Millennium director

Chapter 216 The honeymoon is over, return to China and start work!

When Liu Yifei woke up, it was almost noon.

She touched her side drowsily, only to find that the man who had tormented her all night was gone.


She sat up with some discomfort, and the thin silk quilt slipped from her naked body, revealing her flawless upper body with a beautiful figure.

Warm water droplets spurted out from the bun, constantly hitting Liu Yifei's jade-white body.

Letting the bath water hit her body, Liu Yifei wiped the moisture from her face and looked at herself in the dressing mirror.

Looking at the messy marks on her body, the restricted scenes from last night could not stop replaying in her mind.

With a blushing face and shaking her head, Liu Yifei tried to get rid of all the inappropriate images in her mind, but unfortunately her brain didn't seem to listen to her master.

Liu Yifei had just come out of the bathroom when Wu Yuan walked into the bedroom carrying a bowl of hot porridge.

She was still wearing the shirt that she took out from Wu Yuan's cloakroom. It was not too big and could only barely cover her upper thighs. A pair of white thighs were dangling in front of Wu Yuan's eyes.

For some reason, Wu Yuan didn't have any lust in his heart, he just felt a sense of happiness rising in his heart.

He put the hot porridge on the table, walked quickly to Liu Yifei, took the towel from her hand, and gently wiped her hair.

Western-style breakfast is not very tasty. I cooked leek and pork porridge for you. A bowl of porridge in the morning is better for your stomach.

After drying your hair, go and eat.

Liu Yifei, who was enjoying her boyfriend's service with her head down, raised her head in surprise, Can you still make porridge?

Looking down on people! Wu Yuan glared at her pretending to be angry, My cooking skills are not bad, don't worry, it tastes very good.

Whether in a dream or in this life, Wu Yuan has good cooking skills. After all, he took charge of the family at an early age and always had to learn to cook and feed himself.

Liu Yifei also thought of his life experience. Remembering that he was alone at a young age and had no elders or relatives to take care of him, she felt a little heartache in her heart and reached out to touch Wu Yuan's face.

Brother, I will take good care of you in the future.

I will also learn to cook for you!

The little girl's expression was very serious, as if she was saying something as heavy as Mount Tai.

Wu Yuan smiled fondly and kissed her red lips.


After a while, Liu Yifei, who had dried her hair, enjoyed the porridge that Wu Yuan cooked for her.

Wu Yuan also took the car keys, got out of the garage, and drove to the nearest drugstore to buy her some medicine and several boxes of Stop Elf.

In this way, on the third day after the young couple came to the United States, they started to get bored.

(Two hundred words were deleted.)

A week later, after attending the celebration party for Pirates of the Caribbean 2, the young couple's vacation was coming to an end.

The two of them packed their luggage, linked their fingers, and boarded the flight back home again.

Outside Beijing International Airport, Xiao Zhang came to pick up Wu Yuan in the nanny car.

So you won't have any work until you join the production of Pirates of the Caribbean 3?

Liu Yifei, who was lying in Wu Yuan's arms, nodded lightly: I was very tired from working on the new album. I want to take some time off so that I can be in the best condition for filming!

From Liu Yifei's charming and naive look, Wu Yuan could vaguely see a bit of a salted fish fairy.

But he didn't care, and even pinched Liu Yifei's cheek happily, Then you want to film with me next?

In one month, Gravity will be launched, and Wu Yuan will have to get busy.

It would be so happy if I could have a caring little girlfriend to accompany me.

Just mentioning this, Liu Yifei puffed up her cheeks again, I didn't appear in Gravity, so what's the point if I followed you into the group.

Yes, Wu Yuan held his forehead and laughed, Qian Qian, there is only one heroine and one supporting actor in this movie, and the remaining two supporting actors received their lunch boxes after appearing for less than two minutes.

There really is no role that suits you.

Otherwise, for those two supporting characters who only appear for a few minutes, you will make a cameo?

Liu Yifei immediately burst into laughter. In fact, she is not the kind of person who is proud of being favored, and she does not think that because she is Wu Yuan's girlfriend, she must win the heroines in Wu Yuan's movies.

It's just that as a girlfriend, she really wants to participate in every movie of Wu Yuan and leave her own mark in these movies, even if it's just a small supporting role, it doesn't matter.

Okay! She immediately agreed with satisfaction, put her hands around Wu Yuan's neck, and asked softly: Who do you plan to find for the other supporting role?

Yes, Wu Yuan had ignored this problem before. He just thought that he could just find two actors at random. Anyway, he would get a box lunch at the beginning.

It's just that this find it casually has never been implemented in detail.

After pondering for a few moments, Wu Yuan said casually: Why don't we ask Kun'er to make a guest appearance? He has been quite idle recently.

Ah Liu Yifei trembled all over, remembering the unbearable past when filming The Golden Family. She was really afraid of Chen Kun, especially when Chen Kun was so serious about his words and smiles.

Wu Yuan also thought of this and shook his head in amusement. The impression his friend left on his girlfriend was not a good one.

Forget it, let's ask Leslie to make a cameo. He has been staying in the capital recently to prepare for his new movie.

Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Weird Guys has entered the preparation stage, but due to schedule conflicts among the three actors, the film has not started shooting so early, and may not start shooting until after the year.

Zhang Guorong, who visited several planned filming locations and returned satisfied, has nothing to do for the time being, and Wu Yuan can be a strong man.

Liu Yifei had a very good impression of Zhang Guorong. She nodded with a smile and responded with a sweet voice: Okay~

An hour later, Wu Yuan sent Liu Yifei back to her address in Shunyi.

Originally, Wu Yuan wanted to invite her to live with him, but this invitation was flatly rejected by his young girlfriend.

The little girlfriend still has her mother to accompany her. Besides, this is the capital, not Los Angeles, and Wu Yuan's courtyard house is not a place with tight security. If Liu Yifei really moves in, the news of them living together will probably hit the headlines in a few days.

We still have to wait until the new villa is decorated before we can start living together!

Wu Yuan wailed in his heart with some resentment.

Director Wu, where are we going next? Are we taking you home? Assistant Xiao Zhang asked in a low voice from the driver's seat, completely ignoring his boss and his girlfriend's interactions, as if they were invisible.

Let's go to the company. Wu Yuan rubbed his eyebrows and motioned for Xiao Kai to drive.

Li Xiaoping had some work to report to him. Anyway, Wu Yuan had a good rest on the plane and wasn't too sleepy, so he simply went back to the company to check on the situation.

In the afternoon, when employees were about to get off work, Wu Yuan arrived at the company and met Li Xiaoping in her office.

Director Wu, congratulations. The global box office of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 has exceeded US$900 million. This achievement is the envy of other domestic directors.

The box office performance of one of your movies is higher than the total box office of the mainland in a year. It is really awesome.

Last year, the total box office market of mainland movies was only 2.5 billion yuan. The current global box office of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is 900 million US dollars, which is more than twice the total box office of mainland movies last year.

This is a scary number.

As soon as they met, Li Xiaoping first praised Wu Yuan.

In other words, it's not flattery, but the truth.

Wu Yuan's current career box office performance is indeed a figure that many domestic directors can't match.

It’s even so exaggerated that domestic directors can’t even feel jealousy in their hearts, only deep envy.

If someone is said to be better than you, one step or one level ahead of you, then maybe you will be jealous of him, resent him, and want to replace him.

But if this person is so good that you can't even see his back, then you will only have the feeling of admiration, and you won't be jealous at all, let alone hope that you can replace him.

Because this is an unrealistic idea.

After Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was released, all the comments about Wu Yuan's envy and jealousy in the industry have decreased at the speed of light, leaving only all kinds of overt and covert praises and praises.

Since you can't catch up, then hold it high!

Wu Yuan didn't take these compliments and praises seriously at all. They went in one ear and out the other.

He knew very well that in a place like the entertainment industry, there was no true love.

If your grades are good today, everyone will praise you. If your grades fail tomorrow, you will immediately fall off the altar and into the abyss. But no one will support you, and it will only add insult to injury.

Mr. Li, how's the company going lately? Wu Yuan sat on the sofa and asked lightly without accepting Li Xiaoping's compliment.

Director Wu, the company's young director support program is going very smoothly. Three supported films have been filmed!

Do you think we should arrange a release, or should we try to apply for some awards for these three films first and see if they can win the awards?

When talking about business, Li Xiaoping also put away her smile and reported to Wu Yuan seriously.

The Youth Director Support Program of the Light and Shadow Era is going very smoothly and is already reaping the fruits!

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