Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2649: Good things are never cheap

"For example, our smart surgery shelter module can be added according to the needs, so that it can meet the needs of multiple or even a dozen or more than 20 surgeries at the same time, so that more critically ill patients can be rescued in a short period of time. patient."

"All functional modules will be placed together in an orderly manner to form the overall intelligent field hospital system.

These different modules can be interconnected by robots to build related tracks, so that personnel can complete the entire process from triage assessment, diagnosis, examination, surgical treatment, and finally to the ward without getting out of bed.

The whole process is controlled by an intelligent system, which can ensure the stable operation of the entire medical system while operating to the greatest extent. "

At the end of the introduction, Wu Hao turned his head and said in a calm tone to everyone: "Although this intelligent field hospital system can operate independently without the participation of personnel.

However, the actual treatment situation is very complicated, so under normal circumstances, doctors, nurses and technical personnel are still needed to maintain the stable and orderly operation of the entire intelligent field hospital system.

In addition, like the final treatment link, especially for some critically ill and ordinary patients, medical staff may have more humanistic care than robots, and can adjust the emotions of patients, which is conducive to their recovery.

In this respect, machines are always inferior to humans.

However, compared with ordinary large hospitals, the demand for medical personnel in this intelligent field hospital will be greatly reduced, perhaps only one-fifteenth, or even one-twentieth of the original.

In the past, a large hospital may need one or two hundred, two or three hundred people, and even many super-large hospitals have seven or eight hundred or even thousands of medical staff.

And our smart field hospital may need a few people, a dozen people, dozens or hundreds of people. But its number of cases can crush any opponent at the same level. "

How accurate is the diagnosis and treatment of this intelligent medical system, and will there be misdiagnosis? After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Wang Lianggong couldn't help asking.

Obviously, this intelligent field hospital system has aroused the interest of everyone present, especially the interest of many leaders. And for these special forces members, they have also increased their knowledge. They did not expect a hospital to be so advanced.

For them, they naturally hope to have such an advanced intelligent field hospital system, which can provide them with a security guarantee when performing combat missions.

Hearing Wang Lianggong's question, everyone present couldn't help looking at Wu Hao. Indeed, this is a question that everyone wants to ask urgently. If the accuracy rate of this intelligent diagnosis and treatment system is too low and the misdiagnosis rate is too high, then what is the use of this system no matter how advanced it is. This is treating diseases and saving lives, not a joke, and it is impossible to risk the lives of patients.

Facing everyone's eyes, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Currently, this intelligent hospital system has been put into clinical trial operation in the Medical Research Center of Linghu Business District, Anxi Hospital Affiliated to Linghu, Anxi Air Force Medical College. Judging from the current diagnosis and treatment results , The diagnosis rate of this system for various diseases is over 98%, and the misdiagnosis rate is very low.

The only few misdiagnoses were also caused by patients misdescribing their symptoms and concealing repeated medications.

At present, this intelligent hospital system is still in operation and has won the trust of many patients. This smart hospital system only releases 2,000 numbers every day, but there are many people queuing up for appointments.

If real-name authentication hadn't been adopted, scalpers would have been overwhelmed. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, everyone smiled.

Li Weiguo on the side also nodded and said with a smile: "I have heard a little about this smart hospital system, after all, this is also a medical project that our air force system cooperates with.

From the feedback I have heard, the current intelligent hospital system has excellent performance, safety and stability. I heard that many hospitals are planning to introduce it. "

Seeing that Li Weiguo said the same thing, everyone present couldn't help but be convinced by the safety, reliability and performance of this intelligent field hospital system. Immediately, everyone began to communicate and discuss related issues.

Wang Lianggong also smiled at Wu Hao and asked, "Xiao Wu, the price of such a good thing must not be cheap."

Hearing Wang Lianggong's question, many people present at the exchange also stopped and looked at Wu Hao. Indeed, everyone knows that the price of a hospital is very expensive, not only because of the very expensive medical equipment in the hospital, but also because of the special environment and strict requirements of the hospital. Of course, these experienced medical staff are the most expensive in the hospital, so even an ordinary tertiary hospital, its price is a huge number, ranging from a few hundred million yuan to more than a billion, or even dozens of dollars. Billion, this thing seems to have never been online.

Hearing the question of increase, Wu Hao did not evade, but nodded with a smile: "Of course, you get what you pay for, and the price of good things is never cheap.

Although this intelligent field hospital system was developed by us, many of the medical devices in it are purchased from other companies, and even many of them are imported.

And taking into account field operations and transportation requirements, these medical devices are usually specially improved, so their cost is relatively higher.

For example, a helical tc imaging device costs millions or even millions of dollars. There are also more expensive MRI equipment, various endoscopic equipment, and so on.

In addition, there are smart surgery shelter systems, smart pharmacy systems, etc. that integrate many high-tech technologies, and their prices are not cheap.

So the price of the whole set of intelligent field hospital will naturally not be cheap. But compared to building an ordinary large hospital with field rescue capabilities, its cost may not be much cheaper, or even more expensive.

Because it also needs to consider labor costs, especially for these experienced medical staff, the cost of training may not be low.

And in many cases, it is not a question of cost or money cost, but a question of whether there is or is not. The number of medical staff is limited, and they have their own limits. It is impossible to rotate continuously 24 hours a day, such people must not be able to bear it.

But the machine is different, it will not get tired, can run for a long time, and its relative operating cost is lower, and the efficiency will be faster.

And with the continuous improvement and enhancement of the intelligent medical diagnosis system in the future, its diagnostic accuracy will continue to rise, eventually surpassing that of humans.

And the system can be replicated, and it can be used on a large scale, which means that it can have a large number of experienced doctors, which is unmatched by humans. "

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