Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2657: There will be no survivors of the lunar war

Facing everyone's eyes, Wu Hao did not answer immediately, but pondered for a while, then looked at everyone and nodded: "I think that with the more frequent activities of human beings on the moon, the probability of war will continue to increase. Elevate.

The main reason is that the robbing and unfair distribution of lunar resources will definitely cause various conflicts.

In addition, disputes on Earth will rise to the moon. It is inevitable that two hostile and warring countries on the earth will inevitably break out on the moon. "

After hearing Wu Hao's affirmative answer and these two reasons, everyone agreed.

Indeed, the resources on the moon are also limited. The country that arrives first will inevitably **** a large amount of resources, and seize the most resource-rich areas. This will naturally cause dissatisfaction among latecomers, not to mention those countries and people who do not have the ability to arrive but want a share of the pie.

The moon is shared by human beings, so why should you want to monopolize it.

Therefore, those latecomers will resent those countries that came first because they cannot find good resource points and footholds, and cannot get what they want. The two sides will break out conflicts because of the uneven distribution of spoils, and when the conflicts cannot be reconciled, wars will inevitably break out.

After all, no matter who it is, they will not be willing to hand over what they have already obtained.羫

The second reason is also more realistic. It is impossible to expect two hostile and warring countries on the earth to live in peace on the moon, so conflicts and even wars will naturally break out.

So from this aspect, the possibility of war breaking out on the moon in the future is very high.

After getting the answer, Luo Kai nodded, and then asked Wu Hao: "So from your professional point of view, what will the future war on the moon be like, and what is the difference between it and the war on the earth. "

As soon as this question came out, it immediately aroused more people's interest. Especially the many special forces members, they also want to know what the future lunar war will look like, and whether these special forces soldiers are still useful.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao smiled slightly and said, "I think future wars on the moon should be ground wars based on the moon's surface, and orbital wars based on the moon's orbit.

The special environment of the moon is destined to have no air combat, but the moon’s gravity is small and the orbit is low, the lowest can reach 14 kilometers. Therefore, in the future, orbiters and orbiting satellites on the moon will replace the air force to undertake air combat and air strikes on the moon. .

Of course, the theme is still the lunar war. Our mechanical exoskeleton protective armor will become standard equipment for future Lunar Force soldiers. With the mechanical exoskeleton booster protection system, these lunar troops will have more powerful mobility under the microgravity of the moon.羫

In addition, conventional artillery may be replaced by electromagnetic guns because of its too much recoil, and because of the vacuum environment of the moon, laser weapons will also become the darling of the battlefield.

The special terrain environment of the moon is not suitable for traveling with heavy weapons and equipment. Therefore, in the future, armed lunar vehicles or light armored vehicles on the lunar surface will become the main land armored transport weapons.

In any case, fighting in the harsh environment of the moon is very detrimental to both sides of the war. Once this war starts, both sides will suffer heavy losses.

To cite a very realistic question, that is, there may be wounded and survivors in wars on the earth, but there will be no wounded and no survivors in wars on the moon. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present couldn't help but feel their backs shiver, and they couldn't help wondering why there were no wounded and no survivors in the Moon War. Everyone couldn't figure it out.

And the faces of some of the connected people couldn't help but become serious.

Seeing many people with puzzled faces, Wu Hao said slightly: "The reason is very simple, because the moon is a vacuum environment and there is no air."

As soon as Wu Hao's words came out, the faces of many people present changed instantly, and they all became heavy.

Yes, the moon is a vacuum environment. Once there is a war, how could there be survivors.

Not to mention other things, just say that all injured personnel, if they are wounded by war, will inevitably cause damage and rupture of the outer protective clothing, then the injured will also cause pressure due to the rupture of the protective clothing, air loss, and eventually lack of protection. Oxygen suffocation.

Even if they are not injured, once they are defeated, how can they survive on such a desolate planet, they cannot find supplies, they cannot survive in the wild, and once the oxygen is exhausted, they will suffocate to death.

Therefore, there were no casualties and no survivors in the lunar war.

This sentence is cruel, but it is a cruel fact.

Seeing that everyone at the scene was somewhat depressed, Li Weiguo immediately adjusted the atmosphere and said, "Hey, it's too early to say these things, so don't worry so much."

Speaking of this, he smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Regarding lunar wars and space wars, what ideas or designs do you have in terms of weaponry and equipment technology?"

Hearing Li Weiguo's question, Wu Hao shook his head: "It's not a design, but I have some idea, but it's not mature yet."

What's the matter, let's talk about it together. Wang Lianggong said.

That's it, that's it. The people at the scene immediately responded.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Actually, it is what I just said, the mechanical exoskeleton protective suit on the lunar surface.

To put it simply, this is a set of lunar space suits designed by us for astronauts who will land on the moon and perform lunar activities in the future.

It is different from other extravehicular space suits and Lao Mi's clumsy lunar space suit. Our spacesuit is equipped with a mechanical exoskeleton booster system, so that our astronauts can save a lot of power and help them easily complete the task of walking on the moon.羫

And based on this lunar spacesuit, we can design its armed protection version on this basis. For example, replace the soft-shell protective clothing with a fully enclosed hard-shell protective armor, so that it can resist enemy attacks.

And installing weapons and equipment on it can be used for combat.

In fact, some of our current mechanical exoskeleton protective armors also have certain vacuum environment combat capabilities, such as our special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor and underwater mechanical exoskeleton protective armor. Since they can move underwater, they can naturally Activities in a vacuum environment.

It’s just that the moon’s environment is relatively cruel. We need to improve on this basis and add some functions and equipment suitable for the space vacuum environment, so as to protect our wearers from being exposed to this space vacuum environment without danger. "

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