Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 854: Don't make the same mistake

   Wu Hao and the others are absolutely happy to see it happen. After all, whether it is high-speed obstacle avoidance technology or autonomous flight control technology, Wu Hao and the others have many big advantages. Not surprisingly, they were eventually won. So, this is tantamount to sending them an order. Why are they unhappy?


   As someone shouted at the scene, everyone immediately looked at the big screen.

   I saw two smart attack drones swish, passing through the last canyon, and the field of vision in front of them was wide, which belonged to the dense forest.

   The two 凫凯 smart attack drones immediately descended and began to cling to the treetops of the forest trees to achieve ultra-low altitude flight.

   120 kilometers away from the target, began to approach quickly.

   The distance of 120 kilometers is enough to launch long-range ground-to-surface missiles, let alone some glide attack ammunition. But this distance is still not enough for ordinary drones.

   In addition, the distance of 120 kilometers is still a bit far, and there is no guarantee that the target can be successfully destroyed.

  Be aware that some process interception systems will be deployed around important targets. For example, rapid-fire cannon, ball and gun integrated system and so on. These process intercept systems are not only a threat to low-altitude aircraft and helicopters, but also intercept some missiles, especially cruise missiles, and low-speed gliding attack ammunition and ground missiles.

   So I want to attack the target and continue to get closer, so as not to give the opponent enough time to respond.

   "The enemy's blind-fixing radar was discovered, and our smart attack drone formation began to climb quickly!"

   "The enemy radar suddenly turned on, and the formation of our smart attack drones has been discovered by the enemy radar. The reconnaissance satellite found that two enemy fighter jets took off in an emergency and began to intercept our fighters."

  The intelligence has been transmitted to the 凫徯intelligent attack drone formation, and the drones activate the combat system and begin an emergency climb!

   Five kilometers, six kilometers, seven kilometers, eight kilometers...

  The enemy plane launches medium-range air-to-air missiles!

  On the screen, two red fighter icons suddenly appeared with two red dots and dotted lines flying towards two drones seventy or eighty kilometers away.

As soon as the   凫凫凫 formation found the incoming missile, it began to evade.

   When a general fighter encounters such an incoming missile, there are many ways to deal with it. The most important one is to cut corners to avoid, and to hit decoy bombs.

   One of the most common methods is to dive quickly and accelerate to avoid. Secondly, it is to use low-altitude mountain obstacles to get rid of the missile's tracking and locking.

   However, if you obey the low altitude, it is easy to be exposed to the strike range of ground air defense fire. Therefore, many integrated air defense systems take advantage of this, a three-dimensional air defense network composed of fighter planes and ground air defense systems.

   This is an exercise. It is naturally impossible to use live ammunition, so the entire exercise is actually a digital countermeasure system.

   So after one round of evasion, the two drones finally avoided the medium-range air-to-air missile attack. At this time, the two fighters have approached and successfully entangled the two Fuling intelligent attack drones.

   The real battle is only now starting. Although this kind of dogfight is no longer common in combat, it is still an indispensable subject in various exercises. On the one hand, it can indeed test the pilot's driving skills, on the other hand, it can also test the overall performance of the fighter.

  Secondly, this kind of tense confrontation can make the pilot feel the actual combat environment immersively.

   One more thing, this kind of close-range chasing and confrontation dogfight is really beautiful, exciting, and intense.

   Switch to the remote control mode, and the rear pilot will take over the aircraft for aerial confrontation!

   At this time, relying on the aircraft's autonomous flight control system can no longer cope with such a situation, so immediately, the person in charge of the rear control center in the command center immediately issued the order.


   I saw the two drivers sitting on the remote control position of the control center, quickly lowered their masks and switched to manual driving mode.

   At the same time, the first-view images of the two drivers also appeared on the big screen. The screen has been flashing red letters to show the incoming fighters.

   At this time, the Blue Army radio channel sound was also heard from the speakers in the command center.

   Reported to the Eagle’s Nest and found two drones with weird appearances, which were attacking us. Did they shoot down?

   Eagle’s Nest received, red wolves, spiders, seizing favorable positions, waiting for the opportunity to shoot down the invading enemy, pay attention to safety.

   Red wolf received, spider received!

   Spider, I left you right, pull up, lock the target and fire immediately, pay attention to safety.

   The spider received, Red Wolf, I heard that the Northwest Wolf has suffered a lot from this, so be careful.

   Don't worry, we are the ace of the ace division, how can we make such a low-level mistake.

   That’s good, take down these two planes, and I’ll buy you a drink when I go back!

   I want to drink Moutai.

   There is no Moutai, but Niu Erguan is enough.

  Go, why are you so stingy with so many rod fees a month?

   There is no way, I have to fight for the baby's milk powder money.


   Uh, ha ha ha ha...

   Hearing the two pilots chattering on the voice channel, everyone in the command center showed black lines and laughed.

  At this time, I only heard the voice of the wolf den on the radio: "Red wolf, spider, pay attention to keep the channel clean.

  According to reliable news, the superior seems to be monitoring our conversation. "


The    channel was quiet for a long time, and it took a long time for the spider to make a false voice: "What we just said will not be heard by the superiors."

   Hear what's wrong, we are alleviating stress. The Red Wolf said, then shouted: "Pull up, pull up, don't let it go under your ass."

   bite it, don't let him slip!

   You and I double-teamed, kill one first.

   My main attack, you cover, pay attention to the sneak attack by the wingman next to it!


  Through the first angle of view of the two 凫徯 smart attack drones, everyone also saw the figures of the two J-10 fighters on the big screen.

   The scene was very intense, and I saw the first-view images of the two 凫徯 smart attack drones constantly rolling and changing.

   I was bitten! The spider's eager voice came from the stereo.

   Get rid of, get rid of, don't give it a chance to launch missiles.

   No, the other party is very flexible.

   Use the clouds, there are cumulonimbus clouds over there, give it a cotton candy!

   Still not working, the other side bite very tightly, and he didn't give me a chance at all, he was about to be locked in.

   hit afterburner, dive to accelerate, use terrain to get rid of!


   is finished!

   Hearing this voice, Tao Guangcheng and the officers of several units at the scene shook their hearts.

  If you are only at high altitude, then there is still a chance of winning.

   But once in such a narrow area, the UAV with high-speed obstacle avoidance function will give full play to its advantages.

   The defeat is set! Tao Guangcheng said with an ugly expression.



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