Millennium director

Chapter 286 Something big happened

Time just flew by and it was early May.

Wu Yuan, who has been staying in North America and has not returned to China, is naturally waiting for the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and the subsequent publicity work.

Not only him, but Liu Yifei, whose singing career is basically over, and Cheng Long have also arrived in Los Angeles, also waiting for the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

This time Disney arranged the premiere on May 20th, a full five days before the official release. It obviously shows that Disney is very confident in the third part and wants to use these five days to make the premiere more popular. Let it ferment.

Wu Yuan recognized this very much.

Because his revised Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is indeed much better than the original version.

For fantasy commercial blockbusters like this, the plot has never been the most important point. The audience comes here for the visual effects and visual impact.

On the original track, the most serious criticism and complaint about Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was that the movie was too long, and a lot of it was drama, and the real naval battle was only a small part at the end.

From the early to the middle stages of the movie, the protagonists keep meeting and quarreling, and then the scenes change, from the Caribbean to the end of the world to Singapore, where different pirate organizations meet, hold meetings, and then threaten and conflict with each other, all inexplicably. was attacked by the British Navy, and then held a meeting...

Although such a large number of dramas are intended to bring the entire trilogy to a complete conclusion, for the audience, the viewing experience is really not good.

It's not like the first movie. It starts with Captain Jack having a fight with the British Navy in Port Royal, and then Barbossa sneaks up on the Black Pearl to attack Port Royal. It's a lot of fun.

For commercial blockbusters, either the special effects shots are full, or the rhythm is tight, and the action is constant all the way. Only in this way can the audience's adrenaline be mobilized and they will be delighted.

Otherwise, if you want to watch literary dramas, all kinds of literary and romantic films, aren’t they much better than you who are making commercial films?

Having learned this experience and lesson, Wu Yuan made a lot of changes to Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and introduced Liu Yifei as a fighting girl. He added two conflict scenes in the early stage and a naval battle with the Royal Navy in the middle stage.

Even though it only added three conflict scenes that took less than ten minutes in total, the rhythm of the entire movie immediately changed drastically!

Anyway, Wu Yuan feels that the final effect of the film is not bad, at least better than the original version, and it is a commercial blockbuster on the standard level.

This kind of series already has the influence of its predecessors. As long as it is produced to a passing level, it will definitely not be a problem to earn a global box office of US$900 million or US$1 billion.

However, before the premiere, something happened that made the whole country sad.

The 512 earthquake was inevitable.

The entire China has pressed the pause button.

As a Chinese citizen, even if Wu Yuan was in the United States at the moment and the new movie was about to be released, he immediately put down all the work at hand and directly chartered a private jet with the entire team, Liu Yifei, and Cheng Long. Returned to the country.

Director Wu, natural disasters are merciless, but people are compassionate. On the plane, Cheng Long frowned and said quickly: I plan to donate 10 million to the disaster area in my own name to provide relief for the earthquake. force.

Liu Yifei was a little at a loss, with a bit of panic and deep worry in her eyes. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Wu Yuan's arm tightly, Brother, let's also donate. All my remuneration from filming in the past few years has been donated to the disaster area!

Four TV series plus two movies can donate 5 million!

Wu Yuan nodded and said in the same serious tone: I will also donate 10 million in my own name and another 5 million in the name of the company.

In fact, donations are secondary. The most important thing now is various disaster relief materials.

Compared with money, food, tents, clothing, and medical supplies are what the affected people in the disaster areas urgently need most.

Before boarding the plane, I asked Daisy to contact some food companies and tent companies here in the United States to purchase emergency food and tents worth 10 million and send them to the disaster area by air as soon as possible.

Director Wu, you are very considerate. Cheng Long finally reacted and stood up quickly: Is there a satellite phone on this plane?

After getting the satellite phone from the crew, Cheng Long immediately started making frequent calls, constantly speaking Cantonese.

Wu Yuan understood everything with his half-assed Cantonese skills.

Cheng Long is also mobilizing his personal connections to purchase various emergency supplies from Japan and South Korea to assist disaster areas.

They do not need to worry about various domestic materials in China. The country will naturally mobilize them as soon as possible. However, in such emergencies, domestic material resources may not be enough.

At this time, people like Wu Yuan and Cheng Long who have rich overseas connections can play a vital role.

A large amount of supplies were transferred from the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Before Wu Yuan's plane even landed, they were installed and took off from airports in various countries and flew to the Land of Abundance.

When the plane landed at Huaxia International Airport, Wu Yuan learned the latest situation as soon as he left the airport.

As soon as the disaster occurred, the entertainment industry responded immediately. Artists from all walks of life showed their magical powers across the sea, contributing money and efforts if they had the money.

Five hundred thousand, one million, two million, three million, a large number of celebrities have generously donated money to the disaster area to the extent they can.

Li Lianjie's One Foundation, Wang Jingwen's Angel Fund, Li Yuchun's Corn Fund and other charitable funds founded by mainland celebrities have also gone all out to mobilize rescue teams to the disaster areas.

There are even some celebrities and entertainers who simply stopped all the work at hand, directly signed up as volunteers, and went to the disaster areas to participate in the rescue work.

Cheng Long followed Wu Yuan and calmly listened to the report on the current situation in the disaster area by Li Xiaoping, who came to pick up the plane, and then hurriedly said: Director Wu, time is tight. I'm going to collect supplies first. I'll call you later if you have any questions.

Wu Yuan also pulled Liu Yifei into the nanny car, and orders came from his mouth one after another.

Organize all employees in the company to respond to the call for blood donation. As for donations, set up a donation box in the company. Don't issue orders to apportion. Let everyone decide on their own discretion.

All the company's TV drama projects currently being filmed will be suspended immediately, and prayer and silent ceremonies will be held. Our artists, no matter how big or small, must contribute and make donations within their ability.



Wu Yuan did not choose to go to the disaster area to participate in the rescue work in person. It was not because he spared his life, but because he stayed behind to coordinate and play a greater role than being a volunteer at the front.

Since landing in the capital, Wu Yuan has been constantly calling and coordinating with Daisy on the other side of the ocean, as well as the various material providers Daisy has contacted.

In less than 2 days, he raised 150 tons of supplies, most of which were emergency food and tents, and chartered several cargo planes directly from North America to fly directly to Jinguan City.

Cheng Long is similar.

After the two of them collected the supplies, they flew to Jinguancheng together. Although they did not go to the front line in person, they also sat in Jinguancheng and mobilized a large amount of manpower to distribute the collected supplies to the severely affected areas. .

At the same time, the news of the extraordinary natural disaster in China quickly became known to the global public, and the world's mainstream media immediately reported the news.

Some of the actors and actresses Wu Yuan has worked with in the United States also supported Hua Xia and Wu Yuan on Facebook, Twitter and other social software.

Depp, Jeffrey, Orlando, Keira and other co-stars from the Pirates of the Caribbean series, as well as actors who have worked with Rush Hour 3 such as Will Smith and Mads Mikkelsen.

Even actors who have collaborated with Juno such as Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans have called on their fans on North American social platforms to pay attention to this special natural disaster on the other side of the ocean and call on fans to join together. Donate.

Wu Yuan, who was still busy in Jinguancheng coordinating the delivery of relief supplies to the disaster area, was also quite moved after learning the news.

Whether these people are trying to please him, a Hollywood director, or they really care about the Chinese people affected by the disaster, if they can speak out for China, pray for the disaster area and raise donations, that is something worthy of Wu Yuan's memory.

Although he had not registered any online social software, he rarely registered an account on Facebook and quickly passed the real-name authentication. He then posted a blog post on Facebook to thank them and called on overseas fans to pay more attention to this devastating disaster.

A director who is influential all over the world has an extremely influential influence.

Thanks to the concerted appeal of Wu Yuan's American co-stars, a large number of charitable donations and material donations from North America and even Europe were continuously sent to China.

Even the superiors were so shocked by Wu Yuan's overseas influence that they asked a leader in the media and publicity department to make a thank-you phone call to him.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of overseas donations signed by Wu Yuan's co-stars and fans alone exceeds 3 million, with an amount as high as US$50 million, and an average donation per capita of US$15.

There are also many fans who don't sign at all.

These donations from all over the world will effectively support the post-disaster reconstruction work to be carried out in the future.

Wu Yuan was also pleased to post many blog posts on Facebook to thank these overseas fans, thank his overseas friends for their support, and even called Depp and others to express his gratitude in person.

Hey, Daniel, it's nothing. On the phone, Depp's tone was rare and serious: This is what I should do. No one can sit back and watch this kind of disaster happen. Humanity should unite to fight against natural disasters, no What?

No need to thank me specifically.

It's you, now that something big has happened in China, can you still come to the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3?

If you, Crystal and Jackie all miss this premiere, I think many fans and media will be disappointed.

It's a bit late today, there are two chapters left in the early morning.

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