Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 412: Zoom in at the beginning

After a series of preparations, Haoyu Technology's 2022 summer new product launch conference was also officially held in Anxi.

Because of a series of previous publicity, this summer's new product conference attracted the attention of many media. Among them are not only many very active domestic media, but also some foreign media that are very interested in this. The entire media reporter crowd alone has reached more than 300, which is no less than the number of media reporting groups at a medium-sized international conference.

In addition, a series of guests attended. In addition to some special guests, there are some partners, manufacturers and so on. Of course, in order to give back to the majority of users, this time they also very happy to draw 500 lucky viewers from many users to participate in this conference as lucky fans.

These people add up to more than a thousand, but that's not all. Wu Hao also took nearly 1,000 people from the company's employees to participate in this conference, which is a benefit for employees.

About this new product is also a strictly confidential project within the company, very few people know, so most employees are also very curious about the new product that the company is about to release.

Wu Hao selected these employees to participate, and also wanted to introduce them to the products released by their company. Its main purpose is to cultivate the collective sense of honor of these employees and strengthen their confidence in the company.

Of course, the conference site of more than 2,000 people naturally could not choose the original convention and exhibition center, but was placed in a small stadium. Taking into account the participation of so many employees, this time they chose the location of the conference in Anxi.

Generally speaking, such international conferences are basically in first-tier cities such as Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen. And Wu Hao put them in Anxi, which made many people not quite understand.

However, in Wu Hao ’s view, as long as his product is amazing, then the conference can be placed anywhere. If your product isn't high enough, then you can give it away wherever you want, in the final analysis, it is the product.

For them, this is the first time such a large-scale press conference has been held, so I feel a little pressure. Wu Hao, in particular, had to stand in front of more than 2,000 people for the first time to give a lecture, which was also a challenge for him.

To this end, he started a related rehearsal work a week in advance, and strived to be foolproof. But he also understands that it is basically impossible for such a large-scale conference to happen without a situation, so he still has to be smart.

It was mid-June and the weather was getting hot. The entire backstage has been busy, and is sitting in the final preparations for the conference.

Whereas Wu Hao, sitting on the sofa in a righteous manner, carefully looked at some of the processes and presentations at the press conference, and from time to time he also marked it with a pen.

The staff of the makeup and styling team next to him are helping him to clean his hair and make some powdering. Because the weather is hot, in order to avoid sweating, this time I also modified it slightly to avoid sweating affecting makeup.

In fact, he really hates this kind of powdered makeup, especially in summer, which is very uncomfortable. But this time it can be regarded as a global live broadcast. If the powder is not used, the light will be very ugly on the face, and the video will be the same as the dead face. So even if he is uncomfortable and doesn't like it anymore, he has to be a ninja.

"Well, almost, how about you?" The makeup artist next to respected Wu Hao respectfully.

Wu Hao looked at the look in the makeup mirror, then nodded slightly, "Let's do it, it's hard."

His hair was short and he couldn't do any hairstyle, so the stylist just blown it a little and made a more natural hairstyle. As for the makeup, I did not make too much decoration, everything is still based on nature.

It is more casual to wear, a black T-shirt with a company logo printed on the left chest, an urban gray tactical multi-pocket casual pants, and a pair of board shoes, very casual.

After finishing all this, it's almost time. Then he went to the stage to start waiting, and the staff quickly helped him put on the headset and performed a simple commissioning.

At this moment, Zhang Jun hurriedly hurried forward and said, "How are you preparing?"

"Let's do it, and watch it live." Wu Hao said casually, then looked at him and said: "You are not with the guests offstage, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, isn't this worrying, so come and see." Zhang Jun licked his mouth and laughed.

"Don't worry about it!" Wu Hao scolded in annoyance, then looked at the crowd in the front row of the audience with his eyes.

Because it was held in Anxi, or such a large-scale conference, some leaders and friends came to join in the fun. Even Lin Wei, his elder husband and mother-in-law came, and it was considered as a favor for him.

But he looked around because he didn't see who was coming because the lights were dim.

"Countdown to the scene, ten, nine, eight ... three, two, one, President Wu played!"

Hearing the voice of the live guide, Wu Hao walked up to the stage. When he walked to the middle and stopped, the lights turned on, and there was a burst of applause from the audience.

Although he faced more than 2,000 people this time, because of his previous experience, he stood on the stage without much nervousness.

"Hello everyone, welcome to our Haoyu Technology Summer Product Launch Conference 2022. Sorry, this conference is coming a little later.

It is precisely because of the delayed release time that we have more time to carefully polish this product.

Now I can proudly announce to you that after this press conference tonight, early in the morning, our products will be available for evaluation in our 50 official brand stores nationwide ~ ~ , You can also experience our products in some of our authorized dealers in more than a dozen countries overseas.

In addition, all new products we are selling today will also be released simultaneously online and offline in five days.

For consumers who are interested in this product, you can choose to go to our offline brand store for the first time on-site experience.

If you feel good about getting started, then you can place an order for our product in five days. "

Poppy poppy ... As soon as his words came down, everyone on the stage applauded. At the same time as applause, many people are discussing in a whisper.

At the beginning of this press conference, Wu Hao released such heavy news, which really surprised everyone.

What kind of product made him have the confidence to announce this series of amazing news at the beginning of the press conference, which made everyone curious.

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