The ultimate source of energy you've been coveting for. As can be seen in Haoyu Aerospace's long-term plan for the scientific research station on the lunar surface, the exploitation of helium three resources has also become one of the important plans.

At present, in the international market, the price of one ton of helium III is about three billion U.S. dollars. And how much helium-3 is on the moon, about 1.3 million tons.

Even if it is calculated based on 20% of the mining volume, this is 260,000 tons, which can create an output value of 7.8 trillion yuan. You are talking about whether this is a profitable business.

In addition, there are other rare minerals on the moon, such as the platinum meteorite core that was relatively popular some time ago, which was discovered by Haoyu Aerospace's probe.

At present, they are said to be cooperating with some national jewelry brand giants, and plan to transport this platinum meteorite star core back for Preliminary plan, this one-ton platinum meteorite star core can probably create billions of output value.

Finally, let's talk about the simplest one, tourism development. At present, the price of tourism on the International Space Station is about 50 million U.S. dollars, and the price of tourism on the lunar surface scientific research station must be more expensive than this price. Compared with going to space, traveling to extraterrestrial planets like the moon is obviously more expensive attractive.

And such a trip to the moon will cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars, not including other expenses. "

"According to what you said, this moon tour is too expensive. It is basically impossible for us ordinary people to go to the moon, and our strength does not allow it." The host said with a smile.

Hearing the host's sarcasm, Professor Zhao said with a smile: "These are only temporary. In the future, with the advancement of technology, the cost of traveling to the moon will become lower and lower for ordinary people, and eventually we will reach a place that everyone can afford. within the acceptable range.

For example, in the current space tourism, some international commercial aerospace companies and our country including Haoyu Aerospace are actively developing. Now they only need to pay a small fee. Ordinary people can go to the sky for a few laps and experience weightlessness. feelings.

Our domestic Haoyu Aerospace is also actively developing tourism-related aerospace projects, such as taking their traveler series spacecraft to the sky to travel around, and their quotations are cheaper than foreign countries.

It's just that, because our country is still in the early stages of space tourism, the progress is relatively slow, but I believe that this day will come soon, and the desire for space tourism and moon tourism will definitely come true. "

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