Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2586: Good start

The complete success of the landing means that the launch mission of the lunar cargo transportation system has been a complete success, and it also represents the first step in Haoyu Aerospace's lunar exploration and the construction of the lunar surface scientific research station, ushering in a good start.

For the staff of the entire lunar cargo transportation system spacecraft project technical team, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief and have a good night's sleep.

Since the launch of the lunar cargo transportation system, the staff of the entire project technical team can be said to have not had a good night's sleep, and they are on standby at their respective positions every day to deal with any positive situations that may occur.

You know, the distance of 380,000 kilometers is not too short, and it has to go from one planet to another, which involves gravitational escape, gravitational capture, deep space maneuvering, deep space steering, deceleration and braking , orbiting, orbiting, and a series of technical issues, every link is very important.

Although there have been two previous successful cases, this time is different, because this time, both the lunar cargo transportation system spacecraft and the cargo carried are more than ten times that of the previous ones, so the difficulty can be imagined.

So at this moment, I can imagine the mood of the entire project technical team members. Wu Hao, who was also a technician, naturally understood their mood at this time, and extended cordial condolences to the team members.

After the successful landing, the follow-up work will be steadily advanced, but there must be no big moves tonight. I just finished such a difficult task as landing, so I have to take a breath.

So after expressing condolences to the staff in the hall, Wu Hao and the others were about to leave immediately, but unfortunately, he did not leave, because the group of reporters, bloggers and anchors outside had not dispersed yet, waiting for Wu Hao and the others to show up Woolen cloth.

Faced with this situation, Wu Hao had no choice but to bring Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and the others to appear in front of the reporters. As soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by this group of people.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu...

At this time, Yu Chengwu, who was standing next to Wu Hao, stood in front of Wu Hao, and while protecting Wu Hao, he said to these reporters: "Friends from the press, please be quiet, please consciously maintain the order of the scene and ask questions in an orderly manner. "

Mr. Wu, how do you feel now?

After hearing Yu Chengwu's words, the scene immediately fell silent. Before everyone could speak, a female reporter standing in front immediately asked.

Wu Hao smiled lightly when he saw this: "Of course I feel better. This is a great victory for us in the aerospace industry, so we are naturally worthy of joy."

"Mr. Wu, the successful landing on the moon this time means that the construction of the scientific research station on the lunar surface can be officially started." Another male reporter hurriedly asked when he saw that he had lost his words.

When the other reporters saw this, they could only look helplessly at the reporter, then looked at Wu Hao and waited for his answer.

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard the words and said: "That's right, the goods we transported this time are basically used for the construction and preliminary preparations of the lunar surface scientific research station.

But this does not mean that the lunar surface scientific research station will start construction immediately. First, we need to carry out a series of preparatory work. For example, building and arranging a series of other basic support facilities, such as communication base stations, solar power stations, deploying and debugging multi-purpose engineering robots and intelligent control robots, and debugging lunar soil 3D printers, etc.

After all the preparations are ready, we will also strengthen the foundations required for the building, and only after these are ready can the construction be officially started.

We know that the foundation of a house is the most important thing, and the same is true for this lunar surface scientific research station. The surface of the lunar soil is relatively fluffy. If there is no solid foundation, the built house may have problems such as tilting and subsidence, which will seriously affect the quality of the building and endanger the safety of people living in the building.

In addition, everything needed by this house, such as water, electricity and network, is required. On the Moon, each of these matters.

For example, electricity, everyone knows that all the household appliances we use are powered by electricity.

Electricity should be the best solution here. Although it is easy to solve, it is more difficult to solve this problem on the moon. First of all, we have to transport many solar panels to the moon. Solar panels may not be expensive, but the shipping fee from the earth to the moon is very expensive. To drive the operation of such a large scientific research station, the solar panels required are calculated in tons.

Secondly, everyone knows that one day on the moon is roughly equivalent to about twenty-nine days on the earth, which is about one month on the earth. Among them, the daytime on the moon is about 14 days, and the night is also about 14 days.

We know that the temperature difference on the moon is very large. During the day, when the sun is directly shining, the surface temperature of the light-receiving surface can reach a maximum of 150 degrees. Such high temperature is of course suitable for power generation, but it is also a huge test for power generation And at night, the lowest temperature can reach minus 180 degrees, even like some craters or shaded places in canyons The lowest temperature can reach minus two hundred and thirty degrees.

Such a cold and hot, the requirements for all materials are extremely strict. Even if it is as hard as a rock, under the temperature difference between day and night on the moon for hundreds of millions of years, it decomposes and disintegrates into grains of fine sand.

So electricity is very important on the moon. With electricity, we can use electricity to insulate all equipment and facilities to ensure that they can survive such a severe winter. The reason why our "Moon Rabbit No. 1" broke down is that it has not survived the cold winter of the moon.

On the moon, the duration of day and night is relatively long, and solar panels can be used to generate electricity during the day, but at night, solar panels cannot generate electricity, so where should the electricity come from? "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, glanced at the reporters gathered in the front row, and then continued: "In this case, there are generally two solutions, the first is to use isotope thermoelectric generators to Power generation is also the most mature technology used in Europe and the United States, especially the Laomi space probe. Using this technology, these probes do not have to fear night and winter, and even sandstorms on Mars.

However, this isotope thermoelectric generator also has its disadvantages, such as high technical difficulty, radiation, and limited power generation. It is possible to maintain a detector, but it must be a bit stretched to maintain a huge scientific research station. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed the subject and then smiled: "At this time, some people may say, why not directly transport a nuclear power plant to the moon? Isn't there so much helium-3 on the moon? This will solve all problems."

Ha ha ha ha…

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