Millennium director

Chapter 294 New song debut stage!

new work time.

It is different from the deserted situation when the previous single Call Me Maybe was released.

This time, the release of Liu Yifei and Timberlake's collaborative single Good Time is very official.

Radio Records of America (RCA), which Liu Yifei's record company is affiliated with, has a cooperation stage with Universal.

Singers from RCA Records and Universal Music Group will hold an open-air label concert in Times Square.

Of course, most of the main performers are second- and third-rate singers.

Taylor Swift from RCA Records and Lady Gaga from Universal Records are the biggest singers to appear at this concert.

The addition of Liu Yifei and Timberlake has become the biggest big name this time, mainly due to Timberlake, who is currently one of the most popular male singers in North America.

Justin Bieber's whirlwind won't start until next year.

Arriving at Times Square in New York, a simple stage has been set up.

As soon as Liu Yifei arrived at the scene, she first rehearsed with Timberlake.

At the beginning, Timberlake was worried about whether Liu Yifei, a singer who has crossed over from an actor to play for tickets, would not have a good mic effect on the spot, and whether she would have to open the mic half-way, or use a pad or something.

Fortunately, his worries did not come true.

Although Liu Yifei's singing skills are average, they are adequate and she can sing quite steadily live.

In addition, Good Time is a cool and sweet song with a summer breeze. As long as the atmosphere of the scene is set up well, it is absolutely no problem to start the scene.

This time the new song is released and sung for the first time, it will definitely produce great results!

Speaking of which, Liu Yifei also learned some good news this morning.

LV, on the other hand, plans to ask her to be the spokesperson of LV Greater China.

However, it has not yet been completely determined. It is still in a lingering period and the two parties are in contact.

If Good Time can achieve good results again in North America this time, it will probably be the final word and win LV's endorsement in Greater China.

Liu Yifei is also full of fighting spirit.

You know, it is not like after 2014, when various international high-end luxury brands have paid attention to the domestic entertainment market and signed some mainland celebrities to be their spokespersons.

Today's high-end luxury brands, whether they are LV, Chanel or Dior, have not signed any Chinese spokespersons. They only have some Chinese partners, who are occasionally invited to participate in some brand activities, and they cannot represent the brand.

These noble luxury goods are not willing to lower their proud heads and pay attention to the mainland's luxury goods market.

It wasn’t until 2010 that the mainland tycoons started to work hard and immediately tore apart the “nobility” of various luxury brands. Everyone rushed to lick the mainland market.

It was also because the entry was too hasty at that time. These European and American big names did not understand domestic entertainment, so they signed with some traffic giants. However, they were forced to downgrade themselves as soon as they entered.

It's different now. The quality of these luxury brands is still high.

If Liu Yifei can sign an endorsement deal with LV in Greater China, she will really soar, and her commercial value in domestic entertainment will be unique.

How could she not work for this?

Holding the microphone, I was nervously waiting for tonight's stage to start.

Backstage, staff from RCA Records and Universal Records were busy preparing for the performance.

A staff member took out his newly purchased iPhone and logged into iTunes, intending to play a few songs and relax.

Wow, the cover is actually Crystal?

As soon as he opened iTunes, the single poster photo taken by Liu Yifei specially for Good Time popped up.

In the photo, Timberlake was driving a convertible on the road, while Liu Yifei stood up directly on the passenger seat, covering her sunhat that was about to be blown away by the wind with one hand, and waving in the wind with the other. , with a smile on his face.

Just looking at this poster can give people a feeling of wanton, free and happy summer.

RCA Records is actually willing to spend money on her cover for promotion? The staff member named Tony was a little surprised.

Selling cover recommendations on iTunes is nothing new. People make money from this.

But it is very strange for a Chinese singer to buy an iTunes cover promotion. At least in Tony's memory, he has never seen a second poster of a Chinese singer appear on the cover of iTunes.

James, who was also resting on the side, poked his head over to take a look, curled his lips and said nonchalantly: You underestimate Crystal too much.

Haven't you heard that she has Daniel Wu's support behind her? How much does it cost to buy a cover for promotion? Can Daniel not afford it?

More than that, have you seen Times Square outside?

RCA Records bought several screens of advertising for Crystal. Every ten minutes or so, you can see her new song promotional video, and a 15-second new song broadcast.

Everyone who comes to Times Square can look up and see Crystal's new song advertisement!

Wow. Tony exclaimed again. This kind of treatment is only available to top-tier North American singers to promote their new songs.

James, do you think Crystal's new single will still be a hit?

Who knows. James shrugged, then hesitated and added: Didn't you also see the rehearsal just now?

The song is quite good, and I think it may still become popular.

In Times Square, although there were still two or three hours before the official start of the performance, Liu Yifei's fans had already arrived.

There are international student groups from North America, her European and American fans in North America, and even mainland fans who came all the way from China to watch the first song.

Especially the mainland fans. These mainland fans are die-hard fans of Liu Yifei. They often pick her up from the airport and set up an online fan forum for her.

Even Liu Xiaoli has exchanged contact information with them, and there will be some interactions during holidays.

In today's terms, these fans are Liu Yifei's big fans and fans, and they are also the group with the strongest purchasing power and the richest money.

At least those who can come to North America from China to support Liu Yifei are the rich second generation who have money and leisure.

Don’t think that the second generation of rich people will stop chasing stars. It’s just that the second generation of rich people are the craziest when it comes to chasing stars, and they are also the most willing to spend money.

Because their daily lives are so boring, chasing stars is much more interesting.

Referring to the rich viewers of various live broadcast websites in later generations, they are all rich second generations with too much money to spend.

So a group of people crossed the ocean and came to the United States with various support supplies.

But something special is that among the Chinese fans at the scene, the number of girls is much higher than that of men. About two-thirds of the fans are pretty girls, and the momentum is also very large, holding up posters of Liu Yifei to support her.

There were less than a third of the male fans among them, and their voices were almost completely drowned out by the female fans.

Sisters, listen to me!

This is Sissi's debut stage for her new song, and it's her first official singing gig in North America, so we must take it seriously and maintain our quality and image, and don't let foreign fans laugh at it.

A female fan who seemed to be the leader was lecturing the mainland or Chinese fans with a loudspeaker.

When other singers come on stage, we should also give applause and cheers to make it more grand!

Also, don't throw garbage anywhere, and be sure to take everything you bring with you in complete order!

Do you understand?

All the fans who could understand Chinese responded loudly: Got it!

The fan then nodded with satisfaction: Okay, I won't say more.

Later, Sissi has arranged a fan meeting. Everyone will be able to see Sissi then, and they have to pay attention to their emotions and not do anything exciting.

If anyone scares Sissi and makes her afraid to hold fan meetings in the future, then I won't have a good attitude!

Not to mention, this female fan who looks to be only in her twenties seems to be quite prestigious among Liu Yifei's fans. Some older men in their thirties listened to her lectures attentively, with no trace of emotion on their faces. A look of dissatisfaction.

There is no way, this fan is really rich. His family runs a company in Beijing and has assets of several hundred million.

Some of the screens in Times Square were bought with her own money to advertise Liu Yifei's new song. The word trench can no longer sum up her identity.

Instead of looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face, everyone has to listen to this fan's instructions, provided that her opinions are correct.

After another two hours, today's performance in Times Square finally officially started.

With such a formal stage, Liu Yifei and Timberlake will definitely not be the only ones to perform on stage.

The first people to warm up the stage were some assorted singers whose names I had never heard of. Even in North America, they were still newcomers outside the 18th line.

For these newcomers, having such a stage opportunity is a rare thing, so they performed very seriously.

However, most of the people who came to the scene were passers-by who often come here, and a small number of fans who came for Liu Yifei, Timberlake, Taylor Swift and others.

Faced with these unknown newcomers, fans of other singers had very little response. They did not even listen to the performances on stage and were still chatting about their idols.

Only Liu Yifei's fans were very considerate. They not only applauded, but also cheered from time to time. They cooperated with the stage interaction of these young singers and gave live feedback.

This is so touching for these young singers who are used to being ignored.

Taking a closer look, they are all fans of that Chinese female singer, right?

In their hearts, they immediately took note of this Chinese female singer, and their favorable impressions of her immediately increased.

Liu Yifei, who was waiting backstage, did not expect that her fans from all over the country would give her face and win a lot of favor within the circle.

Who dares to say that these little singers who are now unknown will not become famous one day in the future?

For example, after the performance, Imagine Dragons, which is still an unknown small band, saw Liu Yifei backstage after the show, and everyone smiled and nodded at her with gratitude.

This made Monk Liu Yifei confused.

Do I know them? (End of chapter)

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