Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 507: "Hunting" at the scene

Demo starts!

I saw five aerial patrol alert drones quickly change their formation, from the original triangle geese flock to a long snake array, and then quickly ran towards the obstacle.


五 These five aerial patrol alert drones are like a flexible flying snake, they start to walk through many obstacles, sometimes turning, sometimes speeding up, sometimes diving, sometimes hovering.

Every time he crossed an obstacle, there was a cheer and exclamation at the scene. But no matter how loud the exclamation sound, it can't hide the unique mechanical sound of the camera shutter.

On the podium, many guests watching with binoculars also talked one after another. Although the sound was relatively noisy, they could still see the excitement of everyone at the moment from their facial expressions.

Wu Hao also timely introduced and said: "At present, the intelligent obstacle avoidance technology in the world is still relatively advanced, and it is also used in many fields. The most common is the driverless technology used in our cars.

In fact, the high-speed obstacle avoidance technology used by our aerial patrol alert drone is similar to the unmanned driving technology used in cars, but our technology is more advanced. It is able to recognize small objects around the drone under high-speed flight conditions and react quickly to obstacle avoidance flight.

As mentioned earlier, the maximum flight speed of our aerial patrol alert drone can reach 350 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to flying 100 meters per second. Such a fast speed can quickly catch the obstacles in front and avoid it. This technology I believe is absolutely in the leading position in the world's high-speed obstacle avoidance technology. "

Papa Papa ... Many guests applauded after hearing his introduction. Wu Hao also calmed his tone of voice: "Of course, I'm talking about extreme conditions and encountering some complex flight areas. The speed of the drone will still be reduced to ensure that it can pass smoothly and safely. "

Humming ...

After the drone quickly passed all the obstacles set on the demonstration field, it then hovered in the air and formed a pentagon.

Soon after, these drones started to land in the first take-off and landing area in turn, and the scene returned to calmness with applause.

"You see, our drones started to land in this way, and then the system will automatically charge these drones and then perform a simple maintenance. Such as dripping oil, detecting the degree of damage, wiping the camera lens, etc. These All of them are controlled by the system itself, and no human intervention is required.

Of course, we still recommend that users organize relevant professional maintenance teams to regularly perform maintenance on this system to ensure that it can operate normally. As for the maintenance and repair cycle, this can be adjusted according to the different conditions of each customer, such as one week, one month, or even longer.

The ones we showed on site are battery versions, and larger fuel versions. Its take-off and landing maintenance is similar to the battery version, except that the charging link is changed to the refueling link. This can not only shorten the maintenance time of the drone, but also increase the range of the drone and so on. "

As Wu Hao spoke, several drones began to take off. At the same time, several black smart unmanned patrol cars were touched on the ground.

These drones were not assigned to the demonstration field, but flew to the sky not far from the audience to hover.

The live broadcast sounded at the right time, and the voice of the host came from inside.

"The subject we will show below is an aerial patrol alert drone searching for and hunting down or chasing suspicious targets. In the crowd watching at the scene, we mixed in five testers. These five testers will play For suspicious targets, they did not apply for relevant entry and exit documents, nor did they register.

That is to say, five of their suspicious people came in by abnormal means, and what conspiracy might be planned when mixed with the crowd. The mission of our aerial surveillance alert drone is to identify these five testers from the crowd, and to identify and drive or control them.

科 This subject mainly simulates the functions of search and alert capabilities of aerial patrol alert drones in patrolling areas, identification and tracking of suspicious targets, and joint hunting, driving, and control functions.

We see that the footage of these drones has been displayed on the big screen. For the people swept by the camera, the information registered when everyone came in will be displayed on the screen for comparison. "

"... appeared, our aerial patrol alert drone captured the first suspicious target." With the host's surprise voice, I saw the surveillance picture of the drone where the suspicious target was found on the big screen zoomed in.

In the picture, among the many green-framed portraits, a red frame appears, and the portrait in the red frame is marked with a blinking red exclamation mark.

激光 The laser light on the airborne surveillance drone lights up, and a laser light shines directly on the person. At the same time, the speakers on the drone also sounded: "Hello ~ ~ Your identity information has not been verified by the system, please stay in place and we will have professionals to come Verification of your identity, thank you for your cooperation. "

人 The person irradiated by the laser light just started to make a gesture of holding his head with both hands and bending down and squatting under the attention of everyone around him. Just when everyone thought it was over, the man suddenly ran out. The place where he ran was not outside, but a ground equipment demonstration ground.

The drone, which had locked in to illuminate the man, responded quickly. I saw it chasing the fleeing person, flashing the warning lights, and the warning sound began to rush.

Soon after, a drone patrolled next to it, and a drone that took off from the takeoff and landing area quickly flew over. Three drones flashed red warning lights and a red laser tracked the target continuously.

The man who fled to the ground equipment demonstration site saw that he couldn't escape. He actually pulled a pistol out of the bag and aimed at the drone hovering in the air.

的 The three aerial patrol alert drones hovering in the air saw the rapid rise in height, and then continued to hover the man. At the same time, the drone that supported it suddenly dived, launched a capture net at the person, and caught the person directly.

While this man is constantly struggling, the three drones are still hovering in the air. At the same time, an unmanned patrol car on the ground felt the scene and hit a suspicious light on the net.

At this time, a vehicle came in the distance, and several armed security personnel descended from the vehicle and dragged the dog to the suspicious person, then quickly subdued it to the ground.

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