Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2605: Underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor

After Wu Hao's words fell, everyone at the scene laughed. Although Wu Hao didn't answer this question directly, everyone understood the implication.

That is, this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is not suitable for large-scale equipment, which also means that its cost is naturally relatively high.

But when you think about it, there are no cheap weapons and equipment with such good comprehensive performance, and they still understand the principle that you get what you pay for.

While everyone was laughing and exchanging, the colonel who asked the question just now came over and saluted Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, hello, I am Chen Zifang from the XX Army Special Operations Brigade from the Eastern Theater. "

Hello, Colonel Chen. Wu Hao shook hands with the other party immediately after hearing the words.

I have mentioned Mr. Wu's name a long time ago, wishing to see him sooner, today I finally met the real person. Chen Zifang seemed a little chatty, and then took Wu Hao's hand and smiled: "Actually, we had an intersection in previous exercises, but we didn't have time to get to know you because of the mission."

Haha, that is indeed a pity. Wu Hao also responded with a smile. To be honest, he can't remember at all, when exactly he had an intersection with the colonel. But since the other party said it, he could only follow along.

Director Wang, Director Li, Director Luo. Chen Zifang greeted Wang Lianggong, Li Weiguo and Luo Kai, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, your exoskeleton protective armor is not just for viewing, is there any live demonstration? It can’t open our eyes to all of us.”

Hearing Chen Zifang's words, everyone at the scene, especially a group of military officers gathered at the back who did not know when, and some leaders and representatives of other exhibitors also joined forces.

Seeing this, Wu Hao responded with a smile: "Of course it's no problem. These equipments are brought in to show everyone. There is an old saying, it's a mule or a horse, pull it out and slip away. We are not afraid of slipping. The demonstration session has been included in the relevant plan, so don’t worry.”

After Wu Hao’s words fell, Zhang Xiaolei on the side responded immediately: “We will conduct the on-site demonstration of related weapons after the opening of the exhibition, and welcome everyone to come and guide at that time.”

Hearing what Wu Hao and Zhang Xiaolei said, everyone at the scene nodded and stopped talking. After all, if you can't just go out and show it now, then you can't see the rest of the equipment.

After seeing the reactions of the crowd, Wu Hao smiled and made a "please" gesture to Wang Lianggong and Li Weiguo. Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong agreed and followed Wu Hao to wander around the tent.

"Why is this one different from the others?" Wang Lianggong asked curiously, pointing to a strangely shaped mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

Indeed, this mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is better than the other exoskeleton protective armor shown, and the surface has a scale-like texture, which is charcoal gray and black textured as a whole.

In contrast, its mechanical exoskeleton Zhicheng system is weaker, and the rucksack on the back is larger than conventional ones.

And its head armor is also very different. First of all, the eyes of its mask are enlarged, a bit like the acrylic glass mask of a motorcycle helmet, but it is fully enclosed here. This also means that the wearer has a wider field of vision, and can have a good visual environment without going through the sensor.

It's just that the area of ​​the transparent mask is enlarged, which may weaken the protective performance of the entire head armor to a certain extent. So each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and even in some people's opinion, it is not advisable to abandon the protective performance in exchange for a huge observation field of view.

After looking around at the crowd, Zhang Xiaolei introduced with a smile after seeing the curious expressions on everyone's faces: "Yes, this mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is very different from other products, because it is a This is an underwater mechanical exoskeleton protective armor specially designed for the needs of underwater combat missions.”

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, the officers standing inside the officers with the navy flag hanging on their arms were overjoyed and squeezed forward. That look is like telling the brothers and comrades next to them that this is their home field.

Oh, and a mechanical exoskeleton for underwater combat

This is rare. Wang Lianggong was also a little surprised.

Yes. Zhang Xiaolei nodded, and then said to everyone: "Underwater combat has its own particularity. Although conventional mechanical exoskeletons can also wade, dive, and perform underwater tasks, they can only perform some ordinary tasks. Underwater attacks, blasting, and underwater combat, etc., are difficult to do with conventional mechanical exoskeleton armor.

To give a very simple example, the weapons and equipment used by these conventional mechanical exoskeleton protective armor are basically difficult to carry out underwater. The bullets of rifles and pistols sank directly after being fired three or four meters away, how could they hit people.

So in response to this situation, we specially developed this underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective "Water Ghost".

Considering the particularity of underwater operations, this underwater special combat mechanical exoskeleton protective armor must not follow the design style and various data standards of conventional mechanical exoskeleton armor.

Therefore, we must first reduce its weight and control its weight within a relatively light and reasonable range. It cannot sink into the water like other conventional mechanical exoskeletons, and has to rely on additional inflatable airbags to suspend it.

So we wanted to reduce the weight of it so that our wearer could swim freely in the water. So these heavy armors are definitely not suitable, so we have to replace it with lighter armor materials.

Among them is the new polymer liquid material we mentioned earlier. Using it, we have constructed the entire exoskeleton protective armor as a whole to isolate our wearer from water.

[In view of the general environment,

And its three-layer protection ability is enough to deal with the attacks of most underwater weapons. In order to further improve the protective performance of this set of exoskeleton protective armor, we have added a layer of conformal armor at an important position, so that it can greatly resist the attack of underwater weapons and the impact of underwater blasting. .

The head has an enlarged window mask, which can help our wearer to better observe the underwater situation, and this transparent mask also has a display function, which can display various data information to our wearer.

It itself is also made of very strong transparent composite material, which has strong hardness and can resist the attacks of most underwater weapons. Even on land, it can withstand attacks from pistols, submachine guns, and mid-range rifles. "

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