Millennium director

Chapter 215 I liked it a long time ago

For Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei, they are indeed much more comfortable in North America than in China.

It's not that the air in North America is fresher and sweeter, but here they are not big directors or big stars, they are just two ordinary Chinese people walking on the road.

Liu Yifei is completely unknown in the United States.

Although Wu Yuan is now a well-known commercial film director in Hollywood, he is only a behind-the-scenes worker after all. In addition, Europeans and Americans are somewhat blind when they look at Asians. When he walks on the street, he doesn't have to worry about being picked on. recognize.

Even in Los Angeles.

As long as they don't sneak into a place with many reporters, the two of them basically don't have to worry about the risk of being secretly photographed.

For example, in a place like Disneyland, there are no reporters covering celebrities.

Wu Yuan is very familiar with Disney in Los Angeles. After all, both Pirates of the Caribbean had their premieres here.

After arriving in Los Angeles, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei took a good night's sleep to adjust to the jet lag, and then went to Disneyland.

Wearing Mickey and Minnie headbands on his head, Wu Yuan and his little girlfriend had fun playing in Disney all day.

There is a fast VIP channel. As long as he is willing to spend money, Wu Yuan does not need to wait in line with his girlfriend, and he can play all the items directly.

One day is enough for a young couple to visit all the attractions at Disneyland in Los Angeles.

During the play, Wu Yuan discovered that Liu Yifei preferred exciting indoor dark roller coasters and snow-covered rides to rides such as merry-go-rounds, which little girls liked.

However, Disney has never been an amusement park that pursues excitement, so even roller coasters and other projects are not very fast. Wu Yuan is also happy to try more with Liu Yifei.

Anyway, it was fun to sit on the roller coaster and listen to her scream.

The two of them played from ten o'clock in the morning to almost eight o'clock in the evening. After watching the lantern parade and fireworks show, Liu Yifei dragged her exhausted body after the excitement and finally decided to go home.

Wu Yuan's physical fitness was quite good and he was full of energy. He carried Liu Yifei, who was half exhausted, back to Beverly Hills.

Crash, lala, lala -

Listening to the constant sound of water flowing in his ears, Wu Yuan's temples jumped.

After returning home, Liu Yifei went back to her bedroom immediately, while Wu Yuan arranged for the chef to prepare dinner. He also went back to his room to take a quick shower and change his clothes.

But when he dried his hair and went downstairs, he found that dinner was ready, but Liu Yifei had not come downstairs. He turned a corner and walked into the side bed, wanting to call her to go downstairs to eat together.

But upon entering, all he heard was the sound of water rushing from the bathroom.

Obviously, the little girlfriend is still taking a shower.

By some strange coincidence, Wu Yuan did not make a sound, but just quietly sat on the sofa and waited quietly.

But the longer he waited, the more his mouth felt dry.

I don’t know how long I have been waiting, time has lost its meaning at this moment.

Until, with a click, Liu Yifei, who lowered her head to wipe her wet hair, walked out of the mist-filled bathroom with bare feet.

Liu Yifei, who lowered her head and walked to the bed, did not notice Wu Yuan sitting on the sofa at first.

But Wu Yuan heard the movement immediately and turned to look at Liu Yifei.

My little girlfriend just got out of the bath, and the skin all over her body was white and red.

Maybe she had to eat later, so she didn't change into pajamas, but just wore a very loose T-shirt.

It's just that no matter how loose this T-shirt is, it can only cover the top of the thigh.

A pair of pink and white long legs were exposed to Wu Yuan's eyes without any obstruction.

Liu Yifei, who is 17cm tall, has a golden-proportioned figure.

Looking from his thighs to ten pink and red toes, Wu Yuan looked away with difficulty and coughed dryly.

A cough suddenly came from the quiet room, which startled Liu Yifei.

Like a startled little rabbit, she raised her head and looked around frantically. Only then did she see Wu Yuan sitting on the sofa. She subconsciously reached out to cover her lower body and said coquettishly: Brother, why are you in my room!

Wu Yuan looked at her awkwardly, then looked away, Well, I'm here to call you downstairs for dinner.

Ten minutes later, the restaurant.

Liu Yifei, who had already put on loose shorts, sat opposite Wu Yuan, eating her dinner in small bites, and secretly glanced at Wu Yuan from time to time.

Although Wu Yuan only wore a white shirt and did not make any elaborate decoration.

But Liu Yifei had to admit that the man in front of her still looked good even if he was dressed very homely.

Especially when he was cutting the steak leisurely with a knife and fork, his movements were very casual, but he still looked very elegant.

There is a saying that goes like this: To live in the qi and nourish the body.

As Wu Yuan became more and more comfortable in the upper class of Hollywood, he attended various social dinners more and more often, and had dinner with those who controlled the wealth of Hollywood.

He has also changed from the country dog ​​who didn't know how to eat Western food at the beginning, and couldn't even use a knife and fork, to the polite and decent person he is now.

The embarrassing thing that happened upstairs just now was tacitly forgotten by both of them.

Male and female friends always have to get used to this situation.

Wu Yuan was a little confused when he noticed that his little girlfriend always glanced at him after taking a bite. He thought she was not used to eating, so he raised his head and said apologetically: Is she not used to eating?

Because I live here for a short time, I didn't ask Daisy to hire a Chinese chef.

If you can't get used to it, I'll ask Daisy to find a Chinese chef as soon as possible.

No need to go to such trouble. Liu Yifei smiled sweetly, My eating habits are based on my living habits in Los Angeles for several years. Don't underestimate me.

Yes. Wu Yuan then remembered that Liu Yifei came to the United States earlier than him.

The two of them smiled at each other and continued to finish the dinner in front of them.

Daisy was looking for a Western chef specifically for Wu Yuan, and his cooking skills were beyond praise. The medium-rare steak was cooked just right and the seasoning was just right.

The Italian soup is also perfectly prepared, plus a vegetable salad and a few buns, and the dinner is complete.

However, Wu Yuan's Chinese stomach is still not used to this kind of Western food. It tastes good once in a while, but not every day.

He was still thinking in his mind that he would have to hire a Chinese chef.

After finishing the meal, Liu Yifei still felt a little shy about being spotted by Wu Yuan just now. She didn't plan to stay alone with him anymore, so she turned around and planned to go upstairs to her room to rest.

But how could Wu Yuan just let go of the little white rabbit in front of him.

Although everything seemed normal to him when he was eating just now, the image of Liu Yifei coming out of the bathroom was constantly replaying in his mind.

Just as Liu Yifei was about to go upstairs, Wu Yuan grabbed her hand and said, Sissi, it's still early, let's go find a movie and watch a movie together?

See a movie?

Yes. Wu Yuan invited with a smile on his face: There is a private audio-visual room on the first floor of the basement, specially used for watching movies or karaoke.

It's too late to go out and watch a movie now. Let's watch it together at home.

Looking into Wu Yuan's clear eyes, she felt that he didn't seem to have any other unnecessary intentions. He really just wanted to invite her to watch a movie, so Liu Yifei nodded her head and agreed.

Holding her little hand, Wu Yuan led her to the video room downstairs. He quickly found a 90-year-old movie The Love Between Ghosts and started playing it, then sat down and sat down. on the sofa.

Come on, come on. Wu Yuan extended his hand and patted the empty space beside him, inviting him expectantly.

It was rare to see Wu Yuan's childish side. Liu Yifei covered her mouth and chuckled. She sat down next to him obediently and took the initiative to lean half of her body against him.

Watch the movie and don't touch it! A soft warning came from her mouth, but when it was heard in Wu Yuan's ears, it was not lethal, but rather teasing.

Looking at the fragrant white and tender Liu Yifei, Wu Yuan's heart was beating wildly.

Obviously in the dream, I was not Brother Chu at all, and I had the experience of wandering among flowers.

But for some reason, Wu Yuan felt nervous in his heart when he looked at his girlfriend half-lying in his arms.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Yuan put his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. Neither of them spoke, and they watched the movie quietly, enjoying the little warmth between the couple.

The movie chosen by Wu Yuan is wonderful.

The Last Love, as a classic Hollywood love movie, has its own reasons for becoming a classic.

As the most romantic love moment in the history of Hollywood movies, when the male and female protagonists began to kiss in the movie, the atmosphere of ambiguity continued to rise in the small private video room.

A feeling of heat rose in their hearts at the same time.

Liu Yifei regretted agreeing to watch a movie with Wu Yuan. She didn't expect Wu Yuan to choose such an ambiguous movie.

Next to his ears, Wu Yuan's breathing gradually became heavier.

Feeling the heat of her man's breath on her neck, Liu Yifei's ears turned red.

Unable to help being shy, she raised her head and was about to stop him from crossing the line. Unexpectedly, what greeted her was a kiss that sealed her red lips.

Wu Yuan's movements of kissing her gradually increased from light to heavy, and the movements of his hands began to become dishonest.

He grabbed Liu Yifei's slender waist, held her on his lap, deepened the kiss, and inserted one hand from the lower end of her wide T-shirt.

Liu Yifei, who was immersed in the kiss, immediately woke up and reached out to stop his movements.

The deep kiss ended here, Liu Yifei's face turned red, her chest was heaving up and down, the man really didn't have any good things!

Both of them came to their senses from the uncontrollable situation just now, and reason returned to their brains.

With her head shrunk in Wu Yuan's arms, Liu Yifei gently played with Wu Yuan's shirt buttons with her fingertips, swaying her little feet leisurely, and muttered with some dissatisfaction: You said you wouldn't force me.

Wu Yuan sighed slightly and said apologetically: I'm sorry.

Before coming to the United States, Wu Yuan promised her that he would not do anything she did not want to do and would not force her to do anything, so Liu Yifei felt relieved to live with him alone.

Lowering his head and shaking his head, Liu Yifei did not struggle with the topic. Instead, she asked in a low voice: Wu Yuan, do you like me?

Her voice was very low, and her tone was full of anxiety and uncertainty, but Wu Yuan heard it extremely clearly.

Wu Yuan was stunned. This was the first time Liu Yifei called him by his first name.

He lowered his head and stared at his girlfriend leaning in his arms. From his angle, he could only see his girlfriend's long and thick eyelashes, her tall hump nose, and the blush on her cheeks that had not dissipated.

His heart beat hard and unsatisfactorily for a few times. Wu Yuan reached out and took one of Liu Yifei's hands, put it on his chest, let her feel her fiercely beating heartbeat, and said firmly: I like you.

Hearing this answer, Liu Yifei suddenly felt her nose sore and sniffed.

Wu Yuan is a person who is not very good at expressing his feelings.

Except for the day of confession, they had been in love for a year, but she had never heard any love words from Wu Yuan, let alone words that directly expressed his feelings.

Perhaps it was this firm I like you that gave her full courage. Liu Yifei, who had always put herself in a low position when facing Wu Yuan, asked for the first time:

Then when did you start liking me?

It was when we were filming Your Name, or during New Year's Eve, or after I plucked up the courage to confess my love to the crew of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Wu Yuan's eyes were confused for a moment. Every detail of his relationship with Liu Yifei was constantly replayed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered many things that he didn't pay much attention to before.

On the Ferris wheel, when she heard her confession, she was stunned and then ecstatic.

On the set of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, she mustered up the courage and said with her clothes that she was ready to fall in love.

On New Year's Eve, she looked at him with bright and hot eyes, smiled and said Happy New Year to him.

During that drama rehearsal, she secretly brewed Banlangen for him.

On the first day of school, she stood on tiptoes in the rain and held up a small umbrella for him.

And when they first met, she was holding a piece of watermelon and smiling brightly.

It turned out that she had left so many unforgettable scenes in her memory.

As he thought about it, Wu Yuan thought about what he had seen on TV and in the news in his dream, that woman who was so charming in every move and smile, but who was always alone.

Tightening his hands around Liu Yifei's waist, he said softly: A long time ago, before you knew it, I fell in love with you.

However, after hearing this answer, Liu Yifei's eyes turned red, her hand holding his shirt on his chest became harder, and she asked with a tearful tone: Then why don't you respond to me?

When I was on the set of The Condor, I finally worked up the courage to confess my love to you, but you still thought I was young!

Wu Yuan also had a bit of embarrassment on his face, and said without confidence: Then you are indeed young. I'm afraid you are impulsive.

Then why don't you think I was impulsive now? Where did you stretch your hand just now! Liu Yifei raised her head, with tears still in her eyes, but she puffed her mouth and said dissatisfied:

I think you are the one who is easily impulsive!

Wu Yuan opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but there was really no reason to refute. He was indeed carried away by the ambiguous atmosphere just now.

Seeing that Wu Yuan was deflated, Liu Yifei smiled with satisfaction, put her arms around Wu Yuan's neck, leaned her head against his ear, and said cheerfully: Brother, I like you too~

After saying that, she turned her head and kissed Wu Yuan hard on the cheek, leaving a moist mark.

With the corner of his mouth raised, Wu Yuan reached out and patted his girlfriend's slender back, feeling the warmth at this moment.

Brother, let's go back to the bedroom.


Wu Yuan looked at Liu Yifei in surprise, Us?

As if she had made up her mind, although Liu Yifei's cheeks were very rosy, her eyes were full of affection.

Since I like you and you like me, no matter what you do, it's not forced~

Hey, there’s no need to say any more unnecessary words.

Wu Yuan, who felt full of strength at this moment, straightened his back, stood up with Liu Yifei wrapped around him like a sloth, and strode upstairs.

The joy here is not enough for outsiders.

I just reposted it, deleted some and added some, so you can just make do with it.

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