Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 435: New Internet

Although Wu Hao responded to these questions in a more complete and positive manner, the problems in this area were like opening the reporter's box, and reporters quickly asked questions.

"Hello, President Wu, Yi Zhen reporter Ma Zhenfeng, my question is still about this one-piece body-feeling and tactile simulation suit.

This outfit you released this time has a tactile simulation system that can simulate some real haptics in the virtual world. Such as touching, touching, etc., I have experienced a great experience. But this also raises a question about ethics and morality, and that is whether this suit will easily derail the thoughts of couples or couples. And this very realistic touch of touch is not a disguised body derailment.

I don't know what you think about this issue, thank you. "

问题 This question is very sensitive or even sharp, and it is also morally critical and very targeted. Wu Hao glanced at the reporter with glasses, and thought quickly.

Then he directed at him and the reporters present: "First of all, we are just a company that produces and sells products. The products we produce do not have or have set any attributes. How to use them depends on each user Will, we respect the choices of users. As long as its use does not violate laws and regulations, and does not violate moral ethics, we should give full support.

It's like a blacksmith. His kitchen knife can be used for cooking and can be used to kill people. Do we just blame this blacksmith for killing someone because of the chopper made by this blacksmith?

The sales of products are extensive, and we can't do not sell specific groups unless supported by relevant systems.

After all, it is still a product, a tool. Users are people, and decision-making is also people. As for what you call mental derailment and physical derailment, would this happen even without our equipment.

人 The key to this problem is people, so when we encounter something, we can't blame a tool, but we should reflect on people's related behavior. "

This question is not easy to answer, so Wu Hao also said it in a vague way. It is not an emotional expert or an ethical expert, so it cannot be analyzed and criticized in this respect, and it can only cope with the past in this way.

I didn't give this reporter a chance to continue asking questions, Zhang Xiaolei quickly pointed to another reporter next to her.

"Hello President Wu, I'm Fan Lili, a reporter from Penguin Technology. When you answered the question earlier, you mentioned that your virtual world is another form of Internet, a three-dimensional Internet.

When we were experiencing today, we also noticed that in your virtual world, many Internet companies have joined in. Does this mean that your company is creating a new type of Internet that is different from the traditional classic Internet, how is this new type of Internet different from the existing Internet? "

I really am a professional journalist with a sharp mind. He can catch the point in his words so quickly and design such a big problem temporarily.

So when Fan Lili raised such a problem, the scene was quiet, and then she whispered quickly. This question is absolutely heavy and novel. Once Wu Hao answered it positively, I am afraid it will become the front page headlines of today's major media. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Internet and the entire society will attract attention and response.

眯 Wu Hao squinted at the female reporter, then nodded slightly, "We are trying this, but there is still a long way to go."

Coquettish ... Many reporters at the scene were ignited by his words and fell into a debate. Some of the cameras in the back also flashed a magnesium light at him like a machine gun.

"General Manager Wu ..."

"General Manager Wu?"

"Mr. Wu, excuse me ..."

Wu Hao pressed his hand to signal the people to quiet down, and then calmly said, "I know this issue is very explosive, but it is not new.

I have been trying for a long time, but now we are just picking people up.

I just failed to try because of technical limitations. Nowadays, Internet-related technologies and even computers have made great progress, so many companies are now trying to combat this. We are not alone.

In fact, what we are trying to develop is not the new Internet. This is not true. What we have developed is a new Internet browsing method that is different from the traditional Internet browsing method.

Using VR technology, we can upgrade and evolve the traditional two-dimensional Internet browsing method into this 3d three-dimensional browsing method.

We often say that the Internet is a global village and a virtual world.

He is just that this 'global village' and virtual world are too abstract, and what we have to do is to make this abstract global village and virtual world concrete.

It's like really building a 3D virtual world that is almost or basically the same as our real world.

Like the online shopping I exemplified at the press conference, in the three-dimensional virtual world we built, consumers can experience the same real experience as shopping in the real world and shopping in physical stores without leaving the home.

This new online shopping method is faster, more convenient, intuitive, humane and comfortable than our traditional online shopping method.

This will undoubtedly affect and even change the current online shopping methods, business models, and even some changes in our lifestyle and society.

For another example, when we used to browse news information on the Internet, we usually used text, pictures, audio and video to get this information.

With this set of technology, everyone can obtain this information immersively through VR technology and high-definition panoramic camera.

For example, a traffic accident happened somewhere ~ ~ then you can watch the related events in person.

Where a ball game is held, you can also go to the scene in this way to get a watching experience that is not much different from the live watching.

There are many similar examples, so I wo n’t go through them one by one.

This idea is very beautiful and huge, and it is very difficult for us to complete it alone. Everyone needs to work together, and some standards and rules need to be formulated. Even some technologies need to be broken through and resolved.

What we are doing now is just a small attempt, and the results are still unknown.

However, as a technology company, we have the courage and determination to explore the unknown, which is the development concept we have always upheld.

I am also willing to be a pioneer in this area of ​​exploration and to explore the relevant development path for everyone in the future. "

Crackling ... his words fell, and there was a warm applause at the scene.

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