Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3149: Parents can give up everything for their children

However, these roses are not buds, but rather compact buds. I saw the male boss, the female boss and the shop assistants all starting to join in. They picked up the hair dryer and started blowing.

The rose bones that had been blown out by the hair dryer began to look like they were in bud, which made Wu Hao gain insights.

After chatting with the store owner, I learned that the flowers were shipped like this for easy storage. The jargon is called flower maturity, and there are different levels from one to ten, which is equivalent to fully blooming, which obviously does not meet commercial requirements.

Fully opened roses like this will be used to make flower cakes or rose essential oil.

Generally speaking, roses in bud are about 78 to 80 degrees Vega, which is also the best appearance of roses. But the florists will not worry about these flowers. They will bring in some flowers that are four to five or five or six times mature, soak them in nutrient solution and preservatives, and then store them in cold storage. They will use the nutrients accumulated in the flower stems to support the slow maturation of these flowers. , in this way, these flowers can be preserved for a longer period of time.

According to the store owner, this box of roses has just been shipped back and has not been opened, so the maturity level is about five or six points. Although it has been sorted by an electric fan, it is still not as good as seven or eight points. state.

But the advantage of this is that it can be stored for a longer period of time. Moreover, there is no preservative in this kind, so it is healthier to take it home and cut it.

After the joint efforts of several people, such a bouquet of flowers was finally completed. Under the burgundy petals, there are crystal clear water drops, making the bouquet of flowers look dark and charming.

After agreeing to the boss's cold call to waive the bill, Wu Hao asked someone to pay, while I returned to the car with the flowers in my arms.

Li Wenming, who was sitting in the car, saw this and joked with a smile: "Mr. Wu, you and Mr. Lin have a really bad relationship. You send flowers every time you don't have time."

The disadvantages are of course also obvious. This is not someone else’s education system that can definitely adapt to the children of our employees. Moreover, you have no control over the kind of joint school running, so the teaching staff and teaching environment conditions may not be up to your standards. requirements and expectations.

As a woman, you can only be busy with your career, but you should also take care of your family and love the people around you. If you have both career and family, you will be the winner in life. "

Li Wenming said without any embarrassment. Hearing this, Wu Hao and the driver who was driving both laughed.

Have you checked your gender? On the one hand, the law allows it, and you are willing to explore it. For you, girls and boys are the same. Nowadays, there is no such idea of ​​favoring girls over boys. On the contrary, you want a boy more. The girl is too naughty. You beat her up every day when you come home. It’s so worry-free. "

He said you are also bad, your mother graduated from a key primary school, so why didn’t the learning gene be passed down to me? "

Speaking of that, Wu Hao also sighed and said: "Yes, we little people are so busy that we have neglected the education of our children. I suspect that if his family is in a situation like that, our company should be in most."

Moreover, those teachers still follow the traditional teaching method, and very few children just follow and fall behind. They will basically stop and regress, and they all rely on tutoring and tutoring in class. "

So, let’s take a look at the next step. If Xiaojia’s response is definitely weak, then you can’t build a school by yourself to provide targeted teaching. "

Speaking of that, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "He remembered that incident, and then went back to find Su Ho and asked you to get a questionnaire and check within the company to see if there is anything wrong. Many employees have that problem.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, and then said: "As the employees of our company increase in age, they have reached the age of getting married and having children, so the education of the employees' children must also be taken seriously. That is to maintain the employees." The basis for serious work.

Having said that, Wu Hao looked at Li Wenming, who was sitting in the back row and turned his head to look at me, and asked with a smile: "As for him, he heard that Dayuan is pregnant, has he checked it out? It's a girl or a boy. "

Haha, feelings are all cultivated. Wu Hao said with a smile: "Although the men are clamoring for those things and it's a waste of money, in reality you are all duplicitous. If he really buys it, you will be upset. If he buys it, , after a while, you should blame him again for knowing how to be romantic.

Girls, it's abnormal to find something. Cheng Chao said with a smile.

Driving badly. Li Wenming smiled and glared at the driver, then said to Wu Hao without any bad intentions: "Then let's just get pregnant, and let nature take its course. Anyway, we plan to have another child.

Hearing Cheng Chao's words, Cheng Chaoping smiled bitterly and said: "What's wrong with Taodian? The key is whether your grades are bad or your study is bad. Next time, I scored 84 points in the Chinese language test and passed the math test directly." A score of eighty-seven makes you angry.

Thank you Mr. Wu. UU Kanshu Before Li Wenming heard my words, he looked moved and thanked me.

Therefore, whether it is for the sake of the family or the company, the education of employees’ sons must be taken seriously. "

If everyone is worried about that matter, I'm afraid they won't have time to work.

Then, you can discuss solutions to such situations. "

On the other hand, our domestic parents will give up everything for their children and education, so if the problem is solved very badly, I am afraid that very few people will think about their children, and they will have to give up themselves. If your job is lost, it is also a loss for the company.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Li Wenming nodded with reason and said: "What you said is completely reasonable. For example, in your child's class, there are less than seventy students in the class. The class size will be over-staffed, and the teaching staff will be relatively small." Relatively thin and strong.

There are no disadvantages to that approach. The disadvantage is of course that you cannot make use of their mature education system and teaching staff to provide high-quality teaching conditions for the children of our employees.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Li Wenming showed a look of joy on his face. I smiled at Wu Hao and nodded and said, "It's been seven months since I met you next time. I think it's a blessing. You had planned to ask for it. Wait for the young and old to beat some more before asking for them, so that you can raise some bad ones. But, I didn’t think that the kid would show off or do anything bad, so I conceived it with a big heart."

“What your company is currently doing is jointly running schools with local schools and accepting the children of our employees through this method.

Maybe I'll follow my dad. Wu Hao smiled and teased, and then persuaded: "If the child can be beaten all the time, he still has to be patient and teach. However, as time goes by, he really becomes a child."

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