Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2661: Open your mouth to "ask for help"

Tear... It hurts!

"Don't move, a big boy, are you still afraid of pain?" A female nurse in her twenties standing in front of him supported his head and asked.

"Take it easy, it really hurts." Wu Hao shrank his head and sucked.

"Hold on, I'm using iodophor to debride your wound. If you move again, I'll change the alcohol." The female nurse threatened his head by holding his head hard.

Hearing what the female nurse said, Wu Hao didn't dare to move. It is better to offend villains than to offend doctors, especially female doctors. Otherwise, I'm afraid some people will suffer.

Feeling that the female nurse was rubbing the iodophor cotton ball back and forth on the wound on the top of his head, Wu Hao felt the urge to die.

It feels like you are squatting there, and someone is using your hands to dig out your brain, scooping out the brains of sweet tofu spoon by spoonful.

Well, this metaphor is a bit exaggerated, but Wu Hao could clearly feel a trace of sourness spreading from the wound on the top of his head to his brain.

Perhaps tofu nao may have sour flavors in addition to sweet and salty flavors.

Bah bah, why did I think of tofu brain again? It seems that I owe it to my mouth. I must eat a bowl of spicy food at the restaurant today.


He was thinking wildly, when he heard the female nurse's words, he stood up immediately, looked at the female doctor who was packing up the medical equipment, and said, "Thank you."

"Sit down, and you still need to give the tetanus vaccine." The female nurse raised her voice and said.

Seeing the female doctor pick up a slender blue needle, Wu Hao swallowed involuntarily and said, "You don't need the injection, it's just that your head was smashed by the hailstone."

"You hurt your head, so don't be sloppy. Who knows if the hailstone is clean or not, what if there is some bacterial virus infection?" The female nurse gave him a blank look, and then continued to fiddle with her needle.

Looking at the liquid sprayed out from the needle, Wu Hao couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva: "Do you still want to do a skin test?"

"It's safe to get an injection to see if you are allergic to the vaccine." The female nurse said, wiped his arm with a cotton ball, and then slowly inserted the needle against his skin.


"A big man is afraid of injections." The female nurse said with a mocking expression.

Regarding this, Wu Hao shook his head and said, "Of course I'm not afraid of injections, what I'm afraid of is you dangling in front of me with the needle."

"Wait for fifteen minutes, and I'll see the results." After speaking, the female nurse picked up the tray and walked out.

Watching the back of the nurse leaving, Wu Hao felt the pain in his head and arms, and shook his head helplessly.

Looking back on today, he was really unlucky. I choked on drinking water in the morning and bit my tongue after eating at noon. It was finally night, but a gust of evil wind mixed with hail came from nowhere and smashed down on him.

It seems that he is really going to worship in the temple, and ask for an amulet or something to ward off disasters. By the way, which **** is in charge of Hail, I'll go talk to him.

Get down and take off your pants.

Well, I think I hurt my head?

I know, take your pants off.


Who told you to take off all of it, take half of it off, and just expose your buttocks.

Tear... lightly, it hurts!

What's it called? How about an injection?

Carrying the medicine, Wu Hao returned to his dormitory. As graduation approaches, many people have already moved out. Only those who haven't found a job are still staying in the dormitory, waiting for the last moment.

"Yo, Haozi is back, are you okay?" The fat man who was sitting at the table and playing games, watched him walk in and greeted him.

This guy is called Zhang Jun, he is his roommate and classmate, and also his best friend for four years in college.

There is a fat person around everyone, and if not, you may be that fat person yourself.

And Zhang Jun is the fat man next to him, with a height of 1.88 meters and a weight of 200 catties, sitting there like a mountain of meat.

"It's okay, just a little bit of skin." Wu Hao responded, then climbed into bed and lay down. He wants to fall asleep early now, so that this terrible day will pass sooner.

"Oh, that's good." Zhang Jun focused his eyes on the screen again. As a best friend, he naturally knew Wu Hao's mood at the moment, so he didn't disturb him anymore.

Graduation is approaching, and for those of them who have not yet found a job, the pressure is really great. These days Wu Hao interviewed several companies, but there was no news, so he was naturally depressed.

What was even more unlucky was that when I went out today, I caught up with hail again. Not to mention the fact that I didn't go to the interview, but my head was still like this, and no one's mood will be any better.

Lying on the bed, Wu Hao looked at the ceiling, feeling a little lost. Ever since he was hit by the hailstone, he always felt weird, but he couldn't tell what it was.

I always feel like something is beating inside my head, like a heart. When people are calm, they can feel the beating of certain parts of the body. But it was the first time he encountered such a beating in his head.

Damn, I won't really get my brain smashed.

With wild thoughts, Wu Hao finally fell asleep. But this time he didn't sleep well, because he had a very strange dream.

He dreamed that he was in the midst of a strong storm, and the strong wind mixed with countless pieces like paper flew towards him. Scared, he quickly blocked it with his but found that these fragments penetrated into his body and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, I entered a huge empty space, boundless and without boundaries. In this space, there are countless light spots like fireflies floating.

Feeling the novelty, he touched a spot of light around him with his finger. The moment the light spot touched him, it quickly penetrated into his finger, and immediately after that, he felt something clearly emerged in his mind.

To be precise, here is some information. The information is various and incomparably numerous, and then dances in mid-air like a butterfly.

When he concentrated on trying to see the data clearly, he jumped.

The information quickly gathered in front of him like a swarm of bees, and then stitched together a whole page of complete information.

"Research and Application of Cluster Array Control Technology"

I rely on...

With an exclamation, Wu Hao sat up from the bed.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Jun said from the opposite bed, looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm having a nightmare." Wu Hao reacted and waved his hands quickly.

Ha... ah... Zhang Jun yawned, then fell down and said in a daze, "I just dreamed of a girl, and I was woken up by you before I could hug her, you have to pay me..."

Hehe... Wu Hao smiled, then lay down again, and continued to recall the strange dream he had just had.

Wait, something seems wrong.

Wu Hao sat up again all of a sudden, he couldn't help being surprised, how could I remember the information in the dream so clearly.

How could I still remember the information I read in my dream?

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