Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 855: Develop the strengths and avoid weaknesses, adjust the tiger away from the mount

   At this time, no one looks good. Of course, except Wu Hao and the others.

   For Xiao Yunfei and Tao Guangcheng, such mistakes and failures are unacceptable.

   You need to know that before they thought that this kind of confrontation should be very easy. They learned from the previous experience and lessons, even if they couldn't beat the opponent, it was almost 50-50.

   Unexpectedly, this time the gap is so obvious.

  Sure enough, as the two fighters dived and accelerated into the mountains, the situation changed. In order to avoid obstacles, the originally powerful fighters chose to reduce their speed.

  While the smart attack drone, it just makes up for the disadvantage of insufficient thrust. After switching to the autonomous flight control mode, it became more and more clinging to the fighter.


   With a rapid call to the police, the red wolf could not help but hurriedly exclaimed: "Spider, I am locked."

   "Get away, get away, get away."

   "You have been locked by the local radar, please leave immediately, please leave immediately."

   "Missile strike warning, missile strike warning!"

   "It's too late, spider, it's up to you."

   "The system determines that you have been shot down. Please follow the rules of the exercise and take the initiative to leave the battlefield."

   "Damn!" The Red Wolf vented somewhat unconvinced.

   Immediately, the voice of Wolf's Den was also heard on the radio: "Red Wolf, you are not allowed to vent your emotions, and immediately return to sail."

   "Spider, our six fighter planes have taken off urgently and are approaching you. Hold on."

   "The spider received it and is working hard to persist."


   For everyone watching the entire confrontation, the atmosphere in the command center is relatively solid.

   Xiao Yunfei and Tao Guangcheng didn't look good on their faces. How long did it take for one of their fighter planes to be destroyed.

   The opponent is still a drone, and it still uses remote control. And his other fighter is still being chased. If he doesn't want to think of a solution, he will probably be "shot down" again.

   "The two 凫徯 smart attack drones are separated?"

   "What's the matter?" Everyone immediately stared at the map on the screen.

   "It's indeed separated. One 凫徯 smart attack drone is still chasing the fighter, and the other drone has left the pursuit team."

   "Where is it going?" Luo Kai asked

   Li Weiguo replied: "It should be to perform the original strike mission."

   "Is this decision made by the drone?" Xiao Yunfei turned his head and asked Wu Hao.

   Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, before entering the valley, in order to avoid the remote control signal interruption and delay, so we have switched to the autonomous flight control mode.

   Therefore, the instructions for the division of troops to launch the mission should be the plan made by the UAV formation itself. "

   "It's very smart. When the enemy air defense fighters are about to come to support, I split the troops to surprise the target, so I can move the tiger away from the mountain." Xiao Yunfei praised.

   "Xiao Wu, have you still let these two Taihuan intelligent attack drones learn the art of war from Sun Tzu?" Luo Kai turned his head and joked at him.

   Wu Hao smiled and said: "This is the ability of artificial intelligence to learn. We have instilled and learned a variety of air force combat tactics for it, and conducted targeted training.

   Therefore, when the 凫徯 Intelligent Attack UAV performs its mission, it will formulate corresponding tactics based on the experience or data of its own learning and training.

   For example, in this exercise, the most important and core mission or goal is to strike the enemy's ground targets similar to the command center. As for the fighters, these are not the main goals.

   Therefore, when the smart attack drone is performing its mission, it will calculate the best mission plan and plan, and focus on the ultimate goal.

   That's why the 凫徯 Intelligent Attack UAV will formulate such a combat plan at this time. "

   is easy to say, but really difficult to implement.

   The artificial intelligence system of the drone is not a real person, so it is difficult to be flexible and adapt to the situation. Therefore, a large amount of data support and learning and training are required, so that the artificial intelligence system will select an optimal solution in a targeted manner after encountering this situation.

   "Didn't this spider find that there is a drone missing?" Xiao Yunfei said with a serious expression.

Tao Guangcheng nodded, then shook his head and said: "This is in the mountains, and it's flying at low altitude. It has a narrow line of sight and is very dangerous. It also needs to be entangled with the drone. It requires a high concentration of the pilot's attention and cannot be distracted. thing.

  Secondly, the appearance and painting of the two drones are very similar, and there is no clear identification number, so it is difficult to confuse them.

   In the end, even if it was discovered, it was impossible to report to the rear base in time. Because of the barriers in the mountains, the radio failed, and if you want to report, you must pull up or fly out of the mountains.

   At the moment, in such a fierce pursuit, it is obviously impossible to do it. In addition, because of the obstruction of mountainous areas, ground-based radars cannot detect this information.

   So now I can only look forward to this spider holding on, waiting for the arrival of reinforcement fighters. "

   "It will be over until the reinforcement fighters arrive. The nest has been stolen by others!" Xiao Yunfei said a little angry.

   Seeing Xiao Yunfei getting angry, everyone in the command center fell silent. The scene was silent, with only the sound of some equipment running.

   As the leader of the aviation division, Tao Guangcheng's face was pale, he never expected that the exercise would become like this. Although they had done a lot of pre-plans and ideas before, they even thought about secretly releasing the water.

   Unexpectedly, the two drones came up and played for them.

At this time, the staff of two cents next to him said: "We have set up an air defense missile position and a short-range defense system around the Even if there is no fighter, this drone wants to break through so densely. It’s still very difficult for China’s air defense network to attack."

   Xiao Yunfei's complexion improved a little when he heard the staff member's words, then he turned his head and looked at the big screen and asked: "The location of the other drone, mark it out."

   "Here!" Then the map zoomed in, showing the specific location and related routes of this 凫徯 smart attack drone.

  Through the first angle of view of this drone, everyone can see that this drone is flying against the surface of a river at an ultra-low altitude.

   "At this height, climbing the mountain is about to get close to the surface of the water, how high?"

   "1.5 meters!"


   Everyone in the command center couldn't help taking a breath. It was 1.5 meters. For a large fighter plane, it was a super low-altitude flight, even a restricted flight zone. Maybe a rock or a small bridge that popped out of the front could make the fighter directly hit it.

  Because the aircraft is a very unstable dynamic flight, a slight shake, or the influence of the microclimate of a mountain stream, may affect the attitude of the aircraft and cause a crash.



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