Millennium director

Chapter 313 Hollywood can’t have such a fierce Chinese Superman!

In the story of Gravity, are there any Chinese values ​​or Chinese ideals exported?

not at all.

This movie talks about the relationship between humans and the earth, the insignificance of humans in front of the universe, and the importance of the earth that gave birth to life to humans.

But just because the protagonists of this story are a group of Chinese astronauts, Hollywood is full of resistance to it.

Heroes can be released on a large scale in North America, and House of Flying Daggers and The Great Wall can also be released on a large scale in North America.

Because these movies are about ancient China, they are kung fu movies, and they are fantasy movies.

Whether these movies are hits or flops, they will not affect the image of modern China in the international perspective.

After all, you can't expect a group of modern people armed with guns and truth to be really afraid of the Chinese Kung Fu in the movie.

But Gravity is different. Gravity tells the story of modern China, or even a future China with highly developed technology.

The Chinese have their own space station in space, as well as their own space telescope. A Chinese astronaut has traveled to multiple space stations in space. Even when the space stations of other countries and even his own country have been destroyed one after another, he still succeeded. Escaped from space and returned to Earth alive.

Good guy, what kind of Chinese superman is this?

In a sense, the essence of Gravity is no different from Hollywood's Top Gun. They are both movies that promote and demonstrate the capabilities of a great country.

It's just that Gravity shows China's future aerospace strength.

In a word, if this movie is released in the United States, it will definitely promote Huaxia Technology in front of American movie fans.

Science fiction movies have always been the core cultural invasion force used by Hollywood to promote American technology. Is this something that Chinese people can touch?

Not only Disney, but also the six major Hollywood studios were unwilling to take over the distribution and release of Gravity in the United States, rejecting the cooperation request from Light and Shadow Times.

There are some small distributors who are willing to take over, but they can only provide film schedules for dozens or even a dozen theaters.

Just like when The Wandering Earth was released in the United States, there were only 125 theaters open and only 30 with IMAX theaters.

If Gravity wants to be released in the United States, only small distributors will undertake the distribution work.

Is this movie not good to watch?

Putting aside all prejudices, there is no doubt that The Wandering Earth is definitely a qualified science fiction blockbuster that is rarely seen in Hollywood.

This is especially true for Wu Yuan's Gravity. Even the American version of its predecessor was able to earn US$700 million at the global box office.

However, the two films enjoyed the same unfair treatment at different times.

Hollywood will not allow a movie that promotes China's national power and technological power to be released on a large scale in North America!

Of course, it is impossible to say it so straightforwardly. I will only say that after comprehensive consideration, it is not suitable for the US market.

Anyway, the Big Six control all theatrical distribution in North America. If they say it is not suitable, it is not suitable.

Just like China Film Group says it won’t introduce it, even if the global box office reaches 1.5 billion US dollars, you can’t even think about entering the mainland market.

Yes, we're talking about Spider-Man: No Homecoming.

Does China Film not know that Spider-Man: No Home will make a lot of money if it is released in mainland China?

According to the bill-sharing agreement with Hollywood, when Hollywood movies are released in the mainland, the mainland movie theaters and China Film Group will make the bulk of the profits.

But even so, when it was time to give up, this part of the interests was still decisively given up by China Film.

In turn, Hollywood can do the same.

Wu Yuan, who was already mentally prepared for this, sighed after scolding a few words: So, if Gravity wants to be released in North America, it can only be screened on a small scale, right?

Next year I will definitely submit Gravity to compete for the Oscar Foreign Language Film Award.

With Hollywood's attitude, I'm afraid it won't be awarded the best foreign language film.

Judging from the current attitude of the six Hollywood majors, it is estimated that the Academy will not like this movie promoting China Aerospace. Even if it spends money on public relations, it may not be able to win the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

Wu Yuan did not intend to waste this money.

What about Canada and Mexico? he asked again.

In North America in a narrow sense, there are three main countries, namely the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The film markets in these three countries are basically unified. Mexico is better, and local Spanish-language films will be released. Canada is fully integrated into Hollywood, and all its actors are developing in the United States.

Now that the big six in Hollywood have spoken, South America, their own backyard, will not blindly obey, but North America is still being eaten to death.

Yes, the theatrical distribution in Mexico and Canada is mainly in the hands of Hollywood. If the six major companies do not cooperate, we will not be able to negotiate distribution with the theaters in these two countries alone.

Director Wu, I suggest you sell the distribution rights in North America. If there are only a hundred or so theaters in North America to show it, you won't be able to make much money by splitting the bill.

Warner offered to buy the North American distribution rights of Gravity, including DVD distribution, for $3 million.

Three million? Wu Yuan sneered: Sending beggars?

Although he is not a famous liar like Harvey Weinstein, the price Warner gave is indeed not much higher.

However, considering that Hollywood has no intention of letting Gravity have any influence in North America, being able to pay this price to buy the distribution rights can be regarded as a favor to Wu Yuan.

In their eyes, they probably thought that they were bowing their arrogant heads to Wu Yuan and taking the initiative to show their kindness.

No rush, just wait a moment. Wu Yuan shook his head and rejected Li Xiaoping's suggestion.

Hollywood can decide what movies they want to introduce, but they cannot decide what movies North American moviegoers like to watch.

For example, after Spider-Man 3 was banned from the mainland, it once aroused dissatisfaction and condemnation from many mainland fans.

Don’t they know that this movie was banned from being introduced and given a warning because Marvel insulted China?

But they don't care, they just feel that they have missed out on a good movie. They want to see the three generations of Spider-Man in the same frame. This is more important than anything else!

Similarly, Wu Yuan also believes that when Gravity has a good reputation in Asia and some spoiler reviews are spread on the Internet in North America, there will also be a large number of North American science fiction fans who want to see this movie on the Internet. Released in North America.

North America has the largest number of science fiction movie fans in the world, and it is also the place that is most hungry for excellent science fiction movies.

It just so happens that Gravity is the best, most meaningful, and best space science fiction film since the 21st century!

Wu Yuan wanted to wait a little longer, wait for North American science fiction movie fans to speak up and make them a heavy enough weight on the negotiation table, and then wait for the price.

Okay, let's put the matter of Gravity aside for now.

Rubbing his slightly swollen temples, Wu Yuan turned the topic back to China: Now riding on the east wind of Shenzhou 7's successful space walk, the domestic viewing trend of Gravity is very popular.

But we can't put all our attention and focus on this movie.

The company's TV series are all being pushed forward as normal, right?

Has the post-production of Soul Ferry been completed?

If Gravity is Wu Yuan's most important work at this stage, then Soul Ferry will be his most important work in the next stage.

Although this is just a TV series, or even an online series, the success of this TV series is related to his Chinese streaming platform development strategy!

The US$200 million transferred from Light Times has been injected into the newly established company [Light and Shadow Express] by Wu Yuan.

When the Olympics are over, Soul Ferry will be ready to go online. Wu Yuan said with some anxiety: Although all preparations have been made to perfection, it is still unknown whether a good result will be achieved in the end.

It was rare to see the uneasy emotion in Wu Yuan, and Li Xiaoping was a little surprised.

It turns out that Wu Yuan, who has always seemed to have the pearls of wisdom in hand, as if nothing in the world can trouble him, will also have such uneasy moments.

Although he didn’t quite understand what Wu Yuan wanted to do as an online TV series or a streaming media platform, at this time, Li Xiaoping still gave him the firmest support: “It will definitely succeed.”

In all these years, I have never seen you fail, and you will definitely not fail this time.

Although it sounds a bit too flattering, these words really come from Li Xiaoping's sincerity.

In the past few years since she joined Light and Shadow Times, she has experienced many projects that she was not optimistic about, but because of Wu Yuan's persistence, she finally succeeded.

Even if she is a very rational person, it is inevitable that she has some blind faith in Wu Yuan.

As long as it is a decision made by Wu Yuan, even if she does not understand it, she will strictly implement it, such as the filming of Soul Ferry.

The post-production of Soul Ferry requires a lot of special effects. The special effects branch is still working overtime on post-production. It is expected to be completed by the end of August.

Over at Guangying Kuaibo, Mr. Wang and I have always been in close contact. Their software has been tested internally for many times and can be launched at any time.

Then let's tentatively plan to launch it in October. Not every household has the money to travel during the seven-day National Day holiday. Wu Yuan thought for a while and ordered.

The traffic during the National Day is high. Many young people stay at home or go to Internet cafes to play on the computer during the holidays. It is suitable for us to launch the first shot.

We can start preparations now for some warm-up publicity.

Penguin's QQ pop-up window is very effective. We bought it to promote a movie and attracted tens of millions of netizens.

“This time we will continue to buy Penguin pop-up promotions.”

There are also forums such as Douban, Tieba, Tianya, etc. They also need to buy some eye-catching advertising space to promote and focus on the Internet.

This is a cyber battle! (End of chapter)

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