Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2662: Real combat, 6VS40

After chatting with Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong for a while, they left. Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong are a bit old and lack energy, so they are going to rest for a while and prepare for the opening ceremony in the afternoon.

Luo Kai still had a lot of work to do, so he left in a hurry.

As for Wu Hao, he checked the time and came to their temporary residence. Seeing him coming, Zhang Xiaolei and other staff members stood up.

Wu Hao smiled and pressed his hands, signaling everyone to continue. As for him, he came to Zhang Xiaolei and asked her, "What are the arrangements for the afternoon?"

The afternoon is mainly the opening ceremony, as well as a series of conventional weapons and equipment displays. Then there will be a demonstration session of our special equipment in the evening, at which time other special forces members and our testers will be invited to conduct a woodland confrontation exercise wearing our special operations equipment. Zhang Xiaolei immediately reported to Wu Haohui after hearing the words.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and asked Zhang Xiaolei, "What do you need me to do?"

Zhang Xiaolei shook her head: "Your presence is the greatest support for us. Next, you only need to watch the event with peace of mind, and leave the rest to us."

OK, then I'll leave it to you. Seeing this, Wu Hao nodded, then stretched his waist and said, "I'm going to rest for a while, and call me after the opening ceremony."

Immediately after saying hello, Wu Hao came to the room arranged for him, walked in, and then lay down on the bed to rest. In order to hurry up, he got up early today, so he is really sleepy at the moment.

No, he fell asleep not long after lying on the bed.

When he was woken up, he had already slept for more than an hour before he knew it. After waking up, he tidied up a little and drank a cup of iced coffee, which gave him some energy. In this midsummer season, it is easy to get sleepy.

Now the sun has passed outside and the weather has become cooler, but it is still very sunny.

This time, Wu Hao also followed the trend and changed into a set of summer jungle camouflage without any logo and light combat boots. Although it was a bit awkward, let alone, this suit was quite neat to wear, and it also showed his tall and straight figure.

Satisfied with this, Wu Hao even asked someone to take a photo for him, and then sent it to Lin Wei in embarrassment, which attracted Lin Wei's love.

The whole opening ceremony was actually not very intense, just a few leaders giving speeches. Moreover, this time it is mainly an exchange exhibition of special equipment, and there are not too many leaders here.

So after the opening ceremony, the next step is to accompany the leaders to visit. Wu Hao also took the opportunity to visit the weapons and equipment of other exhibitors. Basically, they are mainly light weapons, plus some wearable equipment and armor, as well as some high-tech products, such as individual radar, individual reconnaissance transmission system and so on.

In contrast, Wu Hao's exhibits are more attractive, and this group of leaders stayed with them for a long time, and patiently listened to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction.

The leader came in a hurry and left in a hurry. After visiting the relevant equipment exhibits, the leaders did not stay too long and left immediately. It seems that the schedule should be very tight.

After the leaders left, the exhibition proceeded normally.

Next is a series of weapons and equipment display sessions. How should I put it, there are surprises, but most of them are relatively flat, and Wu Hao is a little drowsy after watching it.

It wasn't until the evening when their trip was approaching that the woodland combat exercise that Zhang Xiaolei mentioned before started, which also cheered Wu Hao up.

Wu Hao and the others have been sending six testers wearing special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor to fight. As for the special forces, they have photographed five special operations teams with about seven or eight people participating. This confrontation exercise.

These five special operations teams all come from five different special forces, and all the photos are taken of the top of each special forces.

Originally, the special forces members were dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaolei's arrangement, thinking that Zhang Xiaolei was underestimating them. Using forty people to fight against six people, isn't this seriously underestimating their combat effectiveness.

In the eyes of these special forces members, although the special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor worn by these six testers is very advanced, there are only six of them. With their forty or so people, they can kill each other no matter what.

So these special battles demanded one-on-one duels one by one, and it was only after Zhang Xiaolei and the others persuaded that the other party reluctantly agreed to this wind plan.

On the other hand, these special forces members are also quite afraid of the performance of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, so they all agreed after some persuasion.

It is worth mentioning that these six testers are all veterans. They were all retired from the Airborne Corps, and some even came out of Thor.

Although he has been discharged from the army, his kung fu has not stopped. Especially after becoming testers, they are more strict with themselves, so in terms of the quality of individual soldiers, they may not necessarily lag behind these special forces.

In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the exercise, the weapon used this time comes from an exercise individual confrontation system launched by a firearms exhibitor.

All the guns used are standard firearms, the entire shell and barrel are real guns, but the gas tanks are used as power, and some special projectiles are fired.

These projectiles are the same size as real gun projectiles, and their effective range can reach two hundred meters. But it is very unstable and very fragile, as long as it hits an object, it will break.

The bullet is filled with a special fluorescent dye, this dye is not afraid of washing, once it gets on the body, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is hard to clean. These pellet fuel traces cannot be cleaned unless special cleaning sprays are used.

In addition to ordinary firearms, there are sniper bullets, ordinary grenades, and rockets. Grenades and so on, the variety is very complete. Moreover, compared with the original laser simulation countermeasure system, this system is more realistic and restores the actual combat environment, and truly simulates the characteristics of firearms and ammunition.

This is also an exhibition review that is very recognized by these special forces members at the exhibition, so it happened to be this exercise, so Zhang Xiaolei consulted with this exhibitor, and finally decided to use their individual combat system for the exercise.

On the one hand, this increases the authenticity and appreciation of the entire exercise, and on the other hand, it is also a very comprehensive display of the performance of the individual combat system for this exercise.

Considering the super protective performance of special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, individual firearms and ammunition can't hurt at all. To be fair, everyone has agreed that this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor needs to hit three rifle bullets before it can be judged damaged and lose combat effectiveness. And if it is a large-caliber sniper bomb, only one bullet is needed.

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