Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2587: Building a nuclear power plant on the moon is not currently feasible

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After everyone chuckled, Wu Hao answered with a smile.

"At present, our technology is still unable to realize the miniaturization and portability of nuclear power plants. In addition, operating a nuclear power plant in such a cruel environment as the moon is also a very difficult, very high and very complicated system project.

As far as our current technology is concerned, it is still impossible to do this. Not to mention the utilization of helium-3 resources. At present, we have not broken through the fusion power generation technology of helium-3. That is to say, nuclear power plants all over the world currently use fission reactions, and fusion reactions have not yet been realized to generate electricity, let alone we are on the moon. Deployment and construction of nuclear power plants.

But in the future, I believe that with the completion and use of the Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station, more and more scientific research projects will be conducted here and breakthroughs will be made gradually. The dream of building a nuclear power plant on the moon will eventually come true. real. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then changed his tone and said: "Since the isotope thermoelectric generator and the nuclear power plant are not working, then there is only one way, and that is battery energy storage.

Using advanced battery packs to build a large-scale energy storage power station on the moon, so as to meet the continuous and stable operation of the entire lunar surface scientific research station.

There is no atmosphere on the moon, so the sunlight is relatively transparent during the day, so the solar panels can generate electricity to the greatest extent, and as the scale of solar power stations continues to increase, this also makes the power generation of solar power stations somewhat redundant, and also That is to say, when it was issued, it could not be used up. At this time, we can store the excess electricity in the energy storage battery, and then release it when needed.

In this way, even in the long lunar night, with the energy storage battery for continuous power supply, the lunar surface scientific research station can continue to operate stably. In addition, some other equipment and facilities can also be maintained by external power supply or necessary heat preservation to ensure that these equipment and facilities can safely and smoothly survive the long lunar night. "

"With electricity, other things are easy to obtain. First of all, the network problem. Among the materials and equipment we transported this time, there is a high-power data antenna, which can meet the requirements of the communication between the moon and the earth for a long time in the future. Communication connection, to achieve large-capacity communication needs.

Then there are water and air. In fact, these two are also easy to solve. In our previous exploration, we found that there are abundant solid water resources under the surface of Zhihai. In addition, in the shadows of some nearby craters, there are also shadows of some mountains, and there are very rich solid water in cracks and canyons.

These we can use the principle of electric heating to collect these water resources in the lunar soil for use. Water can not only be drunk and used directly, but also can use water to electrolyze oxygen.

In this way, we can create a stable living environment on the moon, thus laying the conditions for the long-term stationing of personnel.

In addition, with water, we can also carry out soilless cultivation and build our own ecological farms, so as to realize the asset autonomy of some things.

In addition, the hydrogen and oxygen obtained from water electrolysis are high-quality fuels for hydrogen-oxygen rocket engines, so they can be used for fueling requirements for landing and ascending vehicles.

Finally, some of the kitchen and bathroom waste produced by these human beings, including excrement, can be combined and fermented with the remaining participating sewage after purification, so as to produce high-quality fertilizer at the production site. These fertilizers can be used not only for soilless cultivation, but also for modifying the lunar soil to build farmland inside the lunar greenhouse. "

After talking about this, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "Of course, these projects cannot be completed immediately, and this requires a long construction process.

At present, the most important thing we need to do is to level the lunar soil in this area and make them as smooth as possible. Besides that, we had to cast the foundations under the site where the station was going to be built.

Use the lunar soil 3D printer we shipped up to print bricks and then tile them to form a complete raft foundation. After all these are completed, we will be able to officially build a lunar surface scientific research station on it. "

Mr. Wu, when will this scientific research station on the lunar surface be built? Can we go there?

After he finished his answer, a reporter in the front row seized the opportunity to ask a question.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao changed his tone slightly, and then replied unhurriedly: "The Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station is divided into three phases, and the first phase of the project will be completed within three years.

After the entire first phase of the project is completed and put into use, it will accommodate more than 20 astronauts and scientists living and working in it for a long time. At that time, we will also be open to domestic and foreign, and all scientists will have the opportunity to go up there for scientific research.

In addition, we will also open up some places for tourists who are interested in traveling to the moon for vacation. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and said: "Of course, at this stage, the price of traveling to the moon is relatively expensive. We will also put into use when the second and third phases of the lunar scientific research station are completed. Finally, gradually expand the scale of tourists, and use a variety of technologies to reduce the price of tourism to the moon.

For example, using recyclable reuse technology, we can reduce the price of personal travel to the sky to a very low range. After the launch of my space tourism project in the future, all of us have the opportunity and ability to travel to space.

The same is true for lunar tourism. With the operation of our space express and repeatable lunar landing ascenders, the cost of going to the moon will drop significantly, and the price of tourist tickets between the earth and the moon will also be greatly reduced. of. And with the continuous application of new technologies, the cost of UU Reading will continue to decrease, and eventually it will fall within a price range that ordinary people can afford. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then added: "Of course, what I mean by the price range affordable by ordinary people refers to some people with certain economic skills who can afford travel expenses and family.

After all, the economic foundation of each of us is different. Some people feel distressed when they spend more than 100,000 yuan to travel, and some people feel distressed when they spend one or two hundred yuan to a tourist attraction. It is impossible for us to take care of it. everyone.

In the future, no matter how low the price of space tourism and moon tourism is, it will not be so low that everyone can afford it. After all, for a long time in the foreseeable future, going to space and going to the moon are not necessary, they are just a high-end consumer goods.

So how to choose depends on everyone. Some people may spend several million to buy a house and live a stable life, while others may spend several million to be crazy. Different life choices will naturally have different opportunities. .

Which of these two choices is higher and which is lower, this cannot be clearly stated, let alone right or wrong, individual choices are different. "

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