Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 811: An exhibition full of gunpowder

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If it were not for the follow-up of this new technology promotion meeting, Wu Hao might have already gone to Beijing.

The military-civilian integration technology exchange exhibition is held every two years, just one year apart from the Pearl City Air Show.

Although the Pearl City Air Show is an international air show, the scale is relatively large. However, it is not as high in level as the military-civilian integration technology exchange exhibition in which dozens of departments in the military and civil society participate, and it is also an internal exchange exhibition that is not open to the outside world.

Yes, this military-civilian integration technology exchange exhibition is only open to the military system and some private enterprises participating in the military industry. Ordinary people are not allowed to visit, so such an exhibition is more professional.

As a private company participating in this level of military-civilian fusion technology exchange exhibition for two consecutive years, Haoyu Technology has attracted much attention from the industry this time. It is mainly because the products and technologies brought by the last appearance are indeed too dazzling, and these technological achievements have made tremendous achievements in the military and civilian fields.

So this time, the preparatory committee of the exhibition sent them an invitation letter early to let them prepare early.

The purpose of the exhibition preparatory committee is very clear, is to hope that they can make persistent efforts to continue to improve the quality of exhibited technical products and help improve the level of the exhibition.

Wu Hao naturally attaches great importance to this, which should be counted as a report on their development in the military industry. Therefore, he personally led the exhibition preparation team and personally arranged some attention matters.

As the special plane landed steadily at the Beijing International Airport, Wu Hao finally set off for Beijing to participate in the military-civilian fusion technology exchange exhibition.

In fact, some people have already prepared for it in advance, and this time he just brought a few casual staff.

Of course, Yang Fan also came with us. This time the exhibition mainly focused on technical exchanges, so Wu Hao brought him specially.

After a short break at the hotel where they stayed, Wu Hao and then went to the military-civilian integration technology exchange exhibition site to inspect the layout of their exhibition hall.

The venue of the exhibition is still the International Conference Center, which was changed from the Olympic venues that year. These years have been an important venue for large-scale conferences and exhibitions in Beijing.

When they came to the venue, the team leader of their preparatory team was already waiting there. When they saw Wu Hao coming, he responded immediately.

"Mr. Wu, you have worked hard along the way." The middle-aged man named Zheng Yijun, 36 years old this year, is relatively calm, so Wu Hao sent him to support the preparation of the exhibition hall.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "Where, hard work is not as good as you. I should greet you.

How about it? "

Seeing Wu Hao directly enter the topic, Zheng Yijun didn't talk anymore, then nodded and replied: "It has basically been completed. The cleaning of our pavilion has just been completed in the morning, and fine-tuning is now under way, which will not affect tomorrow's opening ceremony.

You are here just to see what needs to be adjusted. "

Wu Hao smiled and then waved, "Go, let's go in and see."

Entering the exhibition hall, Zheng Yijun immediately introduced: "This year's exhibition has been adjusted, and the exhibition hall area has been re-divided.

The first is the area C in the south, from C1 to C4 are all related booths of the military system. The North Zone E is all our private enterprise booths.

Our location is located in the E1 area. The location is very good. Although the location is relatively far, it also belongs to the first echelon category.

The companies participating in this exhibition are all excellent domestic companies that have achieved relevant achievements in various fields. "

Wu Hao nodded, then looked at the exhibition halls that had been arranged on both sides, and the staff who had already stood in the exhibition hall and eagerly tried, and couldn't help laughing: "This hasn't started yet, how do I feel interesting gunpowder."

Zheng Yijun nodded and said: "Although it is said to be a technical exchange exhibition, everyone knows that this is also a rare opportunity to think of the military and related departments and the heads to show their achievements.

So everyone naturally held their breath and hoped to win.

And according to the past practice, if the product and technology are good enough, you can also directly obtain related orders and cooperation.

So, subconsciously, the other party is regarded as a competitor. "

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, saying: "It's not necessary, it's just a technical exchange exhibition, why should it be so aggressive.

If your product and technology are good enough, then what is there to worry about. "

Speaking of which, Wu Hao smiled at Zheng Yijun and asked: "You have been here for so many days and you have a basic understanding of the exhibitors of this exhibition. Who do you think our competitors are and how much threat? "

Seeing Wu Hao questioning, Zheng Yijun thought a little, then shook his head and said: "To be honest, our exhibits and technology really have no competitors.

The only thing that needs attention is the drone. The aviation industry and Dajiang have brought their latest drones this time.

The aviation industry has a unique advantage in the research of military drones. This advantage is unmatched by us.

Dajiang has always been the overlord and main player in the field of civilian drones. Although our drone business has risen rapidly in recent years, we are mainly targeting special users, so it will not affect their consumer drones.

Now it seems that Dajiang is not satisfied with the current consumer-level market, and is starting to focus on the professional-grade drone market. Several of their professional-grade drones have a certain impact on our related output. "

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Any opponent deserves our respect, and we must not lose our sense of danger by our contempt.

Dajiang's strength is still very strong, otherwise you think that 70% of the global consumer market share can not be occupied by anyone. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

And through these years of technical cooperation and patent exchange with us, they have mastered a lot of our advanced technology. Although we also benefit from it, they have also made rapid progress in the field of professional drones through our technology. "

Seeing everyone nodded seriously, Wu Hao smiled and said with relief: "However, don't worry too much. They are making progress, and neither are we.

Professional-grade drones are no more stringent than consumer-grade drones, especially for military use.

In this regard, Dajiang is just a new player with some skills. "

It is true that professional drones and military drones and civilian consumer drones are all drones, but there is a big gap.

Professional drones and military drones have stricter requirements on the performance of the drones themselves and the entire system, especially in terms of technology.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for private enterprises to enter the military industry, and the quality control is not strict enough.

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