Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2655: Arming the moon?

"So in order to avoid the impact of these factors on our normal business operations, and to avoid the entanglement and mutual influence of this aspect of business with our normal civilian business, I made up my mind to transfer all of the company's military technology related Projects and institutions are reorganized, and a dedicated subsidiary company is integrated to take charge, which is the origin of Haoyu Industry."

After listening to Wu Hao's explanation, everyone present couldn't help but nodded.

Wang Lianggong smiled at him and said: "In the long run, setting up a special company to take charge of this business is also beneficial to future development, which is worthy of recognition.

But it also brought a lot of difficulties and challenges. In the past, with the banner of Haoyu Technology and the face of Wu Hao, these were not problems. But now such an independent subsidiary company is in charge of this business, and you have selected such a young female general. It is still unknown whether it will work or not. "

Hearing Wang Lianggong's words, both Li Weiguo and Luo Kai couldn't help shaking their heads, obviously they didn't quite agree with Wang Lianggong's worries.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "Your worries are not unreasonable, but I think the first competitiveness of companies, especially technology companies, is technology. As long as the technology is strong, everything else is actually easy to talk about.

The reason why our military technology products and equipment can compete for a place in the military industry system is mainly because our technology and equipment are advanced enough and their performance is excellent enough. Only in this way will we stand out in the fierce competition, in fact, we have always won in this way.

Speaking of Zhang Xiaolei, I actually have confidence in her ability. She has been with me for a few years, and I know her ability. Later, she went to the Shanghai branch, and then took charge of the company’s overseas market operations. During this period, she also handled a lot of market matters, especially in the European market. She is in charge.

It should be said that she is still very talented and capable in this regard. I also took a fancy to her, so I decided to hand over this business to her. "

You are not bad, this girl did really well today. After Wang Lianggong listened to his words, he looked at Zhang Xiaolei, who was chatting with other officers, and nodded with a smile.

Luo Kai took a sip of the soup, then picked up a piece of lamb chops and gnawed on them. The lamb chops were grilled so smoky, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the mouth was full of oil.

Luo Kai wiped the corner of his mouth with his finger, then chewed the mutton, and asked Wu Hao: "By the way, how is your lunar surface scientific research station established? Since the last time your lunar cargo transportation system landed on the moon After that, no more news came out."

Hearing Luo Kai's question, Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong became interested instantly. Not only them, but the voices of other people around them also became quieter for a moment, and they looked over to them, apparently also very interested in this question.

Seeing this, Wu Hao wiped his mouth with a tissue in a calm manner, then nodded with a smile and replied: "The progress is not bad. Our lunar solar power station has been basically completed, and the lunar soil 3D printer has also been completed." Start to start, print bricks up.

I heard that this time you transported ten tons of materials and equipment alone. It seems that you really want to do a big job on the moon. Is it really possible to make money on this? You kid spent such a high price, don't lose all your pants by then. "

Hearing Luo Kai's ridicule, everyone present smiled.

And Wang Lianggong spoke for Wu Hao: "Why don't you make money, the country is now vigorously supporting space exploration projects, and the annual subsidies in this area alone may be quite a lot.

Haoyu Aerospace, as an excellent domestic private aerospace enterprise, should take care and support in this regard. In addition, I heard that you have also formulated a series of commercial operation projects.

Not to mention other things, just the stock price after the company's listing has gone up, and the company's market value has doubled several times. We should have regulations, otherwise I would have bought your stocks long ago. "


Making money is still quite profitable, but the time is relatively slow. Wu Hao smiled at everyone and said: "There are abundant resources on the moon, if they can be fully utilized, making money is not difficult at all.

For example, everyone knows that there are abundant helium-3 reserves on the moon. If they can be mined and transported back to the earth for sale, only one ton of helium-3 will be worth three billion U.S. dollars.

According to the scientific research records of our country's lunar exploration project, the content of helium-3 in the surface layer of the lunar soil on the moon is about 1.3 million tons. Even if it is based on the most basic 40% mining amount, this is 52 tons. Based on the calculation of three billion U.S. dollars per ton, let's calculate how much it is.

Not to mention, 520,000 tons, even 10,000 tons, this is a huge number. Moreover, there are not only helium-3 on the moon, but also other important resources.

In addition to rich resources, the position of the moon is also very important. It is the gateway to our earth. In the future, we will go through it when we go out of the earth and enter the deep space, and we will also pass through it when we return to the earth from deep space.

It can be said that its location is equivalent to the Lion City next to the Strait of Malacca, and it is an important interstellar port and interstellar station.

Controlling here is equivalent to controlling the throat of the earth entering and exiting the universe, and its strategic value is extremely important. And we are just taking a step ahead, and other commercial companies in various countries will soon follow.

Especially under the stimulation of our lunar scientific research station project, major commercial aerospace companies in various countries are now speeding up their companies and countries have designated a series of lunar exploration plans, many It is also already being implemented.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that in the future on the moon, the competition will definitely become more intense. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present couldn't help but nodded, all of them looked serious, frowning and thinking.

According to what you said, the strategic position of the moon is so important, so will it become a battleground for military strategists in the future? It will be a matter of time before military forces enter the moon. After pondering for a while, Li Weiguo turned his head and asked Wu Hao seriously.

Hearing Li Weiguo's question, everyone also looked at Wu Hao, obviously waiting for Wu Hao's answer.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao nodded calmly and calmly: "Although there is currently an international convention prohibiting military arming of the moon, the major aerospace powers have not signed it, which means that major powers do not recognize it at all.

And a treaty that has not been signed by a major country is equivalent to a piece of waste paper, and how much binding force does it have? "

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