Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2650: special operations support satellite

Whether this intelligent field hospital system is good or not, of course it is. Whether you like it or not, you will definitely like it, there is no doubt about it. check

But, the high price made everyone present discouraged, such an expensive thing is not something they can decide. It's no wonder that Wu Hao and the others only exhibited a model, not the real thing. After all, such an expensive thing, even a company can't afford it.

What's more, basically all the special forces and some exhibitors came this time. The exhibits are all suitable for the use of special forces and special operations equipment, and basically they are all equipment for individual soldiers.

So although everyone likes such expensive equipment, they are powerless.

Even thinking of leaders like Li Weiguo, Wang Lianggong and Luo Kai, they just nodded slightly in praise and did not express their opinion. Obviously, they don't have much say in such weapons and equipment.

Of course Wu Hao also knew this, so this was the reason why he took Zhang Xiaolei's words and introduced it himself. He was afraid that Zhang Xiaolei would oversell this equipment to everyone and make everyone feel embarrassed, so he introduced it himself.

Now that the introduction is over, Wu Hao handed over the work to Zhang Xiaolei again, and she continued the introduction.

Zhang Xiaolei understood, and immediately led the crowd to continue to visit the entire tent. After introducing some conventional equipment exhibits and technologies, Zhang Xiaolei led the crowd to a platform, stopped and turned to introduce them to everyone. check

"What is displayed on this platform is our various satellite products, which can be divided into micro-satellites, ultra-micro-satellites, small satellites, medium-sized satellites, and large satellites according to weight. According to the orbital height, it can be divided into 100 kilometers of Karman line Earth-orbiting reconnaissance satellites at the position of 200 kilometers to 400 kilometers, low-earth orbit satellites of about 200 kilometers to 400 kilometers, medium-orbit satellites of 400 kilometers to 2,000 kilometers, and high-orbit and synchronous orbit satellites of more than 2,000 kilometers.

In terms of types, these satellites include various reconnaissance imaging satellites, radar detection satellites, navigation and positioning satellites, and communication relay satellites.

Among them, we have specially designed special operations support satellites for special operations. These satellites are usually composed of small satellites, micro satellites, pico satellites, and of course, medium-sized micro satellites can also be used if desired.

The types of these satellites also cover functions such as reconnaissance, observation, detection, communication, etc., and they can assist our special operations to complete various complex special operations tasks. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaolei pointed to a micro-satellite and other satellite models placed on the booth and continued to introduce with a smile to everyone: "In order to adapt to special operations, our satellites have two advantages that other satellites cannot have. .”


Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone immediately became interested. check

For satellites, people didn't feel much interest at first. Satellites are too far away from them. Although they are often used and cannot be separated from them, I always feel that these are not issues that everyone should worry about. Especially for the special forces, think more than this, they are more interested in guys who can get started.

After hearing what Zhang Xiaolei said, everyone became a little interested. I want to know the difference between Wu Hao's satellites and conventional satellite missiles.

Seeing that everyone was interested, Zhang Xiaolei immediately started talking.

"First of all, the biggest advantage is that these satellites are easy to deploy. They are small in size, light in weight, and easy to deploy. They can be launched at any time, and the satellites can be launched into the required orbits as needed.

Even if necessary, hundreds of such micro-satellites can be deployed in orbit at one time, so as to form a 24-hour uninterrupted monitoring of the entire area, or expand the entire monitoring area, so as to control real-time dynamic information in the entire area.

And because the deployment orbits of these microsatellites are generally relatively low, basically around 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers, the lower orbits mean that they can see more clearly and have higher resolution, which is more conducive to Real-time control of dynamic information in a specific area.

Even how needed, we

It can realize uninterrupted monitoring in a certain area, and realize real-time live broadcast in the form of image and video. check

In this way, we can immediately grasp any disturbances in this area.

Our special forces team members have to go to an unfamiliar area, or perform special operations missions behind enemy lines. Then we can launch some of these micro-satellites a few days before departure, deploy them in relevant orbits, and conduct reconnaissance and monitoring of this area, so as to understand the real-time dynamic information of this area.

In this way, our special forces team members are equivalent to having a pair of eyes in the sky, which can accurately and real-time control the enemy's activity information in this area, respond calmly, and anticipate the enemy's opportunities.

And more importantly, this kind of reconnaissance and surveillance is hidden, and the enemy can't find it at all, and they won't know that they are all exposed to the satellite's vision at an altitude of hundreds of kilometers at this moment.

In this respect, this is something that all drones cannot have. We know that in the face of complete air defense system facilities, drones will have no advantage. "

At the end of the introduction, Zhang Xiaolei scrutinized everyone's reactions, and seeing the strong interest on everyone's faces, the corners of her mouth turned up, and she continued to speak.

"In addition, our microsatellites also have the characteristics of simple deployment, flexible maneuverability, and strong concealment. First of all, it is difficult for large and medium-sized satellites to change orbits, and the cost is high. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com check

And these medium and large satellites are generally under the close surveillance of various powerful countries. Their every move cannot escape the eyes of these countries. By studying the orbits of satellites, it is possible to know that these satellites are investigating and monitoring that area, so as to speculate on possible changes in this area.

As a result, these powerful countries may hand over this information to countries, organizations, etc. in this area based on their own purposes. In this way, the other party will be alert and prepared, and it will be more difficult to perform related tasks.

These tiny satellites, however, do not. First of all, they fly above the ground orbit of 100 to 200 kilometers, and there are a lot of space junk on these orbits.

Therefore, these tiny satellites are mixed among them, which are very concealed and difficult to be found. Even if it is discovered, it will not attract much attention. After all, compared with medium and large satellites, the targets of these small satellites are too small, it is very difficult to monitor, and they do not pose a threat.

In addition, these microsatellites are easy to deploy, convenient and fast, and can be launched at any time according to needs, and even can be launched in a variety of ways, and launching in the wild is all possible. "

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