Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Benefit means benefit

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After the applause, it really aroused the interest of many reporters on this topic, and then asked a lot of questions.

Some problems are tricky and well designed, but they have also been successfully resolved by Wu Hao.

Seeing that this area has been dug up, there is not much gain, so the reporters also turned their attention from some hot topics that everyone is concerned about to some other areas.

"Hi, Mr. Wu, I'm Yang Haiyang, a reporter from Global Technology. I have noticed that at this conference, you introduced some office system software based on VR equipment. In today's experience, I also I personally experienced this application.

And I consulted a designer friend of mine about these experiences during the noon break. He was very surprised and excited, and thought that your design and development software was very good. This series of related open application software can break the long-term monopoly position of foreign software in this field, and change the obscure and troublesome operation of these existing software, which greatly improves the work efficiency.

Mr. Wu, what do you think about what my friend said, and whether your company plans to use this to enter the field of office application software. "

This issue is more partial and more professional, and the general public will not care or pay much attention because they basically have no access to this aspect of the content. Compared with the public, the industry, especially the various design industries using these software, pays more attention to this content.

This Yang Haiyang can dig out the content in this regard, and can see his intention in this regard.

Wu Hao looked at him with kindness and kindness: "Thank you, thank you and your designer friend for your appreciation, please take me to say hello to him.

Regarding whether to enter this industry, to be honest, we did not want it at first. Because designing and developing a tool or software is far more troublesome and complicated than designing and developing related content.

If it were not for our needs, we would not be involved in this area. What you are seeing today is actually designed and developed by us as a last resort. It can also be said that this is the tool we use when designing and developing the entire virtual world.

We all know and experience this VR virtual world we built. Whether it is Penglai Wonderland or some of the games we have developed, the content is very large, real and gorgeous.

If we use traditional design and production methods, we would not be able to achieve this effect for several years. So in order to catch up, and also to adapt to the development of content in our VR virtual world. We must use this to develop some specially applicable application software to improve work efficiency.

Take a game as an example, more than half of its workload is actually in the production of models. These models include large-scale scene models, character models, prop models, and more.

This has also led to the prosperity of the entire three-dimensional model foundry industry, and our country also accounts for more than half of the world's model foundry business orders.

But even so, the whole production method is still very slow. A high-quality, realistic model requires an experienced model making staff to spend tens of days, or even months, to complete (such as Transformers, Hyperrealistic Complex Models in Avatar).

This not only brings huge production costs, but also takes a lot of time. The model making software we developed based on VR equipment solves this problem from another dimension.

It not only optimizes the method of model making, but also changes the whole process and method of model making. From a single person and a single project in the past, it can be transformed into multiple people working together to complete a project, or one person participating in completing multiple projects.

This will undoubtedly greatly improve the production efficiency of single or multiple models. It is estimated that the production time of a single model has been reduced from the original average of twenty days to the current four or five days, or even shorter.

And such production efficiency will also greatly reduce the development production time, thereby further reducing costs.

There are many similar software, such as graphics and image processing, video editing, and 3D post-production effects.

The initial role or goal of our development of these applications is to develop and produce this virtual world service for us. And this time they are released, on the one hand, they want to share the results of this aspect with the industry, and on the other hand, they attract more people to the development and production of VR virtual world content. "

Yes, the purpose of Wu Hao's design and development of these design application software is very simple, just for them to design and build the entire virtual world to serve. Because the entire time period is tight, using traditional production methods is too late. So Wu Hao used his 'capabilities' to develop these VR-based design and production software.

It is also with the help of these softwares that they can be so smooth in the development and production of content and can complete such a large amount of work in such a short world ~ ~ In fact, the design and development of the entire virtual world It is far from over, Penglai Wonderland needs to continue to expand in size, optimize details and enrich content. And the development of various games must also accelerate the progress, and strive to bring more high-quality game content to the entire virtual world.

Only in this way can we attract more consumers, so as to further promote this product and expand market share.

Of course, these development application softwares have finally been developed, and Wu Hao cannot just use them. Still want to make the most of their value, make the best use of it, and bring benefits to the company.

He believes that this new design and production application software can quickly conquer a large number of professional designers, after all, efficiency is also related to their personal income. Now there is such a production software that can greatly speed up their work efficiency. I am afraid that both enterprises and employees will choose to adopt it as soon as possible.

After all, for them, efficiency means revenue, and who can't live with it.

This is also a brand new attempt by Wu Hao in this field, and he will continue to expand professional application software development projects in this area in the future. In other words, it is to upgrade and optimize the existing professional development software so that it can run in a more efficient way in VR equipment.

And using this immersive VR technology, it is very easy to implement some functions that ordinary design software cannot achieve. For example, random conversion from macro to micro, which facilitates the design and development of those large engineering projects.

Using this software, R & D designers can build a real high-precision engineering equipment model in scale in the virtual world. This will undoubtedly improve the research and development progress of these projects, and will also solve many problems for these project developers.

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