Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2629: question? Hit back on the spot!

Seeing this, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "Of course, our humanoid bionic robot is just a machine no matter how much it looks like a human. Just like all unmanned equipment, who controls it? In his hands, he naturally listened to whoever said it.

Considering the particularity of ground combat missions, we have equipped this humanoid bionic robot with a very complete command and control system, which can accurately control these robots in real time to perform various combat missions in various environments.

Of course, considering the particularity of the battlefield environment, this all-robot army will also have some weaknesses and deficiencies, so the best solution is to incorporate soldiers into it to form a combat force composed of soldiers and robots . In this way, the deficiencies and defects in this aspect can be made up for, so that this humanoid bionic robot can exert its maximum combat effectiveness. "

Is it really as flexible and smart as you say? At this time, Chen Zifang suddenly asked. Obviously, he still doesn't believe that this robot is really as powerful as Zhang Xiaolei and Wu Hao said.

Hearing what Chen Zifang said, many people at the scene nodded and started talking. Obviously Chen Zifang's words also represent the thoughts of some people present, and it is indeed hard to convince everyone just by listening to the introduction.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled at Zhang Xiaolei and said, "Seeing is worth seeing once heard a hundred times. Since everyone still has questions about our humanoid bionic robot, let's show it to everyone on the spot.

It's been a long time in this tent, and it's a bit stuffy, so let's go out to get some air. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Wang Lianggong, Li Weiguo, Luo Kai and others all responded with smiles. On the one hand, they recognized Wu Hao's approach, and on the other hand, they naturally wanted to see the real performance of this humanoid bionic robot.

After Zhang Xiaolei heard Wu Hao's words, she nodded and turned to the staff to make arrangements.

Immediately, several technicians in camouflage uniforms walked over carrying a black box, and then came to these two humanoid bionic robots.

One of them pulled off the camouflage uniform on the humanoid bionic robot wearing camouflage uniform, and then connected it, exposing the entire torso of the robot.

Immediately afterwards, a technician opened the large black suitcase. , a black battery pack the size of a brick is placed on the top, and then a hidden button on the side of the robot is pressed, and the front armor of the robot's chest opens from the armpit, revealing the empty chest inside.

The technician inserted two batteries into the left and right sides of the chest cavity of the robot, and then pressed the button inside the chest cavity, only to see that the two eyes of the robot began to emit green light circles.

Seeing this, the workers immediately closed the chest armor, and then fiddled with another humanoid bionic robot.

After the two humanoid bionic robots were plugged into the battery packs, they started up immediately.

As for the staff, they also took out a tablet computer about twelve inches from the second layer of the box, which was wrapped on all sides.

As the staff manipulated the tablet, the green halos in the eyes of the two robots began to flicker continuously, just like the indicator lights of the machine.

Although the whole process was a bit boring, everyone present watched it quietly and interestingly. Even Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong, who were about to go out, stopped and watched with interest. Wu Hao didn't rush when he saw this, but stood by the side and watched with a smile.

After working for about six or seven minutes, the tester nodded to Zhang Xiaolei. After receiving Zhang Xiaolei's instruction, the staff member immediately started pressing the start button on the tablet.

I saw that the two robots began to move, and began to move various joints on their bodies.

"Project the first-person view of the robot to the big screen." Zhang Xiaolei immediately ordered.


Soon, the first-person view of the two robots appeared on the big screen.

There are many people in the picture, and the picture is constantly switching, from a white light black and white picture, to a color high-definition picture, to an infrared thermal imaging picture, and then to a dot matrix radar picture.

As the robot's eyes swept across, everyone present was selected with an orange frame. Then, there was a window in the upper left corner of the screen, and the facial identity information of everyone present flashed in the window.

Before a person's facial image information flashed, the box immediately turned red, and there were more and more red boxes.

As the operator clicked on the tablet a few times, the boxes that framed everyone in the field of view began to turn green again one by one.

"The intelligent control system of our humanoid bionic robot will automatically identify the identity information of personnel based on the information in the database, so as to identify those who are our own and those who are enemies.

Because we have not entered your identity information into its database, so the comparison fails, and according to the camouflage uniforms and outfits on you it will list you as unknown armed personnel, so as to focus on alert.

Just now our operators manually identified everyone by manipulating the terminal, so the intelligent control system remarked everyone as their friendly personnel. "

After explaining this, Zhang Xiaolei emphasized: "The entire identification conditions need to be set by our personnel, and then the robot will make judgments based on these set conditions or the data in the database, so as to distinguish the identity of the personnel. Identity, and then make a decision."

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, Luo Kai couldn't help asking: "Isn't it very dangerous just now, we were identified and marked as enemies by the robot."

Zhang Xiaolei shook her head with a smile: "No, it's just an unknown armed person who needs attention and vigilance, and will not take the initiative to attack.

Unless these location identity personnel launch an attack on it, or intend to launch an attack, it will respond according to the preset disposal plan.

As for this disposal plan, it can be set according to actual needs, so I won't go into details here. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone present smiled. Zhang Xiaolei's implication is naturally clear to everyone, but it's just not suitable to say it on this occasion.

Everyone knows that if an enemy really wants to attack it, then the robot can naturally fight back according to the settings, or even kill the opponent.

Of course, looking at the application scenarios, this is the case on the battlefield, but in other aspects, especially in the field of security, of course there is no need for such a radical solution in the field of law and order, and it may be softer.

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