Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2593: Blueprint of the Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station

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With the completion of the erection of the large-scale data antenna system on the lunar surface, Wu Hao led Zhang Jun and the others to reappear in the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Hall.

Seeing them coming, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming greeted them enthusiastically.

After a few pleasantries, Wu Hao looked at the screen and said, "Then let's start."

Okay, Yu Chengwu nodded after hearing the words, and then ordered: "Call out all the images from the monitoring cameras from 01 to 10 on the lunar surface of the research station."

Change source app]


Immediately, the data screen on the big screen disappeared, and ten surveillance video screen windows appeared and tiled on the big screen. The images in these video screen windows are all similar, they are all the desolate moon surface, and the black cosmic background, and in a few of them, the earth can be seen hanging in mid-air.

"Why do I see that several pictures are repeated?" Zhang Jun observed and asked curiously.

Hearing Zhang Jun's question, Yu Chengwu looked at Zhou Xiangming with a smile, and the latter immediately replied: "These are ten surveillance cameras, all of which are deployed on large data antennas.

According to different angle and position functions, it can be divided into three types: wide-angle fixed position, rotating position and special position.

The first is the fixed position, which is located on the antenna mast, and there are a total of four at the bottom. They can cover a large area of ​​360 degrees around the antenna, and because they use ultra-high-definition wide-angle cameras, they have strong resolution and the images captured will not be distorted.

Through these ultra-high-definition wide-angle cameras, we can realize real-time high-definition monitoring of the area around the entire lunar surface scientific research station, and can also adjust the angle of these positions according to needs to achieve key monitoring.

The three cameras on it are rotating cameras, which can turn freely at 360 degrees, monitor any angle through adjustment, and can also monitor nearby moving objects.

For example, when our intelligent control robots are working, they can realize uninterrupted tracking and monitoring through them.

The three rotating cameras are all ultra-high-definition cameras, which can track and monitor multiple targets at the same time. This will be our main force in the future, and will be used in the construction of scientific research stations and other scientific research projects.

Among the three cameras above, except for the panoramic camera on the top, the remaining two are special cameras, and an infrared spectrum camera is a synthetic aperture camera, which is used to monitor infrared spectrum signals. The other is an ultra-high-definition telephoto camera for monitoring distant areas. "

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's introduction, everyone present nodded. Zou Xiaodong, who followed Wu Hao and the others, couldn't help asking while looking at the pictures on the big screen.

"Where is this large data antenna built? Why is the lander missing?"

"The lander is here!" Zhou Xiangming zoomed in on a picture, pointed at the white dot in the distance and said to Zou Xiaodong. While talking, they were manipulating the keyboard in their hands. As the picture continued to zoom in, everyone finally saw the whole picture of the lander and the packages placed near the lander.

"How far is this lander from the antenna?" Zhang Jun asked curiously. Obviously, he didn't expect that the antenna was so far away from the lander, and he needed to zoom in to see the lander.

The distance between the antenna and the lander is about 350 meters. With that said, Zhou Xiangming produced a lunar satellite map and introduced it to everyone.

"Everyone, please look. This is the lunar satellite map near the Rifei Mountains in the northwest of Zhihai. The west of the map is the Rifei Mountains. This is the landing site of our lander, and this white dot is it.

And our antenna is built 350 meters northwest of this white point, which is here. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming changed to a satellite map. This satellite map is the same as the previous one, except that many areas are marked with colored boxes, lines, and text.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is the satellite planning diagram of our entire lunar surface scientific research station."

"The area in the southeast direction on the map, that is, the light yellow circular area, is our landing field. The entire landing field is 500 meters in diameter, and our lander lands at a position about ten meters from the center of the landing field. This is the white spot .

In the northwest area of ​​the landing site, this point here is our large data antenna system, and the flat area on the north side of it is the core area of ​​our lunar scientific research station.

This side near the Riffy Mountains is a material and equipment warehouse built by us, which is mainly used for the storage of some materials and equipment. The area near the northwest area is our resource storage station, which stores the water resources we collected, as well as the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen obtained by electrolysis.

And to the northeast of the research station is the solar power station we planned. This area will be used for the laying and installation of solar panels, and next to it is a large-scale energy storage power station for storing the electricity generated by the solar power station.

To the east of the research station is the endless Zhihai Plain, where we set up an outdoor test area for some outdoor exposure experiments on the lunar surface. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming changed his tone and said with a kind smile: "Of course, this is just our design and planning plan. The specific construction method has to be adapted to local conditions. Some changes should be made to this planning plan according to relevant needs."

"The landing field of 500 meters is not a large scale." After listening to Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao commented, and then said: "How do you ensure the accuracy of each landing so that the lander lands within this range? Within, ensure the security of the research station.

The second question is that the landing field is so small, how will the subsequent landers land Can it accommodate other landers? "

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming also put away their smiles and took it seriously.

Zhou Xiangming, who is in charge of technology, explained to Wu Hao: "It's like this, this landing site is just the main landing site we plan for landing ascenders in the future.

The landers currently landing on this landing site will be dismantled according to the construction needs of our research station. These parts and materials on the lander will be used in the construction of our research station to avoid related resources. Waste, this has been taken into account at the beginning of the design of our lunar cargo transportation system lander.

As for the subsequent landing ascender, compared with this one-time lander, the control is more precise. With a landing height of 14 kilometers, it can land accurately with an actual error of no more than 50 meters. Therefore, we are confident and have sufficient capabilities to ensure the landing safety of the lander and the safety of our research station.

In addition, in order to meet the follow-up needs, we will also build a larger auxiliary landing field outside the main landing field. It can be replaced and used at any time according to the needs of the task. Ensure that the security of the research station is not compromised. "

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