Millennium director

Chapter 214: Peacefully, going to the United States with my girlfriend

Wu Yuan and Cai Yinong waited in the hospital all day.

Hu Ge, his agent, and assistant's parents all came. In the afternoon, Yuan Hong, Hu Ge's friend, and Xue Jianing, who was fully armed and wearing sunglasses and a mask, also came secretly.

Hu Ge and Xue Jianing met in the 2004 TV series Unparalleled. It was not because Hu Ge participated in the TV series, but because Hu Ge's good buddy Yuan Hong participated in the TV series at the time. Hu Ge went to visit the class, and they kept going back and forth. The two of them became familiar.

Two years later, in 2006, they met by chance at an event and discovered they had a crush on each other.

So, after getting along for a period of time, they officially established a romantic relationship.

In fact, the two of them have not been in love for a long time, less than half a year.

The two people who are on the rise in their careers will naturally not announce their relationship.

However, at this critical moment when Hu Ge's career suffered a serious blow, Xue Jianing stood by Hu Ge's side without hesitation.

She put down all the work at hand and next, and prepared to take care of Hugo wholeheartedly.

To be honest, Wu Yuan was a little touched when he saw such a girl.

In the industry, if there is a female artist who is willing to leave all her work to take care of her partner, that is truly unreserved love.

After all, the work of an artist is different from ordinary work.

Once your career stagnates, you will not only lose income, but your popularity will also easily cool down due to the stagnation of your career. It is possible that just because of such a stagnation, your popularity will never return to its previous state, or even get worse.

Therefore, once some celebrities become popular, they dare not take any rest at all, and it is common for them to work hard for their careers all year round.

They are just afraid that once they take a break, their popularity will fall immediately, and then the market that originally belongs to them will be taken away by the artists who are chasing after them.

Xue Jianing's career is also on the rise now. She was able to suspend all work to be with her boyfriend because of his car accident. It was indeed very affectionate.

Seeing that his parents and girlfriend had arrived, Wu Yuan didn't stay any longer.

In the afternoon, after Hu Ge woke up from his coma, Wu Yuan briefly expressed condolences to him and asked him to take a good rest and cooperate with treatment.

Don't worry about the Legend of the Condor Heroes you are currently filming. Mr. Cai and I have agreed that Guo Jing will always be waiting for you.

After patting Hu Ge's cold and weak hand, Wu Yuan comforted him: Don't worry, take your time to take care of yourself.

Under Hu Ge's red-eyed gaze, Wu Yuan gave him a final wave and exited the ward, leaving the space to his parents and girlfriend.

Although Hu Ge had just woken up and his speech was still unclear, Wu Yuan could still see in his eyes the joy of surviving the disaster and the regret after waking up.

I hope he can rise from the ashes after this accident.

Brother, how is Hu Ge?

The media is reporting that he is paralyzed. Is it that serious?

Should I go visit him too?

As soon as he returned to the capital, Liu Yifei came to the door anxiously.

The promotion of Liu Yifei's album of the same name in cross-strait, three places and Japan has basically ended.

The album eventually sold a total of 260,000 copies in Greater China, mainly mainland China and Taiwan, and more than 200,000 copies in Japan.

Coupled with the scattered Chinese markets in Hong Kong Island, Singapore, and Malaysia, the album of the same name of Liu Yifei sold a total of 580,000 copies.

This result is definitely very eye-catching for a newcomer's first album.

Even if the first decade of the 21st century was a decade of fighting between gods and goddesses in the Chinese music scene, most of the later kings and queens of singers only sold two to three hundred thousand copies of their first albums.

But compared to those singers who have sold two to three million albums based on their musical ability, although the album Liu Yifei has good sales, its music dissemination is very average.

Most of Liu Yifei's album was bought by her loyal fans. Almost no passers-by bought it because of the good songs and from the perspective of appreciating the songs.

In streets and alleys across the country, there are almost no stores that play the music from her album.

Unlike Jiangnan and Qilixiang, these songs are really played in the streets and alleys.

Although the sales volume is high, the influence may not be as great as Jinsha's first album.

But Liu Yifei herself is quite satisfied.

She originally entered the music scene just for fun, or under the arrangement of her mother and godfather, just for novelty.

Now there is an album, which has sold nearly 600,000 copies across Asia, and the Japanese title song was selected as the theme song for The Powerpuff Girls and was broadcast on Japanese TV.

This achievement already made her very satisfied.

The smile on her face has not disappeared in recent times, and she is always cheerful no matter who she treats.

It was only after learning about Hu Ge's car accident that his mood hit rock bottom.

Hu Ge has collaborated with her on two works, and they are similar in age. Even though Liu Xiaoli was on guard when they were on the set, the relationship between her and Hu Ge was quite good.

One more thing to mention, the reason why Liu Xiaoli was very guarded against the actors who co-starred with Liu Yifei during the filming of Your Name, Legend of Sword and Fairy and The Legend of the Condor Heroes is all due to Lin Zhiying.

When he was filming Dragon, Lin Zhiying just hung out in front of Liu Yifei. He got close to her very quickly, and he was always trying to please her intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was trying to deceive the little girl.

This made Liu Xiaoli, who was always nervous about her daughter, very worried that her daughter would be cheated on her feelings.

Later, when Liu Yifei and Lin Zhiying attended some activities, Liu Xiaoli kept a close eye on them and even got in between them, fearing that they would fall in love because of the drama.

After having such an experience and lesson, Liu Xiaoli later became strictly guarded against the male actors in the same crew when Liu Yifei was filming.

But now she doesn't do that anymore.

On the one hand, Liu Yifei has grown up, and on the other hand, her feelings have been deceived, so there is no point in being defensive.

She was on guard, but she couldn't prevent Liu Yifei from falling in love with Wu Yuan, a young, handsome and talented director.

Okay, Hu Ge has woken up. Although the injury is quite serious, it is not life-threatening. He will be back to normal after two or three months of training.

Wu Yuan held Liu Yifei's cheeks with both hands, gave her a cheeky look, and gave her a peck on the mouth with a smile.

Is there no more work to do next?

I'm going to Los Angeles to attend the celebration party for Pirates of the Caribbean 2, why don't you go with me?

To be honest, since the release of Liu Yifei's album, both of them have been busy with work, and there have been very few opportunities to meet.

Wu Yuan doesn't think that as long as the relationship is deep, it doesn't matter if they don't see each other for a long time.

His view of love is that lovers must spend more time together, and relationships need to be constantly maintained and cultivated. If there is a long-term lack of communication and getting along, no matter how good the relationship is, it will not be able to withstand the wear and tear, and sooner or later it will break up.

He couldn't bear to let Wu Yuan break up with the fairy sister.

Now taking advantage of his little girlfriend's lack of work plans, Wu Yuan quickly invited her to go to the United States with him.

Rounding it all off, it’s considered a couple’s trip.

Wu Yuan took the initiative to invite, and Liu Yifei was of course very happy and willing.

After all, in her heart, in this relationship, she is the one who likes more, and she has always been the one taking the initiative.

Nowadays, it is rare for Wu Yuan to take the initiative, and the smile that fell from Liu Yifei's face immediately bloomed again.

Good duck, good duck! Her little head nodded quickly and she agreed without hesitation.

The next day, Xiao Zhang helped Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei book flights to Los Angeles.

Perhaps because she felt reassured about Wu Yuan, or perhaps she felt that her daughter had grown up and there was no need to follow her in everything, this time Liu Xiaoli did not accompany Liu Yifei to the United States.

The two of them are about to start their first two-person world after falling in love.

It's quite pitiful to say that since Liu Yifei's birthday last year, the two have been together for a year, but they have had very few private dates. They can be counted on one hand.

Even Liu Yifei's birthday this year couldn't be celebrated because she was holding a fan birthday party in Tokyo on her birthday and Wu Yuan couldn't attend.

Sissi, when we get to Los Angeles, let me give you a birthday that belongs only to the two of us. In the first-class cabin, Wu Yuan generously held Liu Yifei's soft little hand, smiling broadly.

“Have you ever been to Disneyland in Los Angeles?”

Shall we go to Disney together?

When she heard that Wu Yuan was going to celebrate her birthday, Liu Yifei, who was originally very happy, raised her head in surprise.


She never imagined that the words go to Disneyland would come out of Wu Yuan's mouth.

This is Director Wu who is mature and experienced in her work.

Why, can't I go to Disneyland with you? Wu Yuan seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and rubbed Liu Yifei's head: I am also a young man in my twenties, okay.

Although his mental age may be a bit older, Wu Yuan will never admit that he is old physically. He is also very willing to go to places like Disney with his girlfriend.

That's it. Liu Yifei reacted and grabbed Wu Yuan's finger, as if she was afraid that he would regret it, and said enthusiastically: You can't buy genuine Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Daisy in China. Silk and Duffy dolls, I must buy them this time!”

Although Stellar and Lina Belle are not available yet, it is obvious that Liu Yifei is also very interested in other traditional Disney dolls.

Okay, okay, buy them all, your boyfriend is rich. Wu Yuan laughed and took out a black gold credit card from his arms, shaking it deliberately in front of Liu Yifei's eyes.

Both of them were amused by his rich behavior.

After laughing and chatting all the way and falling asleep for ten hours after tired chatting, the two landed safely at Los Angeles International Airport.

Daisy, who was notified in advance, successfully picked up Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei, and sent them back to the mansion in Beverly Hills.

It wasn't until he returned to his home in Los Angeles that Wu Yuan had a sudden awakening.

This time Liu Xiaoli did not come with her.

Apart from the servants, he and Liu Yifei were the only two people in the huge mansion!

Is that right?

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