Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Laser defense air defense and anti-missile weapons

  【The great reward of 10,000 coins starting from book friends, I am grateful to you.】

   Of course, it does not mean that the economic value of the military reconnaissance satellite project is not high. On the contrary, it is very high.

   No commodity in the world can have such high profits as arms.

   But if you want such cutting-edge weapon technology, they can provide technology and participate in it, but if you want to host independently, it is not possible. So even Wu Hao couldn’t think of it, so it’s better to make it clear earlier.

   As for the application of this six-sided honeycomb compound lens in the civilian market, it is definitely very extensive. Since the release of this technology, many companies have come to seek cooperation, and some partners are also very sincere. It's just that there are too many companies currently cooperating, and Wu Hao hasn't decided yet.

   "In addition to remote sensing reconnaissance satellites, ordinary optical reconnaissance equipment can also use this technology. Because of its highly integrated features, it can be used in multiple fields and exert its excellent performance."

   "Of course, this technology is not limited to optical detection lenses. The multi-layer composite lens technology we developed from this is also very versatile.

   For example, in military, we can use this technology to engrave or print the lens of the laser. Under the same light source, the energy or power of this multi-layer compound lens is increased by more than 50% compared with the traditional lens.

  This also means that we can increase the power of the lasers or laser weapons equipped by the existing troops by 50% to make it more powerful, or directly, more lethal. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, many people began to feel calm. Especially General Xiao wearing Air Force Blue. You should know that the Air Force occupies the main force in homeland air defense, so it also has a strong ground air defense force.

   In these air defense forces, in addition to ordinary air defense missiles, anti-aircraft guns, interception fighters. There is also a weapon, which is also an air defense interception weapon that major military powers have been competing to study in recent years, that is, laser weapons.

  Because of the characteristics of the laser, it has become the best interceptor weapon, not only in terms of interception accuracy, speed, but also in terms of efficiency.

   But because of the distance and the power of the laser itself, it is difficult to destroy some large targets, such as missile fighters and so on. Especially for ballistic missiles, their warheads can withstand thousands of degrees of high temperature when they return to the atmosphere, let alone ordinary laser weapons.

   Of course, in recent years, with the development of laser weapon technology and other related technologies, this laser weapon has new uses.

   Among them, the most widely used laser weapons in recent years are used to deal with drones. Regardless of whether it is a large high-altitude drone or a low-altitude low-speed drone, laser weapons will have strong lethality, so they are widely used in the field of anti-drones.

  In addition to anti-drones, laser weapons will also be used for general anti-missile aspects. The difference between ballistic missiles and general missiles is still not able to withstand high temperature burning, especially the more precise missile head.

   Like general cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, rockets, etc., all have good counter-attack capabilities.

   With the rise of the concept of all-electric propulsion systems and all-electric ships in recent years, electromagnetic guns and such laser weapons have also been reintroduced into the new concept of shipborne weapons.

   Electromagnetic guns are used for attack, while laser weapons are used for defense. Especially used to replace the previous process rapid fire guns and process interceptor missiles, as the main interception and defense weapon of the warship.

  Regardless of its power, in terms of efficiency, the operational efficiency of laser weapons is definitely that traditional interceptors cannot be larger than you.

   is just a matter of power limitation. Laser weapons have not been developed in recent years and have not been widely used.

   Scientists have been making efforts in this area, hoping to find a light source with higher power, and hope that the irradiation energy of laser weapons can be stronger.

   But limited by technology and materials, there has been no breakthrough in this regard.

  Now, Wu Hao really gave everyone present a huge surprise, directly increasing the irradiation power of the laser weapon by half. Such a huge improvement means that there will be an explosive improvement in laser weapon technology, so that the laser weapon will be truly put into actual combat.

  Even many people watch this technology and start to have their own calculations.

   For example, in the Air Force, how to use laser weapons to compile its own air defense network?

   For the navy, think about how to equip the laser weapon to the ship, so as to increase the defense and anti-missile capability of the warship.

   And the army is more daring, they are wondering whether this technology can be used, and the new lithium battery Wu Hao mentioned earlier is equipped to armored vehicles or tanks. Armored vehicles and tanks also have a laser active defense system that is more powerful than the active defense system of the Russian T14 Amata tank.

  If they can succeed, then these armored vehicles and tanks no longer have to worry about being attacked by anti-tank missiles, which will greatly increase the battlefield survivability of these ground armored forces.

   In addition, some people at the scene are thinking about whether they can use this laser weapon to carry out anti-satellite and so on.

   "I said to you kid, why didn't you take out such a good thing early?" General Xiao complained a little.

   Wu Hao replied with a smile: "It's not too late to take it out now."

   "It is very versatile, and it can even affect the situation and change the war. We must get this technology!" General Qi, dressed in navy blue, said right.

"Yes, this is a cutting-edge technology that can improve the overall defense and strike capabilities of the troops. UU reading" General Tang nodded and then looked at Wu Hao seriously: "This technology is of extraordinary significance and must be Pay attention to it and keep it strictly confidential."

  Wu Hao smiled and said, "You can rest assured that I have already made arrangements in this regard.

   The core of this technology is in the processing technology of this multi-layer composite lens, and we are now showing the finished product, so there is no possibility of leakage. "

   "Well, that's fine." General Tang nodded and said to the crowd: "I think it's better sooner than later. I have to arrange relevant experts to discuss the feasibility of this technology as soon as possible."

   "I agree, I don't want to wait, just take advantage of everyone's presence these days." General Qi nodded.

   "That's the way to go." General Tang gave a final word.

  Discussed this matter properly, and then everyone's eyes turned to the exhibits again. When they found that beside the multi-layer compound lens, there was a bright cube.

  After careful observation, it was found that these various patterns were actually carved inside, which is really beautiful.

"what is this?"

   Facing everyone's questions, Wu Hao answered with a smile: "This is a model, a model of a photonic chip."



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