Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 812: New changes

, Update the latest chapter of military technology as soon as possible!

Saying that a group of people came to their exhibition hall (booth), Wu Hao stopped and looked at himself. The socialization of the exhibition hall conforms to the simple and practical style that Wu Hao has always advocated. The overall design of the frame structure, combined with some technological elements, is more extraordinary among the many exhibition halls.

Walking to the progress hall, the busy staff immediately greeted them. Wu Hao nodded in response, looking around the entire exhibition hall.

Because there is no opening yet, all the photos visited in the exhibition hall are covered with camouflage cloth and black cloth, which also adds a sense of mystery to their exhibits.

The large screen spliced ​​by their modular borderless smart screen on the side of the exhibition hall is scrolling through some of their company's promotional materials.

Yes, Wu Hao nodded and smiled.

Hearing Wu Hao's appreciation, Zheng Yijun and the staff immediately smiled. After working hard for more than half a month, it is worthwhile to have such a word of appreciation from your own boss.

Wu Hao then yelled at everyone: "Everyone has worked hard during this time, and I extend condolences to you on behalf of the company. I hope you can make persistent efforts and let us make sure that we will go through the entire exhibition period smoothly. When the exhibition is over, I personally A celebration party for you!"

Thank you Mr. Wu! Everyone said excitedly.

Wu Hao waved his hands and smiled: "Go busy, don't worry about me."

Hearing his words, everyone smiled, and then they got busy. This is also the case in the company. Wu Hao doesn't like to rush forward and back, so he asked his employees not to care about him. Busy your own work, unless Wu Hao finds him.

So now the company has developed such a trend, not only Wu Hao, but also Zhang Jun and their senior management companies to continue their leadership. What everyone should do or not do will not be affected, nor will there be any scene of flattering and flattering.

After the people had dispersed, Wu Hao smiled at Zheng Yijun: "It's a good job. It seems that it's right to give this matter to you."

Thank you for your trust! Zheng Yijun said with a smile: "To be honest, after receiving this job, I still have some pressure.

Especially when I learned that the level of this exhibition is very high, it is very likely that several chiefs will come, so I dare not take it easy. Basically, I have participated in every link and tried to get things done.

Fortunately, live up to expectations. "

Wu Hao Wen Yan patted Zheng Yijun on the shoulder, and then smiled at him: "Okay, let's talk about the process of this exhibition, I am also well prepared."

Hearing Wu Hao’s question, Zheng Yijun responded immediately: “This exhibition takes a long time and lasts a total of five days. The first three days were all equipment and technology demonstration sessions, while the two days were a technical symposium on military-civilian integration.

For us, it is mainly the first three days of the exhibition stage. As for the following exchange symposium, I am afraid that the exhibition party will also invite you to participate. "

I "just forget it, let Yang Fan talk to them." Wu Haoxing waved his hand and then motioned for Zheng Yijun to continue.

"The exhibition will officially open at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. It is said that the chief executive came in person, so the exhibition party invited us to be ready to enter the venue at eight o'clock. And the CEOs of the exhibitors must come to check in at 9:30 at the latest. After this time, you will not be able to enter.

Tomorrow's security access is relatively strict, you must wear relevant identification documents. We have completed this document for you. The staff of the exhibition party will come to verify your identity and issue the certificate. "

"So strict?" Wu Hao was surprised.

In previous exhibitions, it was not so strict. What happened this year?

Zheng Yijun nodded somewhat helplessly: "This year's new regulations are not only for us, other exhibitors are the same.

It is said to cooperate with the security department to prevent unknown persons from getting in. "

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the news. This kind of exhibition is semi-open. If it is said that spies want to get in, it is relatively easy.

Of course, it is understandable for the security department to do such investigations, and maybe a few small fish can be dug out of it.

"Because of the particularity of the technical equipment we displayed, we specifically applied for the demonstration session in advance.

The venue of the entire demonstration session is located at a military training base in the northwest. Communication has been made in this regard. Said Zheng Yijun.

How about the demo equipment? Wu Hao asked.

It has been adjusted, and the equipment was shipped to that training base yesterday, and a field adjustment demonstration was conducted with excellent performance. We have communicated with the training base and asked them to keep the presentation strictly confidential.

Ha ha, you don't say they will be strictly confidential. Wu Hao said with a smile.

As for the pieces of equipment they displayed, a little secret knowledge will not be revealed, let alone in the military training base.

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Zheng Yijun smiled and said: "You don't know, when our products were demonstrated on the spot, it immediately caused a sensation. If it is not strictly controlled, I am afraid that the entire base will come to watch.

Even so, our technical staff there called in the morning and said that some military chiefs wanted to see it in advance, but it was rejected by us. "

It’s pretty, it’s not shown yet, it’s a bit of a mystery. And all of them have figured it out. How can we fight for the initiative of negotiation at that time? Wu Hao smiled and praised.

Zheng Yijun went on to say: "In addition to the times, people from several military industrial companies, such as aviation industry, Northern Company, Aerospace Technology and other companies have come to the door, hoping to strengthen communication with us."

"Oh, UU reading obviously they heard what the wind is. Don't worry about them first, our goal this time is mainly the military and related units." Wu Hao waved.

The purpose of these companies to come to the door is very simple, just want to pick up cheap. If it was two years ago, when they came to the exhibition for the first time, they may still have some lack of confidence and need to take care of these companies. Now, there is no need to be so scared.

They already have the strength to directly contact the military and do not need these companies to act as bridges.

Here they are talking, they heard a hearty laughter came immediately: "Ha ha ha ha, President Wu, long time no see."

Wu Hao and others immediately turned to look at Wen Yan, and Vice President Cheng of the aviation industry came to him with a group of people.

Mr. Cheng, long time no see. This exhibition has not yet opened, why did you come in advance? Wu Hao approached with a smile and shook hands cordially.

Vice President Cheng patted him on the shoulder, and then said kindly: "Why, you can always come to Wu, but I can't come."


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