Millennium director

Chapter 314 We need Gravity!

China's manned spacecraft was successfully launched, and it also successfully conducted a space walk!

China has become the third country in the world to complete a space walk, behind China and Russia!

China's aerospace power cannot be underestimated. The next step is for them to try space docking technology, and the exploration of the moon should also be included in the plan.

Since the completion of the International Space Station project, we have not carried out any space exploration plans for a long time.

The last moon landing was in 1972, which was more than 30 years ago!

Buggy is sitting in front of the computer at home in San Francisco, constantly browsing the chat history in the group chat.

Since China on the other side of the ocean successfully launched the Shenzhou 7 two days ago, in the group of cosmology enthusiasts he belongs to, the topic of chat among the group members has been inseparable from China's aerospace industry.

I have to say that China's progress in the past ten years has been really fast.

On November 21, 1999, in the last month before the 21st century, China successfully launched Shenzhou-1, which was just an unmanned test spacecraft.

Eight years later, China has successfully moved from unmanned testing to manned spaceflight to space walks.

Although this speed is not as fast as the five years of the United States, it was still the period when the United States and the Soviet Union were competing for hegemony, and time was bought with money at all costs.

China did not invest a lot of money in the aerospace field, not even 1% of GDP, and it took eight years to complete this feat.

Badji and his colleagues are constantly lamenting that China is developing so fast.

Five years ago, everyone's impression of China was still that of a backward society under the GCZY planned economy, and they never thought that they would make achievements in the aerospace field.

But in the blink of an eye, people have their feet on the earth and look up to the sky.

When the world's most populous country shifted their sights from the yellow soil beneath their feet to the sky, the energy that burst out was simply too great.

“Countries such as Japan, Europe, and South Korea have been chanting slogans for space exploration for decades, but as a result, they have not even launched a test spacecraft.”

China just did what it said. It has completed the process from testing to space walking in just a few years. According to the plan announced by the China Space Administration, they will also conduct space docking in 2010 to prepare for the establishment of a space station in the future!

If everything goes well, their first experimental space station will be launched in 2011.

It's all going too fast!

The group was still chatting, and Baji looked at these messages and chimed in a few words from time to time.

China's Tiangong space station plan is no longer a secret. China Space Administration has long disclosed this plan, and even a model will be unveiled at the 2009 Spring Festival Gala half a year later.

It is also because China's own aerospace technology has developed so rapidly that the movie Gravity is not so mysterious, allowing movie fans to believe that it is not surprising that the story in the movie takes place in China.

This is just like Americans making various hard science fiction movies, but audiences around the world don’t think that American soldiers with advanced technology and capable of fighting aliens are featured in the movies.

Because we are truly the country with the strongest technology on the planet, so it is not surprising that any high technology appears in American movies.

If you were to make this kind of movie in a country like India or South Korea, do you think international audiences would accept it?

With the rapid growth of China's aerospace power, the appearance of Gravity will not make people laugh at the Chinese people's whims.

They really have plans for a real-life space station, and it will be launched into space within a year or two.

Hey, when you say that, I want to watch Gravity even more. Buggy said in the group.

After speaking, he also sent a web link to the group.

These are some film reviews of Gravity excerpted and forwarded from the Chinese Internet by some Americans or Chinese who understand Chinese.

It’s not just Chinese people who love to repost and translate reports and news from foreign websites every day. As the birthplace of the Internet, there are also many people in the United States who are paying attention to hot news from other countries.

Gravity, which has become a phenomenon-level hit in China, also has countless eyes from the United States.

With the popularity of this movie in China, many translated movie reviews have been forwarded on the foreign Internet.

The more he reads these movie reviews, the more American aerospace enthusiasts like Buggy want to watch this movie.

Without him, the reputation of Gravity in China is really great!

They are all full of praise. From the special effects to the acting skills of the actors to the story, every point has received countless praises.

To say that this movie is so good that it has no shortcomings is certainly unrealistic.

But who said this is a science fiction film made by the Chinese themselves?

Everyone selectively ignores the shortcomings and exaggerates the advantages.

Foreign netizens don't know the inside story. They only know that this movie is perfect in the mouths of Chinese movie fans, and with such a huge number of positive reviews, it doesn't look fake.

“Damn it, our petition at the White House has hundreds of signatures and it’s not being noticed at all!”

I think we should do something!

Hey, why don't we forward the review and editing video of this movie to some groups of science fiction fans?

It has been a long time since there has been an excellent hard science fiction movie in Hollywood. I believe that many science fiction fans are also waiting for a good movie to appear!

Their numbers are much greater than ours.

A few smart group members came up with a great suggestion.

Not all astronomy enthusiasts and cosmology enthusiasts will be fans of science fiction movies.

Similarly, science fiction movie fans are not necessarily astronomy enthusiasts.

In fact, most science fiction movie fans just like to watch science fiction movies and do not really pay attention to astronomy, space, and aerospace in their daily lives, let alone join such fan forums or group chats.

“Kevin’s idea is great!”

I know a forum for science fiction movie fans, I'll post a post right now!

And me, I have a netizen who is a fan of science fiction movies. He should have many channels to express his opinions!

Damn, I don't know any sci-fi movie lovers, but I can go find the forum right now!

In this way, many people in this small group of only a few dozen people activated their personal connections and found ways to promote Gravity on the North American Internet.

According to the six-dimensional space theory, any two people in the world can be connected through up to six people.

This is also the reason why some TV series, movies, and songs can quickly become popular by relying on tap water without official promotion.

Especially after the emergence of the Internet, a product that promotes human communication.

The speed of message transmission is very fast.

Within half a day, promotional introductions for Gravity appeared on major film forums in North America. They were all carefully produced trailers with English subtitles.

Many movie fans who had never heard anything about this movie (Hollywood will not promote a Chinese movie) heard about the movie Gravity for the first time.

This may sound absurd. A movie that is so popular that even children know about it on the other side of the ocean is completely unknown across the Pacific.

But this is the reality. The media mouthpieces of various countries are always in the hands of a small number of people. Only what they want the public to know will be known to the public.

However, the emergence of the Internet has broken this information cocoon.

At a time when there are no dominant Internet giants in various countries, and when platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have not yet monopolized all Internet channels like physical media groups, the Internet has truly played its role since its birth.

Make information transfer between people faster.

Through a large number of movie forums and social platforms, Gravity, a hard science fiction movie from China, quickly became popular among North American movie fans.

The well-made trailer, the shockingly realistic special effects space scenes, and the thrilling space crisis all aroused the interest of North American movie fans.

As the largest box office for science fiction movies, movie fans in North America love science fiction movies!

In recent years, Hollywood has indeed not produced many excellent hard science fiction movies. The three magical and fantasy IPs of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean have led the way in the past ten years. Come to the fantasy style.

Only last year's appearance of Transformers slightly revived the influence of some science fiction blockbusters.

Now that a hard science fiction movie Gravity has been tested in Asia and has been praised by everyone, with good box office and word-of-mouth success, and directed by Wu Yuan, whom they are familiar with, is right in front of them, how could they not want to watch it?

The emergence of Gravity also coincides with the urgent need for science fiction blockbusters in North America. It is a perfect opportunity for movie fans to eager to see science fiction movies!

Otherwise, if we wait until next year, three science fiction movies, Avatar, 2012 and District 9 will sweep the world, North American movie fans will have no shortage of science fiction movies to watch, let alone be interested in a Chinese science fiction movie.

I can only say that Wu Yuan’s choice of release time is indeed too clever!

The weather, time, people and Gravity are all mastered, the only difference is the location.

And North American movie fans are working hard to make up for this poor geographical location!

The post on the White House website petitioning for the release of Gravity in the United States originally only received hundreds of replies in half a month. However, after the news of the Gravity movie spread among American movie fans, the post's The number of replies exploded.

One thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, fifty thousand!

Within three days, the number of replies to the post exceeded 50,000. A large number of North American movie fans called for the introduction of Gravity as soon as possible. They need this movie!

Universal Studios headquarters, conference room.

“It’s the damn internet!”

“Since the advent of the Internet, people have been mobilized so easily!”

An executive vice president of Universal slapped the table angrily.

He was very dissatisfied with the sudden wave of calls on the Internet to watch Gravity.

The matter has become so big that even the six Hollywood majors can't pretend they didn't see it.

They didn't even have a good reason for refusing to introduce Gravity.

At least on the surface, this is a simple space disaster movie, without any political, racial or other sensitive issues involved. It's just that the movie was made by Chinese people.

Is it difficult for them to reject the appeal of American movie fans on the grounds that this is a Chinese film, so it cannot be imported?

This will only lead to greater dissatisfaction and anger from movie fans!

Reaching out and rubbing the root of his nose, the vice president said with a headache: Go, send someone to contact China.

We can bring in Gravity, but at most 500 theaters will show it.

Tell Daniel that this number is the limit that can be given.

He is a smart man and will understand what I mean. (End of Chapter)

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