Millennium director

Chapter 293 Global hit, The Twilight Saga starts

The release of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is still in full swing in North America.

Not just North America.

Within three days of May 23rd, 24th, and 25th, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was released in 59 countries and regions around the world, including China's Hong Kong Island and China's Taiwan Island.

As for mainland China, this time Pirates of the Caribbean 3 successfully passed the review after deleting about 17 minutes of content, and is scheduled to be released on June 12, half a month later than most regions around the world.

China has its own national conditions, so this is understandable.

After a week of large-scale release around the world, film critics around the world gave Pirates of the Caribbean 3 high praise this time.

The third episode has more gimmicks than the first two, with more stunts and a more complicated plot.

Johnny Depp's acting skills have been superb, and the heroine Keira Knightley's acting skills and martial arts have also been recognized by everyone, even surpassing Orlando Bloom.

Of course, Liu Yifei, the swordsman, has also successfully gained a reputation around the world and has been recognized and accepted by movie fans around the world.

The main reason is that martial arts actresses are indeed scarce around the world. One occasionally pops up, and she comes from China, the home of kung fu. With so many buffs stacked on her, it’s hard for Liu Yifei not to be accepted.

Thanks to the good reputation of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, this movie has also been bombarding the global box office.

In the first week of its release, it won the weekly box office championship in more than 40 countries. The seven-day total box office in North America was 212 million US dollars, and the global total box office was 468 million US dollars. Breaking 500 million US dollars was as easy as drinking water.

Although it has only just started in a few years, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has basically been scheduled to be the annual global box office champion. It is unlikely that any movie will surpass it in the next half year.

Wu Yuan is also predicted by the media to become a super commercial director with two single films with global box office exceeding 1 billion US dollars.

In the current international film industry, breaking one billion US dollars for a single film is still a terrifying achievement. Even many people in the industry pessimistically believe that the global box office market can only support a single film's total box office of more than one billion US dollars at best. .

No one could have imagined that in a few years, the number of movies with a global box office of over 1 billion US dollars would jump from less than 10 now to more than 50 movies.

Well, this is all thanks to the explosive growth of the Chinese box office market in the next ten years.

But we have to wait until Avatar is released next year for the global commercial film market to be completely detonated.

Why Avatar is so awesome is not because it grossed 2.9 billion US dollars globally, and even earned a terrifying box office of 1.7 billion yuan in mainland China, breaking countless records.

Until Wu Yuan woke up from his dream, no movie could break the global box office record of Avatar...

Fortunately, before Avatar appeared, there were still very few movies that exceeded one billion US dollars in the world. With Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Wu Yuan has already entered the field of top directors.

Now, seeing that the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is no worse than the second one, and its reputation is even better, Hollywood basically believes that Wu Yuan will have another movie with a box office of over 1 billion US dollars.

Now, his reputation in Hollywood is somewhat unparalleled.

Originally, I was still determined to persuade Wu Yuan to direct the new line of Kingsman, but after seeing the hot box office results of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, I also gave up my intention.

Please don't move. I really can't ask Wu Yuan.

His suggestions were also seriously adopted by New Line. President Ellard found Matthew Vaughn, the director recommended by Wu Yuan, and officially started preparations for Kingsman.

The estimated investment is US$120 million. The leading actor is Cheng Long and a new actor from the new generation in the industry. The supporting actors are all well-known veterans from Hollywood who are relatively easy to use.

We will start filming as soon as possible in the second half of this year and strive to release it in the summer next year!

Of the US$120 million cost, Light Times will also bear half of it, co-investing with Light, and the two companies will cooperate to operate this new IP.

John, who had just recovered the box office share of Fake Marriage, now had no shortage of money, and quickly transferred US$60 million to New Line's corporate account.

He even called Wu Yuan and asked if he wanted to start preparations for the Twilight project in advance.

Weakness will be released in two months.

Light Times has been developing for so many years, and although it has not deliberately continued to expand, it is not burdensome to make 2-3 movies at the same time.

Wu Yuan thought about it and realized that it was indeed time to start the Twilight series.

According to the original trajectory, the first Twilight Saga started filming in February 2008. It is already too late for the light era to start now.

Kristen Stewart is easy to find. She is a well-known child star in Hollywood. Born in 1990, she started filming in Hollywood at the age of 12.

Last year, she also won the Young Artist Award for Best Supporting Actress and Best Newcomer.

Wu Yuan directly called her name on the phone and asked John to contact her and ask her to play the heroine of Twilight, Isabella Swann.

Youth idol movies like Twilight are almost entirely successful at the box office due to the chemical reaction between the handsome male and female protagonists. It is better not to change the actors as much as possible.

If the actors were changed, it might not be possible to replicate the crazy box office results of this series.

Robert Pattinson, who plays the male protagonist vampire Edward, and Taylor Lautner, who plays the other male protagonist, werewolf Jacob, were both selected by Wu Yuan.

The former has played Cedric in the Harry Potter series, and the latter has also played in a sitcom with high ratings in the United States. They are not hard to find actors.

John just didn't expect that Wu Yuan would pay attention to the casting of Twilight and personally decide the roles for this movie.

Ordinary Cinderella plus a vampire prince and a werewolf prince

Just by looking at the configuration of the three protagonists in this movie, you can tell that this is going to be a bloody teenage romance book.

That Wu Yuan, a great director who is extremely talented, would actually pay attention to such a movie and choose actors for it, John couldn't stop thinking about it.

Is it possible that Wu Yuan secretly likes to read such romance novels about girls?

John thinks he has discovered a big secret of his boss!

No wonder Wu Yuan paid attention to the first novel Twilight when it first came out, and asked him to immediately buy the film adaptation rights.

It turns out that it’s because Wu Yuan is a fan reader!

It makes sense, everything can be explained!

Hehehe, I understand. On the phone, John smiled strangely and agreed to Wu Yuan's request.

If the leading actors are all small actors like this, the movie can be completed with no more than 35 million US dollars.

This investment is not too much, and the company can afford it even if it loses money.

I'll arrange the shooting as soon as possible!

The call was hung up hastily.

Wu Yuan stared blankly at the extinguished cell phone screen, always feeling that the tone of John's last conversation was very strange and wrong.

But he didn't think deeply, instead he raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

Losing money?


No one in Hollywood, including John, who followed Wu Yuan's request to prepare the Twilight movie, dared to believe it.

Just such a movie adapted from a teenage romance book with an investment of 35 million US dollars. It will be released for 147 days. The North American box office closed at 192 million US dollars, the overseas box office closed at 216 million US dollars, and the global box office totaled 408 million US dollars. 12th in the global annual box office.

This is much crazier than the box office results of the Tiny Times series

Such a big leak is unlikely to be found once in ten years!

Wu Yuan is very much looking forward to how John will doubt his life when Twilight becomes a box office hit.

Hollywood, which he loves and has worked in for more than ten years, has gradually become unfamiliar and uncomfortable for him.

Hollywood will be so crazy in the next ten years!

Brother, why are you staring at your phone? Liu Yifei, who was wiping her hair and walking out of the bathroom, looked confused when she saw Wu Yuan standing in the living room looking at his phone and giggling.

Ahem. Wu Yuan quickly put the phone back into his pocket, adjusted his expression, walked quickly to Liu Yifei, took the hair towel from her hand, and wiped her hair while saying: It's nothing.

By the way, Sissi, your second English single is about to be released.

Now that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is in theaters all over the world, you can strike while the iron is hot and release this single. With both the music and film industry working together, I estimate that no female star will be more popular than you in the first half of this year.

When recording songs before, Liu Yifei recorded two songs in one go, one Call Me Maybe and one Good Time.

The former has already taken North America by storm in March, winning the Billboard No. 1 spot for three weeks in a row, and is still firmly in the third position.

The latter song Good Time is a collaborative single between Liu Yifei and Justin Timberlake, and the two also shot the MV together.

Timberlake wasn't too interested in this song before, and he only wanted to cooperate with Wu Yuan because of his curve.

But things are different now. With the popularity of Call Me Maybe, Liu Yifei has firmly established herself as the new sweet song queen, which already makes Timberlake feel that this cooperation is worthwhile.

Now that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has been released globally, and her role as Weier in the movie has captured the love of countless fans around the world, and has also taken off in the film field, Timberlake is even more eager to ride on the popularity. He took the initiative to ask many times when this single would be released, and emphasized that he would fully cooperate with the promotion.

Of course Wu Yuan was very satisfied with having such a good partner, and put the release of Good Time on the agenda.

This is also a monster single that is a global hit!

It just so happens that the weather is getting hotter now, and North American fans and listeners just need a refreshing summer song to spend the hot summer.

We don't even have to try~

(We don’t need to care~)

It's always a good time!

(Let’s spend quality time together) (End of chapter)

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