Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 498: Electronic prosthetic

The latest website: Applause spread throughout the exhibition hall for a while, and this also made more and more people gather to watch. Not only are there only a lot of visitors, delegates, even other participating companies and institutions, as well as some leaders, have come to see it lively.

"Thank you, thank you all." Wu Hao nodded and smiled at the crowd, and then said, "This is just a prototype we developed. In theory, the proportion of this prototype can continue to be enlarged, or it can continue. Zoom out.

Of course, if the volume is too large, the manufacturing difficulty and process will definitely increase. It is also not convenient for us to transport and set up exhibitions remotely, so we did not make too much intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms for this.

As for the small and miniature intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms, we made a few. "

While he was talking, the staff pushed up two miniature intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms. The first of these is roughly the same size as our adult arm, and is very similar in appearance.

The second model is smaller in size, a bit like a child's arm, but thinner than a child's arm.

And with these two robotic arms pushed up at the same time, there is also an operating platform. It is better to say that the console is a seat. Two large screens and some equipment are set up in front of the seat, which looks like a high-end all-in-one gaming computer.

While debugging the staff, Wu Hao also smiled and introduced: "As you can see, these are two small intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms. In theory, we can make it smaller, but it is too small. It can't be displayed, so let's take these two devices as a reference.

First of all, you may see that our two small intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms are separate from our operation control system. In other words, our operators can control these two intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms by manipulating the control equipment, close or long distance.

If we use our low-latency high-speed 5G network, we can achieve ultra-long-distance control. For example, the equipment is here, and our operators are in Anxi or Beijing. "

Speaking of this, the crowd seemed to think of something, and then whispered.

And Wu Hao laughed at everyone: "Yes, I think what everyone has thought of, let's not talk about this first. Let me introduce to you these two small intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms, and this A separate operation control system. "

First of all, this intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm here is basically the same size as our adult arm, and its basic functions are also the same. It's even more flexible, more powerful, and tougher than our human arm.

Therefore, it can replace us humans to do some high-risk work. You can use our separate operation control system with our VR equipment to control this intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm to enter some environments harmful to our humans to work.

For example, laboratories cultivating highly pathogenic viruses, extreme work in high-risk environments, safe demolition and detonation work, and so on.

Of course, our medical staff can also use it to perform telemedicine surgery and save lives. "

Papapap ... Everyone at the scene applauded after hearing Wu Hao's explanation.

Wu Hao also took the opportunity to take a bottle of water from the assistant's side, took a sip, moistened his throat, and then said, "This smaller smart intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm here has the same function, except Being able to enter some small spaces that our humans cannot reach to perform flexible operations for us.

I believe that in some industries and some jobs, such situations will be encountered a lot. Because the space for operation is too small for humans to enter, ordinary industrial robots are not flexible enough and are not easy to handle. Therefore, the disposal operation is very difficult, and in the end, the space must be dismantled and enlarged, or it must be abandoned.

With it, then we can solve this problem well. Not only can it reduce related operation time, but also save a lot of expenses, and even make many impossible things possible. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, looked at the crowd, and then continued: "So is this the case with our intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm?

No, I think it has a lot of room for development. For example, many people may have thought of it. That's right, this is the electronic prosthesis. "

Wow! After hearing Wu Hao's words, there was a burst of cheers and warmer applause. This applause is even more enthusiastic than the applause he introduced before. It seems that in the eyes of the public, this kind of relationship with everyone's health is the most important thing for everyone.

"Yes, this concept has always been there. Very early on, scientists and medical experts put forward relevant ideas, using related science and technology to create electronic prostheses that can always replace the functions of the original damaged limb parts for those with disabilities.

This idea is beautiful, but we encountered many difficulties in the actual manipulation process. The first is how to create an electronic prosthesis that is comparable to a real human limb. It must be flexible enough, and it is best to achieve the flexibility of a real human limb.

It must be lightweight it must be the same size as our real human limbs. After all, we all have a beauty-loving heart, and like people with disabilities, their hearts are more fragile, and they are anxious to make up for their limbs, and not allow others to cast a different look.

Don't look at the current level of science and technology of our human beings, but unfortunately, we have not been able to achieve these functions for a long time. Occasionally, some technology companies and medical companies have launched some so-called electronic prostheses, but the quality and function are really benevolent and intelligent.

Of course, I did not laugh at them. After all, knowing that this field is difficult, they still try to do it, and this courage is worthy of our admiration. Here, I also pay my deep respects to the pioneers who have struggled in this field. "

Papapapap ... his words fell and everyone applauded warmly. This applause is not only because of his words, but also in respect of the pioneer scientists.

Wu Hao nodded, and then watched everyone throw up a new question: "At least our imagination and expectations I said before, then there are those difficulties and technologies that limit us One area is developing. "

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