Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2604: Special equipment tailored for special operations

Chapter 2604 Special equipment tailored for special operations

Chapter 2604 of the main text of Military Science and Technology Special equipment tailor-made for special operations Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone present also laughed lightly. That's right, it's different now, and our army can also call for airdrops anytime, anywhere.

In this way, the operating time of these special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor can be greatly extended, so that it can support long-term and high-intensity battles.

Even if there is no airdrop support, there is no need to worry. So many charging methods and methods introduced by Zhang Xiaolei have been considered enough, so this problem should be said to have been solved very well, which relieved everyone's worries and doubts.

Zhang Xiaolei, who had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, smiled and continued to introduce.

"Next is the weapon system that everyone is most concerned about."

Hearing what Zhang Xiaolei said, everyone present became interested. Indeed, regardless of the type of weapon and equipment, the weapon system has always been the focus of everyone's greatest concern. If the weapon system of a weapon is not good, then no matter how good it is elsewhere, it is useless.

"Our special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor has a very advanced fire control system. Whether it is its own external weapons or ordinary weapons used, this fire control system can perform ballistic calculations very accurately, thereby increasing Accuracy of various weapon attacks.

The fingers of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor are very flexible and can fit perfectly with the wearer's fingers. It can also provide good protection for the wearer's hands without affecting the dexterity of the fingers too much. .

Therefore, after wearing this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, our special operators can still use ordinary weapons and equipment, such as ordinary firearms, ordinary ammunition, and ordinary various weapons and equipment.

And these ordinary individual weapons and equipment can greatly improve its accuracy and firepower with the assistance of the special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor fire control system. "

"In addition, because this set of special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor has a full-body power assist system, our special forces can more easily control these weapons and equipment without feeling strenuous due to the huge recoil or affecting shooting accuracy.

With the support of the whole body assist system, the special forces members can be well fixed and supported when holding the gun design, which is like the gun is fixed on the tripod, which greatly improves the shooting performance of the gun. The huge recoil force, and it can also improve the accuracy of firearm design because of the stability when shooting. "

"In addition, with the strong supporting capacity of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, it can carry more weapons, equipment and ammunition, and carry hundreds of kilograms or even hundreds of kilograms of materials on its back without any problem. In special mechanical With the help of the exoskeleton protective armor support system, our special combat personnel just feel that they are carrying a quilt and can only feel a very light weight.

Therefore, it can carry a large amount of ammunition and combat materials, so that it can maintain the long-term and high-intensity combat missions of the combat unit, and even carry some weapons and equipment that were difficult for individual soldiers to carry before, thereby further enhancing its combat effectiveness. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaolei paused for a moment, then looked at the crowd and continued to preach: "In addition to using conventional weapons and equipment, this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor can also be used as a mobile platform to install various weapons and equipment. A three-barreled rotary machine gun with a rate of fire of up to 3,000 rounds per minute can suppress the enemy with very powerful firepower.

And the super large load capacity can allow it to carry more ammunition, so as to last for a longer period of firepower output.

In addition to installing a heavy machine gun, we can also install a rocket launcher, or a missile bracket, or a suicide attack drone launcher for it, making it a fire output unit in the team to support other members of the team in combat. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present nodded in praise.

Wang Lianggong turned his head to Wu Hao and said, "Let me just say, you boy will definitely not disappoint us, I didn't expect to come up with such a good thing again.

Has this been successfully developed, and when will it be mass-produced? "

Hearing Wang Lianggong's words, Wu Hao replied with a smile: "With the previous generations of products as the basis, the development process of this exoskeleton protective armor is relatively smooth. The current prototype and experimental improved models have also been developed, and passed Various complex test items. We are improving and optimizing according to some problems encountered in the test, so as to further improve its comprehensive performance.

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For example, we have integrated the battlefield information control system we showed before into this product, so that every soldier wearing this exoskeleton protective armor on the battlefield is a combat unit. If necessary, our orders can be issued directly to the front of the battlefield.

In addition, through the sensors on each set of exoskeleton protective armor, the command center behind us can control the latest developments on the frontier of the battlefield in real time, so as to know ourselves and the enemy, and win every battle. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Wang Lianggong and Li Weiguo Luo Kai and they continued to smile and said: "Of course, if the troops need it, we can also improve and optimize it according to the actual needs of the troops. , so as to better fit its operating environment and tactical characteristics, and exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

As for mass production, as long as the contract is confirmed, our unmanned intelligent manufacturing factory can change the order at any time for queue production. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

What Wu Hao said is very straightforward, that is, he can produce at any time, the key is to see when they place the order and finalize the contract.

After laughing happily, Luo Kai looked at this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor for a while, and then asked Wu Hao: "I'm afraid the cost of this exoskeleton protective armor is not cheap."

Sure enough, Luo Kai's words made the whole scene quiet. This is indeed the question that everyone is most concerned about now. What is the price of such a good piece of equipment? Everyone is guessing and curious at the same time.

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao did not answer directly, but smiled and said: "Of course, you get what you pay for. The performance of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is better than that of ordinary exoskeleton protective armor." The performance of the armor has to be greatly improved, so its development and production costs will naturally rise.

Therefore, we position it as special equipment, which is only used to equip some special operations forces and troops with special operational needs, and is not suitable for large-scale equipment.

Of course, this is a piece of individual equipment after all, and its cost should be relatively cheap compared to other army equipment. The important thing is that it has strong combat effectiveness. "Previous chapter table of contents bookmark the next chapter

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