Millennium director

Chapter 33 Campus Male God

It was very cold in the rural town of Vancouver in the early morning.

It's only early January, the coldest time of the year.

Fortunately, the coldest winter in Vancouver is usually a few degrees below zero, and the average daily temperature generally remains above 5°C.

Moreover, a large amount of greenery planted in this town is evergreen, which is still green even in winter.

This is also the reason why Wu Yuan chose to shoot this movie in Vancouver.

The story of Juno does not take place in the snowy winter, but it is winter in North America now!

This is a hardship for several leading actors.

Scarlett, who plays Juno, is okay. Her style basically restores the look of the original movie. She mainly wears jeans, a sweatshirt, and a thin cotton jacket.

Even though it’s still cold in Vancouver even when dressed like this, it’s much better than Chris.

In order to fit his role as a high school idol and a member of the school track and field team, Chris's style is basically sleeveless T-shirt, shorts, and basketball shoes.

In this weather where the average temperature is only 5°C, it is not ordinary to wear such clothes.

And in order not to cheat, the two of them had to put a lot of ice cubes in their mouths to cool down before filming, so as to avoid breathing out of their mouths when they read the lines when they turned on the camera.

In other words, Chris is a 20-year-old strong boy, otherwise he would definitely fall ill within a few days of filming!

Early in the morning, the two leading actors, who had changed their costumes for the play, followed the crew to a small town high school in Vancouver, which is also one of the most important filming locations for the film.

What we are going to shoot today is the first set of shots of Juno, which is also the first scene of the movie.

Here, Wu Yuan has adapted the original film.

In the original version, the movie begins with Juno looking at an abandoned chair on the lawn, drinking a drink, using a voice-over to introduce the entire story, using a flashback technique.

Then the scene changed and it was Juno and the hero eating the forbidden fruit.

There's nothing wrong with this, after all, the original movie only focused on Juno alone, and only needed to explain the next thing about entering the soul, and then the pregnant mother plot could officially begin.

But at the beginning of Wu Yuan's version of the movie, he didn't plan to do it this way.

On the playground, a lively sports competition is being held.

It is also a common Field Day in American high school life.

It is similar to domestic campus sports games, mainly focusing on track and field, long jump, pole vault and other sports.

Some parents of students are still helping as volunteers, and the whole playground is lively.

Chris, wearing a track and field uniform with a band on his head, was standing in the middle of the rubber track, moving his limbs.

Not far away, a field steward raised the clapperboard in his hand and shouted loudly:

Every unit prepares!

One shot at a time!


Following an order from the field staff, four cameras were turned on at the same time, focusing on Chris on the field, Scarlett sitting with her classmates on the playground, and other cheering classmates and cheerleaders.

The images captured by the four cameras were converged on the monitor, allowing Wu Yuan sitting behind them to have an unobstructed view.

Wu Yuan picked up the walkie-talkie: The game begins!

Juno's eyes were more relaxed. You were careless at first, but then you were attracted to the running Brick. It was love at first sight, do you understand?

This track and field competition is a real running and a real competition.

At least when the gun sounded, Chris was really running with all his strength, and the cheers from the students and parents on site were also sincere.

As the camera rolled, Scarlett, who played Juno, gave a very good reaction. From the casual glance at the beginning, to focusing her eyes on Chris, and then to her unblinking eyes, the feedback from her eyes was very smooth.

CUT! Wu Yuan smiled with satisfaction: Good! Well done!

Upon hearing Wu Yuan's compliment, Scarlett immediately withdrew her eyes and said with a bright smile: I just said I can do it!

Wu Yuan smiled and nodded, then picked up the walkie-talkie: Take a few more long shots from the side, and then we can transition.

Yes, the sports meeting was so lively just to capture a shot of more than ten seconds.

Although the shooting cost of Juno was only $6 million, the feeling of shooting this movie was completely different from The Night the Comet Came.

Various scene changes, different shots such as overhead shots, overhead shots, long shots, medium shots, etc., all test the director's shooting skills.

If Wu Yuan is really just a director who has only filmed The Night the Comet Came, he may not be able to master this Juno.

Although John said that the crew had to listen to Wu Yuan for everything, he was actually very worried that Wu Yuan would mess up the movie, so he nervously watched Wu Yuan's filming from the sidelines.

Fortunately, the worst case did not occur, and Wu Yuan completed this big scene shot very well.

Hey, Daniel, I knew you were a genius! John said proudly, very proud that he had found Wu Yuan's gold in a small place like Sitges.

Chris came running from a distance, panting slightly, and asked with his hands on his hips: Director, did I run okay just now?

No problem, he's very handsome! Wu Yuan gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation.

The shot just shot will be placed at the beginning of the entire movie, which points out that Juno fell in love with Brick at first sight.

Patting Chris on the shoulder, Wu Yuan said with a smile: The next few days are all about filming scenes that show off your charm. Chris, you have to make the most of it.

Unlike the original version, Wu Yuan's version of Juno begins with a plot of about 5-10 minutes, telling how Juno and Brick fell in love.

To be precise, this plot mainly reflects the charm of the character Brick.

Although his academic performance is average, he has strong athletic ability and is enthusiastic and cheerful. He is a sunny boy.

This is the campus male style that American girls prefer.

Unlike China, American girls generally don't like boys with good academic performance. Instead, they think that such boys only know how to study and are very dull.

This kind of boys who are strong in sports, cheerful and playful are popular.

The reason why Wu Yuan added a plot that reflects Brick's charm at the beginning is to make the audience like this character.

Then the child unexpectedly arrives, and Brick becomes confused and subconsciously chooses to escape. Although this character is a bit cowardly, he is not without any shining points.

And in the end, he overcame his inner thoughts of evading responsibility, chose to resist this responsibility, and grew into a mature man who knew how to take care of his family, which made him even more attractive.

The reason why the plot of the prodigal son attracts the audience is because such prodigal sons usually have their own charm and sparkle!

Justin Bieber has fallen. Every day, girls hope that he will turn back. He has really turned back and become a mature man.

But if you look at Prince Fang, does anyone care whether he can turn around?

Look at Ke Zhen'e again, he's like that, and there are still a group of girls who are moved by his prodigal son turning back.

This is the gap!

So the charm of Brick's character had to come through, rather than just exist in Juno's dry narration.

Director, please rest assured, I understand the script thoroughly, and I will work hard to film it well! Chris promised, patting his chest.

Isn't he just a handsome campus male idol? He doesn't need to act at all. He was like this when he was in high school. He just plays his true self and that's it!

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