Millennium director

Chapter 288 Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is released, breaking records again!

The main film of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a full two and a half hours long, the same as the second film.

But this time, the third film did not make some film critics feel boring and boring like the second film.

On the contrary, two and a half hours seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye. All the moviegoers were immersed in the story of the movie, without any peeing throughout the whole process, and did not notice the passage of time at all.

Familiar faces appear one after another, and conflicts with sharp rhythm and tension occur one after another, making the whole story full of attraction.

On its original trajectory, the reputation of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was not very bad.

After Wu Yuan adjusted the rhythm and added conflict scenes and fight scenes, as a commercial action film, there is absolutely no problem that this movie will instantly beat the blockbusters of the same period.

As the final work of the trilogy, the story content of the third part reaches the end of the confrontation. The showdown between the pirates and the East India Trading Company, the showdown between Will and Jones, and the relationship between Will and Elizabeth are all concluded.

The background of the story world view such as resurrecting Barbossa, organizing the Pirate King of the Seven Seas, and the appearance of the female Poseidon makes it feel like an epic blockbuster.

In the story, the pirates keep changing their positions, forming instant combinations and breaking alliances at any time. There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, or even eternal life and death.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the freedom that pirates yearn for.

The newly introduced King of the Seven Seas line has expanded the world view of Pirates of the Caribbean at a macro level and added many new elements.

Liu Yifei, newly added to the third film, is the highlight of the entire movie. There are three fighting scenes before and after. They are following Sao Feng's order to capture Captain Jack Sparrow, protecting Elizabeth, and participating in the final battle.

In the three fight scenes, Liu Yifei showed her Chinese martial arts skills very well, giving the audience a little shock of Chinese Kung Fu.

If there will be no follow-up works and Pirates of the Caribbean is regarded as a trilogy, then At World's End has brought a perfect end to this excellent trilogy series.

The expanded world view and the final ending where Jack once again embarked on a journey to find the Black Pearl left an introduction to the Fountain of Youth and opened up the possibility for the fourth part.

The overall storyline of this Pirates of the Caribbean series is very difficult, and Wu Yuan is able to deliver such an excellent result. It is truly outstanding.

Basically, most of the clues from the previous game have been recovered, and the easter eggs have also been recovered, which is already very rare and valuable.

As the final film in the trilogy, the third film is undoubtedly the best one so far. The first trilogy of Pirates of the Caribbean is so complete that critics who watched the premiere were extremely satisfied.

There are really too many bad Hollywood trilogy movies.

It is very rare for a film to have such a superb ending among various Hollywood series.

The only thing that makes film critics a little dissatisfied is that due to the limited space, the so-called Pirate Kings of the Seven Seas, only Sao Feng has a sense of existence, and the Pirate Kings of other seas are not even introduced, and each of them only has one or two lines. It's done.

This made many film critics cry out that it was a pity, and it also made them once again full of expectations for the sequel of the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

After expanding the world view of King of the Seven Seas, this series of stories really has too many new things to shoot, and it is not a problem to even open several new series at the same time.

For example, like those superhero movies, you can give each pirate king his own personal movie, and then create a big event in which everyone stars together!

Just Captain Jack Sparrow is so fascinating.

Just imagine, if seven pirate kings with different personalities and styles come together to do something, wow, this is really cool!

When the premiere ended, before the lights in the auditorium even came on, the applause was already about to break the roof.

Whether it was media reporters or professional film critics, they all cheered loudly and even whistled inconspicuously, intuitively expressing their love for the film.

Compared to the second part, this third part makes them more satisfied.

Perhaps because the second part is more of a foreshadowing and a link between the past and the next, it is inevitably a bit boring and obscure.

But now after watching the third part, many film critics understand that the second part is not easy.

Without the foreshadowing of the second part, there would not be such a brilliant third part.

Well done, Daniel!

A very cool movie, the best commercial blockbuster this year!

I love this series so much, let's continue with the fourth one!

What does the fountain of youth at the end mean? Daniel, is this what you call a lack of inspiration? Let's make the fourth part quickly, stop making trouble!

Listening to the excited chatter from the audience in the back row, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei looked at each other and smiled.

It seems that the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was successful again.

The next day, the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 3 dominated the front pages of entertainment newspapers across the United States.

The photo of Wu Yuan and the cast and starring actors bowing and thanking each other at the premiere has become the cover poster of major entertainment newspapers.

Under the poster, there are various short reviews after watching the movie.

There is no doubt that this is an epic blockbuster! - Los Angeles Daily News

The story is grand, extending from Pirates of the Caribbean to Pirates of the World, and all the performances are excellent. Whether it is special effects, plot rhythm, or various main and branch lines, they are all top-notch in commercial movies! - Hollywood Times 》

“The crew spent every penny of the film’s budget on effects, and that becomes apparent in the climactic hour or so.” — Entertainment Weekly

This movie looks and feels like a true epic! - The Hollywood Reporter

It's not as stunning as the first one, nor as exciting as the second one, but it's enough to make your hormones soar for a while. As a super A-level Hollywood production, both in terms of the early plot settings and the late-stage technology, etc., can be regarded as the most delicious existence in the popcorn movie. - Variety Show

A very cool movie. As the third part of the series, it is already a success for this movie to break through the cycle of three movies must be bad. Daniel Wu has brought a successful end to this series. - Movies Star Weekly

Compared with the mixed reviews from critics when Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was released, the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a good one.

At least 80% of the film critics gave positive reviews, and the remaining 20% ​​could not be considered negative reviews. They just pointed out some shortcomings, regrets, and flaws. In the end, they gave the film an above-average review that did not hide the flaws.

Although, as the Internet becomes more and more developed, the influence of film critics does not seem to be as high as it was in the era of print media, but they still represent the vane of movie viewing.

Confident Disney did make the right bet.

The premiere, which took place five days in advance, gave Pirates of the Caribbean 3 enough time to receive favorable reviews.

As a commercial film, this film is well-made, as a magical masterpiece with imaginative visual spectacle, and as a feature film, most of the ups and downs in the story can be justified.

The only thing that can be criticized is that the love line of this movie is really confusing. The chaotic love-hate relationship between Jack, Elizabeth, and Will is particularly confusing.

This is also Wu Yuan's own frustration. He actually feels that there is no need for a bloody love triangle in the story of Pirates of the Caribbean.

But this love line was completely planned by the two screenwriters. In their view, this very American vulgar love line is an essential part of commercial films.

Disney agrees.

This is a reserved aspect of Hollywood commercial films.

In Avengers, doesn't Black Widow also have an inexplicable love line with Hawkeye and Dr. Banner?

If you look at the comic universes of Marvel and DC, the love line will be even more confusing and bloody.

I can only say that the old beauty is really good at this.

As a person who doesn't understand European and American love concepts very well, Wu Yuan could only accept this confusing love line.

Fortunately, it seems that most of the film critics and media reporters who attended the premiere did not have too much dissatisfaction or doubt about this love line.

They even think this is the attraction of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Pirates are a group of guys who advocate freedom and have chaotic personalities. It is normal for Jack, who is naturally romantic, to have an affair with his friend's wife.

This also confirms that the views of Disney and the two screenwriters are indeed correct

Americans like to read this kind of free love story.

In this way, the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 generally received higher praise than the second film among film critics.

These positive reviews quickly spread among North American movie fans, adding to the excitement among North American movie fans who were already looking forward to this movie!

Five days after its premiere, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was officially screened on a large scale in 4,362 theaters in North America on May 25, 2008.

The number of openings in this theater is more than 200 more than the original Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

Although the movie theater market in North America is almost saturated, it can still add hundreds of new theaters a year.

Therefore, even though the 158-minute running time of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 greatly limits the number of screenings, the Pirates fans in North America still exploded with astonishing enthusiasm due to the high reputation of the premiere. Enthusiasm for watching movies!

In the North American box office battle from Friday to Sunday, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 finally grossed US$142 million in three days, becoming the weekly box office champion and breaking the first weekend box office record of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 of US$135.6 million.

The extra box office of less than 10 million US dollars is the limit of the contribution of the two hundred or so additional theaters.

Unfortunately, this result still did not break the latest opening weekend box office record of $148 million set by Spider-Man 3 last May.

But this is a crime other than war.

Spider-Man 3 is half an hour shorter than Pirates of the Caribbean 3!

This means that in the same release time, Spider-Man 3 can have more film schedules!

With more filming scheduled, it is reasonable for Spider-Man 3 to receive more box office.

For Disney and the creators of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, the box office result of $142 million in the first weekend is already an extremely satisfying result.

The Black Pearl set sail again and smashed all the small sampans blocking the road!

Another super commercial blockbuster with the potential to exceed US$1 billion in global box office is about to be released!

Wu Yuan once again attracted the attention and attention of countless movie fans and filmmakers around the world.

Two movies in a row have entered the $1 billion box office club, which is an unattainable achievement!

Among the great commercial film directors who are still alive, Wu Yuan is ranked among the top five in the world.

Countless top actors in Hollywood are eagerly asking for Wu Yuan's contact information, hoping to establish some friendship with this super director.

Wu Yuan, the dragon from China, has become a heavyweight that cannot be ignored in Hollywood and even the world film industry!

At this time, Wu Yuan was troubled by the arrival of an uninvited guest.

Looking at the flattering Warner executives in front of him, Wu Yuan sighed repeatedly.

I just can't figure it out, why would you want me to film Green Lantern?

It's the end of the month, and there are still less than 100 monthly votes to go to 2,000 votes.

Good brothers, please help me

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