Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 413: It ’s Jianglang ’s exhaustion, or it ’s getting oily.

"Yes, we are so confident!"

After speaking, Wu Hao paused, glanced at the audience and then said, "Looking at all the past product release conferences, there is no such case that can be as transparent as us and show the truest state of the product to the majority of consumers. By.

We used to say that hearing is false and seeing is true, but we do n’t know how, it seems that this is not very reliable, and what you see is not necessarily true. So we have a saying that is not as good as trying it out, that is to say how to measure a product, everyone just try it out.

No matter what you said on the stage, if you try it yourself, you will know that what you said on the stage is true, those gimmicks are even falsifying.

From the time of making our first product, we at Haoyu Technology are determined to make the best products in front of everyone in the most authentic way. We don't engage in any marketing routines or gimmicks, and we have no overwhelming requests for celebrity endorsements.

I always think that a good product is an advertisement in itself, and a good word of mouth is more effective than any advertisement.

It is precisely by adhering to this concept that we have won the praise of the majority of users and accumulated a huge product fan base.

Now every day, our community is active with millions of users, and our forum community has become a wonderful little world among the majority of users. In this little world, there are many touching and warm stories. Many of them are already well known, so I will not introduce them here. "

After saying this, Wu Hao changed the page PPT, and then continued to preach: "There are many rumors about the new products we are focusing on this year. Some say we want to enter the mobile phone industry, some say we want to do computers, and Some say we are going to do TV and other home theaters.

Many people have roughly guessed through some of the patents we have applied for in the past, and many are close to the answer.

Just to ensure that this product is shocking enough when it is released, we have adopted very strict confidentiality measures. Even within our company, not many people really reach this product.

There were a lot of employees of our company present, and like everyone, this was the first time that I really heard me introduce this new product.

The real machine samples that we shipped to various offline brand franchise stores for display are also sealed at this moment to ensure that no one will leak them in advance.

That's right, it's so strict. Because I hate being spoiled by people in advance, this will disrupt the content of the presentation materials that I have so easily prepared. It is really annoying. "

Hehehehe ... after hearing what he said, everyone in the audience chuckled and immediately applauded again.

Wu Hao, however, stood still and waited for the applause to stop before he continued.

"So what kind of product is worth our troubles and so secrets? Let us work together to reveal our carefully polished products for everyone.

In fact, many people are right, that is Haoyu A1_VR wearable device! "

Oh, pappa pap ... A cheer followed by a round of applause. These were all applauded by fans and their employees, without guidance. However, we can see that some people still showed disappointment. It was originally thought that what amazing new products could be released this time, but it was VR, but this thing has not flooded into disaster, is it worth the effort?

"I know that many people may be disappointed. Why the new product we have spent so much effort on is a VR product that has been rotten on the street for a long time. Is it because of us that Jiang Lang is exhausted, or do we start to become greasy and start playing gimmick . "

Wu Hao shook his head: "None, we don't have enough confidence that we won't take this product out.

So please give us some time and let me guide you through this Haoyu A1_VR wearable device!

I believe that after my introduction, you will find a new world. "

With a change of breath, Wu Hao yelled to the audience: "Before we formally introduced this product, or before we formally decided to make this product, we were already thinking about many problems.

For example, why do we make this product, what advantages do we make of this product over the similar or existing products on the market, why consumers want to buy our products and so on.

First, why do you want this product. Because I think these VR products on the market are not what I want, or they feel bad for me.

Sorry, what I said is too straightforward, but it feels like this to me, it's terrible. I have experienced products from many manufacturers, but without exception I am very uncomfortable.

So I want to make a VR wearable device in my mind and make a product that is better than these products on the market.

VR products or VR technology is actually not new. This technology has been born for decades and is well known by everyone.

We have a lot of desires and imaginations for this technology, and they are very rich. For example, a movie "Player" introduced this year ago is a story in the VR world.

I like this movie very much and watched it many times. It is also under the inspiration of this movie that I am also conceiving the VR world in my mind, so can we realize the oasis world in the movie? "

Everyone glanced down at the stage, and everyone widened their eyes waiting for Wu Hao to answer. Many people have watched this movie, and they are all shocked by its wonderful plot and special effects stories.

Now Wu Hao brought up this movie at a press conference about VR products, so does this mean that they have realized the technology in the movie ~ ~ I don't want to answer it now. Please continue to look down, or you will have an answer after you get started.

First of all, we know that there are two parts that make up the wonderful oasis world in the movie, which are the hardware part and the content part.

The two support each other and cooperate with each other. Without the support of high-performance hardware equipment, you can hardly experience the wonderful content in the virtual world. And without wonderful content, it would be useless to have this hardware device.

So today ’s conference we will introduce this product from the hardware and content, because there are too many things to explain.

I will choose such a special conference format to present it to everyone, and introduce this one in as simple and understandable as possible, no, it should be said that a series of VR products are introduced to everyone.

In other words, what we bring to you today does not indicate a VR glasses. There is also a series of auxiliary equipment based on VR glasses, whose purpose is to allow users to experience our virtual world. "

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