Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2594: The "Dongfeng" of the aerospace technology industry

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With the smooth launch of the Moon Live Channel, Haoyu Aerospace's stock price also skyrocketed. And it also drives aerospace-related stocks to soar.

This naturally made Haoyu Aerospace happy. Of course, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were also secretly happy. After all, they were the bulls.

The success of Haoyu Aerospace has naturally stimulated the development of domestic and even international aerospace technology industries, and a large number of so-called emerging aerospace technology companies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

As for how many of these emerging aerospace technology companies will survive in the end, I don't know, and this is not something Wu Hao and the others worry about.

With their current strength, they are not afraid of competition from others at all. Even on the one hand, they are happy to see these new forces join in. Only by making the pie bigger can they get more.

Moreover, among these new enterprises, there will inevitably be some who will cooperate with them, and will inevitably use their commercial launch vehicles to launch their own spacecraft and satellites, which will also bring benefits to them.

Of course, the emergence of such a large wave of new companies will inevitably bring about some negative effects. Among them, what bothered Wu Hao and the others the most, and also disgusted them, was the small actions of some companies.

For example, digging out some important technical experts and executives in Haoyu Aerospace through high salaries. Although these technical experts and executives of Haoyu Aerospace have received share incentives after the company's listing, many of them still cannot resist the temptation of high salaries to be fired.

An ordinary technical expert actually dismissed an annual salary of several million. Such a price can no longer be evaluated reasonably, it can only be said to be crazy and outrageous.

The salaries of these technical experts in Haoyu Aerospace are not low, and they are at a relatively high level in the domestic and foreign fields. It is not a dream to have an annual salary of one million, but they are basically at this level.

The annual salary of millions is undoubtedly inflated, so why do these companies want to spend so much money to poach these people? On the one hand, of course, it is to obtain the relatively mature technology of Haoyu Aerospace through the means of these people. It is not only these people who have been poached with so much money, but also the technologies they have mastered.

Secondly, this is to take the opportunity to carry out publicity and marketing, so as to attract more investment.

How many of these emerging aerospace companies intend to really engage in the aerospace industry, and how many of them are using the gimmick of the aerospace industry to obtain capital profits.

Finally, it is because the employees of Haoyu Aerospace or Haoyu Technology are not low in salary, coupled with very generous benefits, and the company environment, the voluntary turnover rate of these employees is very low.

So in order to be able to attract these people, these emerging aerospace companies naturally gave even more inflated salaries, which made these people tempted.

It's just that these people's wishful thinking may be in vain. In fact, in response to this kind of poaching, Wu Hao and the others have already taken relevant measures in this regard. For example, technical personnel and experts in all core positions have signed confidentiality agreements and non-compete agreements.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for emerging aerospace companies to dig these core personnel from them. Even if they are able to pay expensive liquidated damages, according to relevant laws, Haoyu Aerospace still has the right to require these resigned employees to abide by the terms of the non-compete agreement and perform relevant business.

And these so-called technical experts who can be successfully poached from Haoyu Aerospace are ordinary technicians who have no access to core technologies and are no longer in core positions. After these personnel were poached, they became so-called technical experts after being packaged by the other party.

Regarding this, Wu Hao and the others also turned a blind eye to it. This kind of thing is very chaotic, and they don't bother to get involved. Let these people make trouble. As for how big a mess they can make, that's up to them. Capital or those who play capital are not fools, and it is impossible to spend money so vainly, so it is hard to say who played who, who took advantage of whom, and who cheated who in the end.

But one thing is certain, those who want to join in the fun and make a lot of money through opportunism will lose everything in the end.

In addition to these emerging aerospace companies, some traditional technology companies and Internet companies are also increasing their investment in the aerospace technology industry. For example, Penguin has been increasing its investment in this area since it established a related aerospace technology industry company.

It may be that in the field of launch vehicles, it is no longer able to compete with Haoyu Aerospace, so Penguin focused on spacecraft and satellites. Seven or eight satellites and spacecraft have been launched so far.

In the field of satellite communication, cloud computing, and quantum communication, etc., a lot of achievements have been made.

In addition to Penguin, there is also a where its investment is more comprehensive. In addition to investing in some potential aerospace companies, they have also set up their own laboratories and research institutes in aerospace technology, and experts carry out research and development in this area.

A commercial launch vehicle company invested by them also successfully conducted its first launch at the Northwest Space Launch Site last year, and it was a complete success.

In addition to these two traditional Internet giants, some other technology companies and Internet companies are also entering the entire aerospace technology field in various forms.

It seems that everyone has seen the huge potential of the aerospace industry in the future, and they are pouring in one after another. For a while, the entire aerospace technology industry has a gust of wind.

As a leading enterprise in the domestic private commercial aerospace field, Haoyu Aerospace naturally cannot miss this opportunity. On the one hand, of course, it is actively promoting its own related technologies and commercial businesses, and expanding the overall market share. On the other hand, it is actively serving these emerging aerospace companies.

Look at the development direction of these emerging aerospace companies, and formulate relevant service items for them.

For example, if the other party wants to engage in the development of commercial launch vehicles, Haoyu Aerospace can provide a series of technologies and related components for commercial rockets, such as launch vehicle engines, fuel tanks, flight control systems, and so on.

Another example is that these aerospace companies want to engage in the development of satellites or other spacecraft. Haoyu Aerospace can only provide a general-purpose satellite platform, or provide the technology and related components required for the development of satellites.

In addition to providing technology and parts, Haoyu Aerospace can even provide technical guidance and support OEM.

As long as they place relevant orders according to their own requirements, Haoyu Aerospace's satellite production factory can customize a rocket, a satellite, and a spacecraft for these customers.

The launch vehicles, satellites and spacecraft produced are of course "developed" by these enterprises, but Haoyu Aerospace has full authority to manufacture them.

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