Millennium director

Chapter 287 Premiere Press Conference

May 20, Los Angeles.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 held its new film premiere at the familiar old place of Disneyland.

Wu Yuan, Cheng Long, and Liu Yifei, who had been busy in China for a week, finally did not miss the premiere and flew back to Los Angeles from China early in the morning.

As the final battle of the first phase of the Pirates of the Caribbean IP, this movie is as important as Avengers: Endgame to the entire Marvel universe.

In addition, after a week of rescue work, the disaster situation in Sichuan Province has gradually stabilized. Supplies from all over the world have basically been delivered and are being delivered to the victims in the province in an orderly and continuous manner.

Even if Wu Yuan stayed in the country, there were no other important things to participate in, so he chartered a plane again and flew back to Los Angeles with Cheng Long and Liu Yifei.

It's just that none of the three people were in high spirits. After all, they had seen so many touching and heartbreaking news and disaster stories in China, which really made them unable to be happy.

Let's go, cheer up. Wu Yuan, who was wearing a suit, rubbed his face, smiled forcefully, and waved to Liu Yifei: As a professional actor, you have to be more dedicated.

Today is the day when a new movie is released. It's a big happy event, so don't look sad.

Liu Yifei, who was also dressed up in a pale pink dress and a lot of luxury brand jewelry, forced a smile.

As a pillow person, Wu Yuan could certainly tell that her smile was professional and fake, but it was enough to cope with today's occasion.

He took her arm out of the dressing room and met Cheng Long who was waiting at the door. The three of them walked into the premiere from the staff passage.

Depp, Keira and others who have already been prepared are already here to welcome the guests.

Daniel, I thought you wouldn't come today. Seeing Wu Yuan's appearance, Keira breathed a sigh of relief and came over to comfort him: God will bless the affected Chinese people, don't be too sad.

For Keira, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is the end of her journey in this film series.

Maybe there will be a fourth and fifth part in the future. Captain Jack will continue his adventures, but Elizabeth Swann will not appear again.

The story of Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner is over.

As a farewell film, Keira certainly hopes that everything about the film goes smoothly, including the premiere.

If director Wu Yuan could not attend the premiere, she felt that she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Now that Wu Yuan is not absent, of course she is very happy.

For Keira, Wu Yuan can be regarded as the leader in her acting career.

At the age of 17, she joined the crew of Pirates of the Caribbean and became a world-famous British rose. Later, she was promoted by Wu Yuan and participated in the filming of Rush Hour 3, and once again became the number one commercial film actress in North America.

It can be said that Keira's career as an actress and her highlights are all thanks to Wu Yuan.

She has appeared in many movies over the years, but the combined box office of other movies is not as high as the box office of Rush Hour 3, let alone the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

If Liu Yifei is Wu Yuan's Yuan girl in China, then Keira is Wu Yuan's Yuan girl in Hollywood.

It's just a pity that Keira didn't become Wu Yuan's girlfriend like Liu Yifei.

Glancing enviously at Liu Yifei, who had been standing next to Wu Yuan with a smile on her face, Keira took the initiative to pull her and whispered about the current situation.

Several other actors also gathered around Wu Yuan and Cheng Long, chatting with them and expressing condolences for China's disaster.

In this way, after chatting for a while, until Jerry and Disney executives arrived one after another, the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was about to begin.

The media reporters and film critics who had been waiting outside for a long time all filed into the venue.

The film critics were led to the screening room first, waiting for the premiere to begin.

The media were invited to the interview hall.

The main creators of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, led by Jerry and Wu Yuan, were interviewed by reporters in the interview hall together.

This time Pirates of the Caribbean 3 brings together almost all the actors from the previous film. It is a staged ending. There are so many topics to talk about, and reporters are full of desire for interviews.

Of course, it was inevitable that Wu Yuan was also asked some very sensitive questions.

Director Daniel, there are rumors that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will be the last film in this series directed by you, and you will no longer direct subsequent sequels. Is this true?

Faced with this question from a reporter from the Los Angeles Entertainment News, Wu Yuan had nothing to show off and answered straightforwardly: Yes.

'Pirates of the Caribbean 3' will be my final film in this series of movies. This story will end in my hands.

Of course, Captain Jack Sparrow's adventures will not end here. In the future, Disney will find a director to succeed me and continue to create the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.

I'm sure that would be an equally interesting story.

The reporters in the audience immediately caused an uproar and made a lot of noise.

The news that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is Wu Yuan's last Pirates of the Caribbean movie series has actually been rumored on the Internet for a long time, but it has never been officially confirmed. Reporters have repeatedly asked Disney for confirmation, but they have not received a positive reply. .

Unexpectedly, it was now confirmed by Wu Yuan himself.

This is unacceptable to many reporters.

Yes, many reporters present are also fans of Pirates of the Caribbean.

This is a super blockbuster with a global box office of US$1.7 billion after two movies. Outside box office predictions for the third movie also believe that the global box office will reach at least US$800 million.

Now in 2008, Pirates of the Caribbean can definitely be ranked among the top five movies in Hollywood series.

For such a high-quality and super big IP, Wu Yuan would actually give up the subsequent directing and hand it over to others. This news is so shocking.

A reporter from the Hollywood Times stood up emotionally and said: Daniel, this is not a rational decision. The Pirates of the Caribbean series cannot be without you.

Both you and Depp are an integral part of this franchise, and no matter who you lose, this franchise will no longer shine.

This is bad news for Pirates of the Caribbean fans around the world!

Well, Wu Yuan can understand how disappointed and sad the fans will be after learning this news, but he still shrugged and said with some helplessness: Pirates of the Caribbean is my hard work and I have directed it. One of the best commercial films ever made and one I would hate to part with.

But seriously, man, three 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies in a row have ripped my brain out.

To be honest, I don't have any new ideas for this series anymore.

This is a brand new original fantasy story. Unlike those superhero movies, there is no comic book plot to provide a steady stream of inspiration.

I have used up all my inspiration and can no longer create for this series. Instead of continuing to stay here, maybe changing a director is a better choice.

I am confident that Disney will find a successor to Pirates of the Caribbean who will be as good as me.

At this time, producer Jerry also took over the conversation at the right time: We don't have any plans for the sequel of Pirates of the Caribbean yet. Everything in the future is still unknown. Daniel may return to this film at some point. series.

Instead of worrying about these uncertain futures, everyone should pay more attention to Pirates of the Caribbean 3 which will premiere today.

Jerry brought the topic back on track again, and other reporters stood up again and asked Depp and other actors questions.

Just as the final work of the first stage, sad emotions still occupy the main emotional expression of the actors.

Keira and Orlando, as well as Jeffrey as Barbossa, Bill as Davy Jones, and even Jack Davenport as Commodore Norrington, will all say goodbye to Pirates of the Caribbean.

They will inevitably look back with sadness on every bit of their time in this series of movies during interviews.

Even Depp, who has always behaved very socially in front of the media, rarely recalled past filming and expressed his gratitude to several co-actors.

The premiere interview session was supposed to be joyful, but the creators were all filled with sadness, and even shed tears on several occasions.

A little girl like Kayla thanked Wu Yuan in public with snot and tears, as if she was holding some kind of farewell meeting.

To be precise, for the leading actors except Depp, today's premiere interview is indeed their farewell ceremony for Pirates of the Caribbean.

Only Cheng Long and Liu Yifei, two new actors who joined in the third film, didn't feel much about this and could still conduct interviews relatively normally.

Especially Liu Yifei, in today's interview session, she received the attention second only to Wu Yuan and Depp, and was even more popular with reporters than Cheng Long.

Who told her that she is the latest popular traffic now!

Cheng Long has been in Hollywood for more than ten years, and North American reporters are very familiar with him, but the interview content is actually not much.

Liu Yifei is different. She is a new popular star. An English single has become a global hit. Many reporters are curious about everything about her and ask her about her situation one after another.

Yes, my main job is actually an actor.

My film debut was in a Chinese film directed by Wu Yuan.

Singing is my hobby, as is acting. I will try to balance the two jobs.

Weier is a very cool character. She is the daughter of Singapore Pirate King Sao Feng. She is a female pirate who is very good at fighting. You will be able to see her in the movie soon.

Liu Yifei maintained a professional fake smile and answered questions one after another with ease.

The second half of the reporter interview session almost became her one-man show, which diluted the sad atmosphere of the first half of the show.

Soon, the interview session of more than half an hour came to an end under the urging of the emcee. Under the reluctant eyes of the reporters, the main creators got up and left the interview hall.

The reporters at the scene had to hand over all their electronic equipment and follow them to the screening room.

Here, there are hundreds of film critics who have already been waiting impatiently.

The premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is about to officially begin!

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