Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2628: Create an all robot army

After introducing these, Zhang Xiaolei paused for a moment to breathe, and gave everyone a little time to react and digest. As for the people at the scene, taking advantage of Zhang Xiaolei's pause to rest, they also whispered to each other.

After taking a sip of water, Zhang Xiaolei saw that everyone at the scene had almost digested it, and then continued to preach.

"In fact, the functions of all such tactical robots or military combat robots are the same as left and right. There are two main aspects. One is to replace soldiers to perform some high-risk combat missions or ordinary combat missions. On the other hand, this It is to cooperate with soldiers or assist soldiers to help soldiers perform various combat tasks.”

Zhang Xiaolei's words caused everyone at the scene to nod repeatedly. Indeed, this type of combat robot generally has these two functions. In addition to the two functions, there are also tasks such as reconnaissance and surveillance, battlefield rescue, battlefield rescue, battlefield construction, logistics support and so on.

Compared with these tasks, it is obvious that replacing humans to perform dangerous tasks, or assisting humans to perform tasks, are particularly valued by everyone.

Because in war, the danger is the highest and the casualties are the two. One of the basic principles of warfare now is to reduce casualties as much as possible, so for this kind of unmanned combat weapons and equipment, everyone still hopes that they can replace humans to carry out these dangerous combat tasks, thereby reducing or even avoiding injuries to our personnel.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Zhang Xiaolin Weiwei smiled, and then continued to preach.

"Our humanoid bionic robot is not much different from other so-called combat robots in this respect. But in terms of functionality and performance, we are far ahead of them.

First of all, the purpose of our humanoid bionic robot is not only to fight, but to replace humans. In other words, we can regard it as a person, or a soldier. A well-trained soldier, in addition to performing combat tasks, he can also do various other things, such as medical rescue, investigation and surveillance, battlefield operations and so on.

We want to make it an Iron Soldier, make it a member of the grassroots combat squad, not just a machine.

We even think that in a ten-person combat squad of our army in the future, this humanoid simulation robot should account for half, that is, five to six people, while soldiers only need four to five people. "

Sure enough, just as Wu Hao expected, Zhang Xiaolei's words immediately caused an uproar in the scene. This idea is really too bold, letting robots occupy half, which is tantamount to further reducing the number of soldiers.

If this humanoid bionic robot is really as good as Zhang Xiaolei introduced, then a combat squad equipped with half of the robot soldiers will definitely greatly improve the combat effectiveness of this combat squad. But this will also bring some problems, that is, the excess personnel in the existing military establishment may be downsized, which will mean that many people will take off their military uniforms, and naturally most of the soldiers present will be caught in conflicts and entanglements .

If this robot is really equipped with troops in the future, then where should these people go, whoever goes, who can stay. And for many people, they will never become comrades-in-arms with robots, and they will never be comrades-in-arms. The emotions of comrades-in-arms are something these robots can never understand, let alone replace.

"Is there any explanation for this ratio?" Li Weiguo seemed to be asking Zhang Xiaolei, but actually turned his head to Wu Hao, wanting to hear his explanation.

And everyone at the scene also followed Li Weiguo's words and looked at Wu Hao. Obviously, for everyone, Wu Hao's words are more authoritative and accurate.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Xiaolei felt a little depressed, but recovered quickly. After all, this is her first appearance, and she is not very familiar with everyone, so how can everyone believe her words, they are obviously more willing to listen to her boss Wu Hao's words.

Although Wu Hao was a little helpless when he saw this, he still smiled and said: "Actually, there is no such thing as saying, how to use it, and how to organize it depends on the tactics and combat needs of the grassroots troops.

However, if it is possible, the more equipment this robot has, the lower the combat casualties will naturally be. It would also be possible, if possible, to create a combat force composed entirely of such humanoid bionic robots. "


Wu Hao's words were like throwing a boulder into the water, which was originally not calm, causing huge splashes.

Create a combat army entirely of these humanoid bionic robots!

This idea is simply too bold, too crazy, and even this is something that no one has ever thought of.

Just imagine how terrifying the combat effectiveness of an army composed entirely of such robots would be, and how desperate the enemies who encountered it would be.

Thinking of this, many scenes of robot movies and TV dramas flashed in everyone's minds, such as "Terminator", "Artificial Intelligence", "I, Robot", "Machine Frenzy" and so on.

But in the end, these films seem to talk about the contradiction between robots and humans ~ ~ and even the stories of robots slaughtering and destroying humans.

So it's all been about building a robot army that's made up entirely of these humanoid bionic robots, is it really safe, is it really reliable, is it really controllable?

This has also become the most question on everyone's mind at the moment, and it is also what everyone wants to ask urgently.

Wu Hao naturally saw the doubts in everyone's hearts and the questions they wanted to ask. In fact, after he said these words, he had already anticipated what kind of reactions everyone would have.

So without waiting for everyone to speak, he immediately said with a smile: "A robot combat force composed entirely of such humanoid bionic robots, is it safe, or is it really reliable?

I think this should be a problem that everyone is worried about. After all, we have watched too many similar film and television dramas. The images of robots hating humans and slaughtering humans are too classic and profound.

What I want to say is that as far as the existing artificial intelligence technology is concerned, it is impossible for it to operate independently without human instructions. It operates independently until the prerequisite is to receive human combat instructions.

Moreover, in the process of developing artificial intelligence, we have always adhered to a core principle, that is, all artificial intelligence must be controlled by humans. This is a prerequisite and the most basic condition, which cannot be changed or replaced.

So don't worry everyone, our robots will not appear in the kind of bridges in the movie. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone at the scene finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere that had been frozen just now dissipated, and the scene became active again.

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