Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 499: New hope for people with disabilities

The latest website: After throwing this question, Wu Hao took a look at everyone and then continued: "First of all, our body structure is actually very complicated.

In general, the main prosthetic limbs used by us people with disabilities are the limbs, which are our arms, legs and feet.

If a person loses his legs and feet, he loses his ability to move. Although we humans invented crutches and prostheses long ago, these are also assisting the miserable people in their actions. Although it does not return to normal, it is barely possible to use it for walking.

With the development of human society, or the scale of the war, the research and improvement of prosthetics are also developing rapidly.

Yes, war is a disaster for humanity itself and for human society. Especially the modern hot weapon war has caused a large number of people to lose their hands and feet.

These people with disabilities urgently need better prosthetics, which has also led to the rapid development of prosthetic technology and promoted the prosthetic technology into the modern era.

At present, ordinary prosthetics are customized according to the physical condition of patients. The design of ergonomics also makes these prostheses more suitable for disabled people. Many prosthetic limbs also helped these people get up again, and normal walking was no problem.

Even some high-tech prosthetic limbs, such as the once famous `` Blade Warrior '', he wore high-tech prosthetic limbs to keep him moving. Then he boarded the sports arena and competed with many healthy athletes. "

After taking a few steps, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "It looks very good, but these are only prostheses in the legs and feet. At present, these prosthetics only replace the most basic leg and foot functions of disabled people, which is far less flexible than the real limbs.

Compared to legs and feet, our hands are more flexible, which is why, until now, the prosthetics of the hands have been based on an inactive simulation model. The biggest effect of wearing it is not to replace the function of the original limb, but to cover up shame and to comfort the heart.

The biggest reason is that compared to legs and feet, our arms and hands are too flexible and powerful.

Many technology companies and medical companies have also launched such scientific research activities to manipulate and have certain functional prostheses. But it's only rare, most of them haven't left the laboratory, let alone commercial. "

"Yes, as we demonstrated earlier, we have created a robot arm with the same size, full-featured, flexible and light weight that communicates with our real human arms and hands.

You just watched the demo just now, it was great. But is this really okay? Can such a robotic arm really be installed on our disabled people to really replace their incomplete limb functions. "

Wu Hao shook his head, then sighed: "We solved the complicated mechanical structure of the robot arm, the super difficult motion control system, and we also developed a super solid battery that can independently support its long-term work.

But there is another problem that cannot be solved, and that is how to install this robotic arm or what we call its electronic prosthesis on a person.

To put it plainly, how to make our disabled people wear and control this robotic arm. "

At a glance, Wu Hao continued: "At present, there are many technical theories in this area, and the most accepted and recognized is the brain-computer interaction technology, which is what we commonly call the idea control technology."

"How do we control our hands?" Wu Hao asked the crowd again and again, shaking his hand.

Hearing this question, the onlookers couldn't help but follow their arms and watched.

"Use your brain!" A viewer replied loudly.

Hehehehe everyone at the scene laughed.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Yes, it is controlled by our brain. Scientifically, it is our cerebellum that controls our body's movements.

The part of the central nervous system that moves in the brain, which is what we call the cerebellum, sends instructions to the spinal nerves. After receiving the instructions, the spinal cord nerves “respond” to the instructions of the brain on the one hand, and executes the instructions of the brain at the same time, controlling each branch of the motor nerves to generate movement.

Based on such a theory, scientists and some medical experts have proposed three methods to control this electronic prosthesis, which can be said to bring new hope for patients with disabilities. "

"Three kinds?" Everyone looked puzzled.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "Yes, there are three. First, the first is called brain-computer control technology, which is also idea control.

Our human brain produces different brain waves when thinking about different things, and the brain-computer control technology is to use these different brain waves to achieve the purpose of control operations. At present, we have such technology on the market. For example, some research teams have demonstrated that typing using brain-computer control technology can achieve an input speed of 70 words per minute, which is not slower than our hands.

Other R & D teams have opened mind-controlled wheelchairs to help those with paralysis and icing.

So, can we use this brain-computer control technology to control the robotic arm with ideas? In this way, as long as a short training and adaptation, the robotic arm can enter the wearer to perform the movement.

The second technique is to use special sensing equipment to collect the electrical signals of the motor biomechanics in the spinal cord of the cerebellum, thereby controlling the robotic arm.

In other words, our wearer can wear a special vest, or simply attach the sensor to the spine on the back. This is both beautiful and easy to match.

As for the third technique, the control nerve in the robotic arm is connected to the nerve at the limb rupture through surgery. In this way, the original nerve can control the robotic arm to move ~ ~ Is it very sci-fi? "

Hehehehe ... After hearing his question, the crowd applauded after a chuckle. Everyone applauded the wonders of the scientists at the same time.

After Wu Hao and others calmed down a bit, he said with a smile: "The three technologies are not actually opposites. Instead, they are suitable for different people with disabilities.

For example, the third technique can be used for patients who have a half cut-off and a damaged part. This will not only greatly reduce costs, but also maximize the ability to restore limb movement.

The second technique can be used for patients with disabilities who have full amputations. Such patients cannot be connected surgically and need to be used externally.

As for the first, it is applied to patients with more severe paralysis or patients with spinal injuries.

Of course, this classification can't be generalized, but it still has to be selected based on actual conditions. "

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