Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Perverted Field Demonstration Project

Next to the airshow exhibition hall, there is a ground equipment demonstration field, which is mainly used to demonstrate the relevant maneuverability of some ground equipment in the field.

Although Wu Hao ’s aerial patrol alert drones are aerial equipment, they are placed on this ground equipment demonstration site because they involve some ground demonstration content.

Everyone is very interested in the demonstration content of this intelligent unmanned inspection security system and aerial inspection security drone. Whether it is professional delegations who come to participate in the air show, experts or various military observers, or media reporters and many visitors.

Early on, the entire ground equipment demonstration site was surrounded by water. Not only some media reporters also set up professional cameras. Those observers and experts or ordinary military enthusiasts held the camera and waited for the demonstration to officially begin.

At half past three in the afternoon, under the expectations of everyone, Wu Hao and a guest came to the demonstration site. Although he was accompanied by General Abu and several other potential customers this time. However, many people accompanied him, including some experts and leaders whom Wu Hao knew, as well as some people in charge of other exhibitors.

"General Abu, Mr. Suha, Prince Maiha, as well as the leaders, please." Wu Hao led all of them aside to watch the district podium.

"The demonstration will begin immediately. Today, what we are going to show you is the intelligent unmanned patrol security system and aerial patrol alert drones and drones that we will statically display in the exhibition hall. As for the unmanned underwater patrol alert submarine Because of the limited conditions, live demonstrations are not possible.

Later, we will provide you with relevant demo videos and related technical introduction materials. If you are interested, we will also choose another place to give you a special display. "

"Very good, Wu, let's get started, I can't wait any longer." The prince Maiha enthusiastically directed at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao said with a smile and nodded, and then ordered the staff to start preparing. The prince Maiha is relatively young, only about thirty this year. The members of Katar's royal family are currently responsible for defense and security. This person has experience studying abroad, so the whole person is more westernized and enlightened. After a few words of contact with Wu Hao, he became familiar with it.

Although the main guests this time were Prince Maiha and General Abu, there were still a large number of audiences at the scene, so the entire demonstration process had to take care of everyone.

"Dear leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to our live demonstration at the Pearl Air Show. This afternoon we will be debuting from the intelligent technology company Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd., a well-known domestic technology company. People visit the demonstration of the security system, first of all ... "

Soon, the live broadcast sounded, and the whole demonstration activity was officially launched.

However, for Wu Hao, the set of rhetoric in the radio was just for the public, and Wu Hao introduced these demonstration activities on the stage.

These people wear Wu Hao's intelligent voice assistant on their ears, so they can achieve simultaneous interpretation technology. Therefore, what Wu Hao said can also be translated into various languages ​​and transmitted to the ears of various foreign guests' representatives on the scene.

Even if they are far apart, the intelligent voice assistant has a network connection with each other, so even if he speaks softly, the voice can cover a wide area. Even if it is all Chinese, you can also use the intelligent voice assistant to play live transmission.

So it can be seen that many people at the scene have a smart voice assistant on their ears, including Wu Hao.

"Because of the constraints of the venue, we can only show some basic functions. If everyone is interested, we can continue to communicate and we will provide you with more detailed data and information.

As you can see, aerial patrol alert drones and ground patrol drones have been started. This demonstration is mainly based on drones, supplemented by ground patrol drones.

First of all, the first item for you to show is the aerial assembly of aerial patrol alert drones and high-speed low-altitude obstacle crossing projects. "

At the same time as Wu Hao introduced, I saw five drones take off slowly from the takeoff and landing area, and then formed a triangle goose array in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the drone began to adjust its attitude and accelerated to dive in the air. Five aerial patrol alert drones flew at a high speed close to the ground about one meter and pulled up a burst of dust. The scene was quite exciting. Those with a camera in hand pointed the lens at a high-speed flying drone, but the speed of the drone was too fast, coupled with the dust, and several snapshots were unsuccessful, which made these people anxious.

Papapap ... In the VIP area on the stage, many guests who saw this scene gave warm applause.

"As you can see, all five aerial patrol security drones are controlled by the intelligent unmanned patrol security system, without any human intervention. Maybe some extreme masters who play through the aircraft also have this ability, but Such people can count over with one hand, and they can't fly at such a high speed and low altitude.

This is not yet the highest flying speed of these drones, they can reach a maximum speed of 350 kilometers per hour ~ ~ just because of the constraints of the venue and for safety reasons, we reduced the speed in the demonstration . But even so, this speed is very amazing. "

Watching everyone nodded, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "The following will show you the high-speed low-altitude limit obstacle test of this drone. Everyone sees that many obstacles are arranged on the site, not only fixed ones Obstacles, and some moving obstacles, and our aerial patrol alert drones will pass through these obstacles at high speed, in order to simulate the complex situation that this drone encounters in the actual implementation of tasks. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone also picked up the telescope on the table in front of them and began to observe on their own. Although there are related live broadcast zoom pictures on the spot, these people are still willing to go and see for themselves.

At this point, many people were exclaimed, because the obstacles at the scene were too abnormal. The first is that there are too many obstacles. They are made of inflatable arches, balloons, and wooden obstacles. The area that can pass through is very small, and you can run into it without paying attention.

Secondly, there are obstacles that can be shaken. And drones will pass through these swaying obstacles left and right, which definitely has super high control, search and detection, and obstacle avoidance capabilities. No, it should be an abnormal request.

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