Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2656: Will war break out on the moon in the future?

"So, you also think that the moon will become the focus of competition among countries in the future, and military armament is inevitable." Li Weiguo looked at Wu Hao and asked.

Wu Hao nodded slightly: "According to the current trend, the rise of the Space Force and the Space Force will be the necessary development trend and result of the military forces of various countries looking to space in the future.

As the earth's natural satellite, as well as the moon's important resources, space, and strategic location, it is inevitable to rob the moon.

As a result, it is basically impossible to imagine a broad cooperation agreement like Antarctica. Therefore, stationing troops and deploying weapons on the moon is an inevitable result of future development.

Now it depends on who will be the first person. Judging from Lao Mi's current shameless behavior, there is a high probability that it will be him. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone present nodded. This hooligan who talks about safety all day long will definitely not let go of such an important position as the moon, and will definitely take action.

It seems that we have to be prepared in this regard. Li Weiguo sighed, his expression became serious.

The so-called integration of air and space, the responsibility of the Air Force is not only air defense, but also to prevent threats from the sky. What's more, in the future, the Air Force will surely go out of the sky, out of the earth, and into space.

So as a strategic location that countries will compete for in the future, they naturally have to make relevant preparations in advance.

Hearing Li Weiguo's words, the other people present couldn't help but nodded, and their expressions became solemn.

"Actually, as human activities on the moon become more frequent, it is inevitable to equip weapons. First of all, as human activities on the moon become more frequent and the number of people increases, then the management of these people will naturally If it becomes a problem, relevant management agencies must be established, and these management agencies must naturally have a police management system.

With the police, it is natural to give them relevant weapons and equipment. From this perspective, it has already violated the agreement that space and the moon cannot deploy weapons and equipment.

Secondly, with the construction of lunar scientific research sites and settlements in various countries and some enterprises in the future, the protection of these settlements will become a primary issue.

We know that there is no atmosphere on the moon, so it is often hit by various meteorites and asteroids. Without a complete protection system, these scientific research sites and settlements are likely to be hit by such meteorites and asteroids.

It is important to know that once these fixed buildings are completed, they cannot be moved. Once it is hit by a meteorite or an asteroid, it will suffer huge losses. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone present nodded their heads. Indeed, these are two very real problems, and they are also two problems that must be faced and resolved.

Once there are too many people on the moon, management becomes a problem. There will inevitably be a special management agency, and it will inevitably give birth to related violent agencies. Violent institutions need weapons and equipment to arm themselves, but once weapons go to the moon, it will violate this covenant on the peaceful use of the universe.

The second question is more direct and more critical. The moon suffers from a large number of meteorite and asteroid impacts every day. In fact, it is because the moon blocks various asteroid and meteorite impacts for the earth that life is born on the earth.

Almost half of the meteorites and asteroids that hit the earth from outer space are intercepted by the moon. It is precisely because of such a patron saint that a splendid civilization like ours was born on the earth.

Therefore, if you want to establish settlements and scientific research sites on the moon, you must consider the threats from these meteorites and asteroids. The moon has no atmosphere, and these meteorites and asteroids will hit the moon silently.

Without a complete protection and interception system, it is simply too dangerous to live on the moon.

"It seems that you are planning to build such a protective system on the moon." Luo Kai heard the meaning of Wu Hao's words, and immediately persuaded him: "You have to pay attention to this." Ah, although you are defending against meteorite and asteroid attacks, others don't think so, you can't bear the crime of violating the agreement now, kid."

"Yes, this issue must be considered cautiously, and it is a long-term plan." Wang Lianggong also persuaded after hearing the words.

Hearing the two people's persuasion, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "Don't worry, you two, I'm not stupid, we definitely won't be this early bird.

Although it will inevitably bring some dangers, as long as the prediction is timely, we can avoid these dangers and protect the safety of our personnel on it.

Therefore, we have built an emergency avoidance place next to the lunar surface scientific research station, which can accommodate all members for emergency avoidance during positive times.

This emergency avoidance site is connected with our lunar lunar surface scientific research station by a corridor, and an airtight airlock is installed.

In case of emergency, our staff in the scientific research station can evacuate the entire base within a few minutes, and evacuate from this corridor to an emergency avoidance place. There are certain living materials stored there, there is also an emergency communication system, and there is an airlock cabin exit. Our scientific researchers can assess the damage of the scientific research station after taking refuge.

If the degree of damage is relatively low and can be repaired, then it is possible to temporarily live in an emergency avoidance place to repair the scientific research station.

If the damage to the scientific research station is too great, then our scientific researchers have to get out of the airlock in the emergency avoidance place, and then go to our landing ascender, take them to leave the moon, and return to the earth.

Of course ~ ~ this method can only be used in the initial stage. If the number of people in the scientific research station is increasing and the area is getting larger and larger, it is inevitable to deploy relevant defensive interception weapons. "

Wu Hao's words also won everyone's approval. This is indeed a good way to set up an emergency avoidance station, and then back up with the scientific research station. In this way, even if one is damaged, there is another one that can be used for living. As for leaving the astronauts and scientific researchers in the scientific research station with nowhere to go, they could only be beaten in place.

It's just that Wu Hao also said that this intelligence is only temporary. Once the scale of the scientific research station expands and the number of people increases, this method will be difficult to apply.

Do you think there will be wars on the moon in the future? Luo Kai raised a very sharp and topical question. As soon as this question was asked, it immediately aroused heated discussions.

Everyone expressed their opinions, and there was constant discussion around them for a while.

However, more people still looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer. After all, among everyone, Wu Hao is considered an expert on the moon, and he is also engaged in lunar scientific research and exploration projects. His words are more authoritative in everyone's opinion.

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