Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Photonic chip

   "Photonic chip?"

   Listening to these four words, everyone present could not help moving.

   If you want to say what has attracted the most attention in recent years, it must be the chip.

  Because of the suppression and restrictions of certain countries, the development of the chip industry in our country is very difficult, and many industries that require chips are struggling.

   It can be said that it has become an important barrier restricting the development of high-tech industries in our country.

"I remember you said at your press conference that this technology seems to be used in the manufacture of the lens group of the extreme ultraviolet light source of the core component of the lithography machine?" For Wu Hao, they are more concerned about the generals of strategic support and guarantees. Solution.

Wu Haowen nodded and said: "In fact, the principles are the same. We use this manufacturing process to process multiple lenses on one lens. In theory, this number can be infinite, depending on the lens. What is the thickness of the material?

   And the core of the lithography machine is the exposure machine. The so-called exposure machine is actually a group of ultraviolet light sources through the lens and prism group to compress it to the nano-level extreme ultraviolet light, which is used for the exposure and etching of integrated circuits on silicon wafers.

  To put it bluntly, the exposure machine is actually a sophisticated optical device composed of many complicated lenses.

   And our technology can simplify such a complicated lens module. It is only necessary to engrave or print these lens modules in a piece of special transparent glass according to the relevant layout, so as to centralize the huge exposure machine lenses together.

  Not only is the EUV light source manufactured not only pure, but also shorter in wavelength and sharper, it can produce chips with a smaller manufacturing process.

  Second, compared with the complicated and expensive exposure machine, it seems that the technology not only has a simple structure, but also can greatly reduce the cost. "

   explained it again, and Wu Hao said it back: "Then the photonic chip can also be called a photonic computer.

   The so-called photonic computer is a new type of computer that performs digital operations, logical operations, information storage and processing by optical signals.

   It consists of lasers, optical mirrors, lenses, filters and other optical components and equipment. Rely on the laser beam to enter the array composed of mirrors and lenses for information processing, replacing electrons with photons, and optical operations instead of electrical operations.

  The parallelism and high speed of light naturally determine that the parallel processing capability of the photonic computer is very strong, with ultra-high computing speed.

   Photonic computers also have fault tolerance similar to that of the human brain. When a component in the system is damaged or erroneous, it does not affect the final calculation result.

   Photons transmitted in optical media cause minimal distortion and distortion of information, energy consumption and heat dissipation during light transmission and conversion are extremely low, and the requirements for environmental conditions are much lower than electronic computers. "

   said, Wu Hao pointed at this bright cube in front of everyone.

   "According to the idea and structure of integrated circuits, we or countless scientists who conduct research in this area envisage concentrating a variety of optoelectronic components on a single chip to manufacture an integrated optical path.

  As you know, the so-called chip is actually a large-scale micro integrated circuit. What we have to do is replace the large-scale integrated circuits in the chip with integrated optical paths.

   In fact, research in this area has already begun. Since 1970, an emerging discipline called integrated optics has emerged in the field of optics.

  In recent years, through the development of optical communication, optical switching, and optical information processing technology, various photonic integrated devices have been successfully developed.

  Realize the whole system of making optical memory, optical switch, light source and optical waveguide on one chip.

Even polarizers, filters, optical amplifiers, optical modulators, lenses, prisms, gratings, optical attenuators, and other optical components are formed into a thin film on a motherboard, which greatly reduces the space occupied by the optical path and makes Micro-integrated optical path.

   is used for high-speed transmission and processing of optical signals, achieving low power consumption, high performance, convenience and high efficiency.

  The brilliant cube you see in front of you is the core photonic chip in a photonic computer that we make.

   Of course, it is just a model, not a finished product. After all, the entire photonic computer is a complex system engineering, and this alone is not enough.

  However, we have also established a photonic computer and integrated optical path research project team with the optical and computer departments of several universities.

   At present, this project is progressing smoothly. The photonic chip model we are seeing now comes from one of the principle verification models of this project group. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone couldn't help but focus on this bright cube.

  Although everyone does not know much about photonic computers, everyone knows that it represents the future development direction of computer technology.

   It is said that its performance will be N times that of current traditional computers. It may be a complex mathematical formula. The fastest supercomputer currently requires several months to calculate, while using a photonic computer, it may take a few seconds.

  With such a very fast photonic computer, it will truly change the current life of our humanity.

  Like cutting-edge technology, astronomy, life materials, chemical and pharmaceutical, and national defense engineering will bring leapfrog development.

  Not to mention anything else, let's talk about some R&D projects of super cutting edge weapons. If such a photon computer with amazing computing power is added, it will greatly speed up the R&D progress of these projects.

   For example, new nuclear weapons, such as the fourth-generation nuclear weapons that the major nuclear powers have been competing to study in recent years, the UU reading metal nitrogen "N2 explosive bomb".

   is not only more powerful than the most powerful nuclear weapon, hydrogen bomb, but also more environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

  In the research of this kind of cutting-edge weapons, the calculation of super huge amounts is indispensable, which involves countless data formulas.

   If such a photonic computer that surpasses all current supercomputers is added, it will greatly catalyze the progress of the entire project. Completing the development of such ultra-short weapons earlier than others will greatly consolidate our national defense capabilities.

   So, looking at the bright cube in front, everyone's eyes shone.

   "Good stuff, good technology!"

   "I think this technology and this project must be taken seriously. It is not enough for you and several universities to study. You should have more scientific research forces to join.

  Like domestic research institutes, laboratories in related fields, and some scientific research forces of our military, we must also join in. "

General Xiao patted Wu Hao solemnly and said: "No time will wait. In the face of the current complex international situation, if our country wants to revive and want to rise, it is inseparable from such an artifact that supports and promotes all areas. Konsuke."



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