Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3097: Probe and counter-probe

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Finally, there is the issue of cooperation with A. There is great uncertainty, especially the continuity of the business development strategy, which may change due to a change of head or some other issues.

If they cooperate, what should they do if something happens to the other party and they choose to abandon the project.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao said to Xu Xiaoya: "I will take this cooperation plan back first and let everyone see it. After all, the company does not belong to me alone.

Besides, we have now separated the agricultural business into Haoyu Agriculture, so I also want to hear their opinions. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the entourage next to Xu Xiaoya showed disappointed looks, while Xu Xiaoya's expression remained as usual, apparently expecting that Wu Hao would not agree easily.

She smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Of course, such a big project should be done with caution.

Mr. Wu, we are very sincere in this regard. Moreover, this project has received support from above and is in line with our country’s foreign development strategy, so it has great development prospects.

Moreover, we are old acquaintances and have had a very pleasant cooperation experience before. I believe that our cooperation this time will be a complete success. I am very confident in this project. "

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Xu Xiaoya and nodded with a smile: "Of course, I believe in your ability, Sister Xu, and I also believe that this project will definitely have broad development prospects. However, we also have our own considerations and considerations.

At present, our main development direction is still in the field of aerospace technology, high-tech, biomedicine, and new energy. At this stage, we do not have much energy and resources to spread to other projects. Although we are also involved in the field of agricultural and forestry technology, it is mainly domestic and technology-based.

So you suddenly asked us to join such a huge project, and I still can't react. So, you have to give us some time to imagine and then get back to you. "

Even if he is willing to cooperate with the other party, he cannot agree immediately. He must first whet the other party's appetite. Besides, the sincerity shown by the other party was not enough to impress him.

In fact, they were just testing, trying to test Wu Hao's interest in this project, and then they would show sincerity, or throw out bait to lure him in.

But, how could Wu Hao be fooled so easily by just a few words? If the other party can test his will, can't he in turn test the other party's sincerity?

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya opened her mouth, but in the end she did not say anything, but sighed slightly and said: "Okay, then you should think about it carefully and give me the result.

I will send you a detailed information about our project later, so you can take a good look at it. "

good. Wu Hao smiled and nodded. In fact, in his opinion, this project can be cooperated, but the method of cooperation must be changed. That is, they will not directly participate in the project, but will only be responsible for the supply, installation, commissioning and post-service work of related technologies and related equipment products.

There is no problem with this. After all, such a large project will definitely require a lot of related products and technologies. The combined value of these is also very considerable, so he naturally refuses to give up.

But what's difficult is that the other party obviously knows this and is using this aspect to lure them, so we still have to talk first to see if it's profitable.

If the benefits are considerable and the risks are controllable, then you can cooperate; otherwise, you can only decisively refuse. This personal relationship is a personal relationship, and business is a business. The two cannot be confused, let alone the public affairs.

Seeing Wu Hao's response, Xu Xiaoya's face became a little better, and then she forced out a smile and pretended to be relaxed: "Okay, we've finished talking about business, I have a private matter here that I want to trouble you with."

"Say it." Wu Hao did not agree immediately, but let the other party talk about it first. He didn't dare to make any guarantees in advance and kept his words to himself. What would he do if the other party made any excessive demands? Agreeing didn't mean not agreeing or not. So many times, when people come to him for help, he listens to the matter first, helps those who can help, and doesn't force others if he can't.

Seeing Wu Hao being so cautious, Xu Xiaoya smiled, then sighed at him and said: "She is my sister's daughter, and she was diagnosed with heart disease this year.

Very young, only twenty-two years old this year, and just graduated from college. I went to a friend's birthday party. After drinking some wine, I felt very uncomfortable after returning home, and was immediately sent to the hospital by my boyfriend.

After emergency examination, it was found that it was a heart disease, and our family members were immediately contacted. By the time we feel it, the person has already entered the LCU.

The doctor said it was acute myocardial infarction, and it was large. Although he underwent emergency interventional treatment, thrombolysis and stent placement, his life was temporarily saved.

However, the previously large-area infarcted myocardium could not return to normal, which resulted in poor recovery and poor heart function.

We consulted with many well-known experts at home and abroad, but no one had any good methods. The two most mentioned methods were. An artificial heart was implanted to replace the heart's work, reducing the pressure on her heart and giving her heart ample time to repair. We will see if there is any improvement in a few years.

The other option is to wait for a heart source and then perform heart transplant surgery to prolong the life of my niece.

But you also know that there is a very short supply of hearts both at home and abroad, and it is very difficult to wait for a suitable matching heart. Many times, dozens or hundreds of patients compete for one heart source, so the chances are very slim. And with my niece’s condition, she may not be able to wait until that time.

As for the plan of implanting an artificial heart, it requires external wires and a battery pack to be carried with her, which will have a great impact on her future life.

She is only twenty-two years old now. Just let her hang a battery pack. How will she live in the future? Moreover, experts say that once this kind of artificial heart is implanted, there is a chance of removal, but it is very rare. The chance that the heart can be repaired and recover well is also very small. It depends on luck.

So once implanted, it basically has to be carried for life.

And even if this kind of artificial heart is implanted, it will not return to normal once and for all. It can only prolong life.

According to experts, the life span of patients currently implanted with this type of artificial heart is basically about two to ten years. Depending on the person, it may be longer, but it may also be shorter.

She is only twenty-two years old. Even if she is lucky and can survive ten years, she is still only thirty-two years old. She is too young. We really cannot bear it and are not willing to accept it. End of chapter)

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