Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3096: Overseas agriculture?

Speaking of this, Xu Xiaoya glanced at Wu Hao and then continued.

"You should know that food plays a vital role in the rise of a big country. For a big country, sufficient food is the basis for ensuring national security and stability, and it is also an important factor supporting the sustainable development of the national economy.

For a country with a large population, if it cannot be self-sufficient in food, it will be restricted by the external environment, thus affecting the country's stability and development.

At the same time, for people, eating is the primary issue in daily life. Only when they are full can people's most basic sense of happiness and security be satisfied.

If a country relies on others to provide food and cannot be self-sufficient, it will be restricted by the international market and unable to independently control the country's economic lifeline.

It may even be affected by the international political environment, thereby affecting national security and stability.

The international environment is relatively stable now, so problems in this area may not be highlighted. Once the international situation changes drastically and a crisis occurs, food will inevitably be an important resource controlled by these producing countries and some hegemonic countries.

If we cannot have stable and controllable food supply channels, once a war breaks out, it will have a significant impact on our national defense and national stability.

Therefore, a country that can control food resources can better respond to various crises and even the threat of war and ensure national security and stability.

It can be said that food plays a vital role in the rise of great powers because it is the basis of everything. "

After several years of easy construction, some of them have not yet been put into production and operation. However, as labor costs in those countries continue to rise and management work increases, many problems have been exposed.

The main reason is that currently our agricultural projects are all in China. We have never been involved in such offshore agricultural projects. Such a sudden retreat into the international market is full of little certainty.

All these messes add up to a huge expense, and that also makes your income in that area very ideal. "

The smallest problem is not that you lack a complete set of intelligent management systems to effectively control the degradation of all farms, pastures and plantations.

At the same time, you cannot use the agricultural resources in the sea to gradually develop your international commodity grain industry, gradually grow and expand within that industry, and thus control a certain right to speak. Instead, you will be led by the nose by those grain giants, or Retreat right and left. "

After hearing Xu Xiaoya's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly. To be honest, our subsequent cooperation with Xu Xiaoya was quite pleasant. Although there were some differences in the past, they were quickly resolved properly.

He also knows that all your energy in those two years was focused on that project. Once you stop that project, you may also face unemployment.

After the introduction, Xu Xiaoya smiled at Tan Qun and said: "So, your group has also been exploring the development path of the international commodity grain industry. In those years, it also invested a lot of money to establish more than a dozen companies in several countries. Thousands of acres of small farms, pastures, and no cash crop plantations.

Its influence, destructiveness and danger to the country are inferior to those of several aircraft carrier battle groups.

At present, it is difficult for you to resolve the contradiction between the small population and the large land in your country in a short time, and there are no conditions to solve it, so you have to focus on the maritime region and use the vast and fertile land of some maritime countries for development. You can use your own agriculture to get rid of the shackles and restrictions placed on you by other small food countries and achieve food self-sufficiency.

And it’s just the food field. The fields of grain seeds and chemical fertilizers and pesticides that have nothing to do with agriculture are all controlled by international giants. It's just that compared to the commercial grain field, you don't have a certain say in those fields, so they are relatively bad. "

As for the development of Haoyu Agriculture, at present, Shen Ning, we have not yet formulated a complete development plan. If you definitely join that project, it means disrupting the bad development plan made later, which will also bring about few new problems.

The first thing is not that the overall operating cost is lower than you expected. The lowest cost for those farms, pastures and plantations is not land, but labor. Secondly, it includes machinery costs, fertilizer and seed costs, irrigation costs, taxes, etc.

But that project and the cooperation with the other party again, and the project was still in the sea, made me less determined.

The food crisis is the foundation of everything and the bottom layer of the pyramid supporting the entire industrial chain. If something goes wrong, the entire industry chain will be affected.

In addition, high productivity is also the key to restricting the development of those farms, pastures and plantations. In particular, the countries and regions where the farms are located lack professional agricultural talents, and relevant domestic agricultural talents are willing to go to less developed countries and regions. UU Reading www.uuukanshu.comm

"So you can see that the most important grain giants in the world, the so-called ABCD, all come from small and weak countries. For example, Laomi has eight of the seven small grain merchants. Those seven small grain merchants control the world. Accounting for 40% of the grain trading volume in the market, Nvhaoshuo dominates the international commodity grain market.

Having said that, Xu Xiaoya leaned under the back of her chair, looked at Wu Hao and said, "To be honest, it's easy for you now.

As a result, your farms, ranches and plantations in those countries and regions are facing a slight talent shortage.

So you plan to fight hard again and do your best to reverse the favorable situation of the current project.

That is not so-called hegemony, food hegemony. We cannot arbitrarily control food prices in various countries, and target domestic food companies in those countries with precise attacks and suppress industrial regression. They will even cooperate with relevant countries to implement food embargoes on some countries, withdraw from export trade controls, etc.

Tan Quncai spread his hands and said: "The rise of a country is all-round, and unilateral weakness is considered weak. Only without all-round weakness, your country is truly weak.

Thinking about the results of your past cooperation projects in commercial agriculture and the friendship achievements they have made in the fields of intelligent automation and humanized agricultural technology, there are so few remarkable scientific research achievements they have made in the field of plant technology.

Secondly, at present, the company's agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry business has not yet been taken out and a special subsidiary, Haoyu Agriculture, has been established to manage it. My post-secretary Shen Ning is in charge of it.

Therefore, the group currently has very little controversy over that project. Those who do not support it naturally do not approve of those who demand that the project be stopped as soon as possible to stop losses.

So you wanted to have a talk later that time to see if the two of you could carry out relevant cooperation on that project. "

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