Millennium director

Chapter 34 Going to Berlin


Scarlett, please practice walking with the two pregnant women. Let's rest for an hour first!

Wu Yuan rubbed his brows in distress.

The shooting of Juno went quite smoothly. The estimated shooting period is 40 days. It was already the 23rd day of shooting from the start of filming on January 12th. About half of the plot has been filmed.

But the difficulty lies in the other half.

Scarlett performed other parts very well, playing a unique, sharp-tongued, quirky, and full of personality Juno, a very cool Juno.

This is actually the biggest selling point of this movie.

The reason why the original Juno is so popular is because Juno is very cool. She is not serious at all, not a good girl, nor a typical American sweetheart. She is a cool girl!

Scarlett did a great job and she really delivered the essence of Cool Girl.

But she has never been pregnant!

In the scene where Juno has a big belly in the movie, Scarlett can't play that pregnant woman no matter how much she plays it!

This cannot be controlled by acting skills or talent. What you have not experienced means you have no experience, and no amount of acting skills can make up for it.

In desperation, Wu Yuan could only invite two pregnant women to Scarlett, and they were both young pregnant women, only eighteen or nineteen years old.

Every day, Scarlett held her belly full and followed them to learn how pregnant women walk, and listened to their pregnancy experiences, mental journeys, and feelings.

It's just that Wu Yuan still felt a little bit confused. He really couldn't understand how Ellen Page performed it. She was only 20 years old when she played Juno.

Wu Yuan had no choice but to slow down the shooting speed and accompany Scarlett bit by bit.

Sitting on the director's chair, watching Scarlett studying seriously with the pregnant woman not far away, Wu Yuan gradually began to relax.

Just when he was stunned, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Picking up the phone instinctively, Wu Yuan asked in American English: I'm Daniel, who are you?

Daniel, Daniel, I, your senior brother!

A familiar voice came from the phone.

Isn’t this Wang Xiaoshuai!

Wu Yuan immediately became energetic. As soon as the language system was switched, he blurted out an authentic Beijing movie: Hey, senior brother, do you have anything to do with me?

I said, did you forget something?


Wu Yuan was stunned, not knowing what Wang Xiaoshuai said.

'Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle'! Wang Xiaoshuai said with a somewhat annoyed tone: This is your first movie starring in it!

Why, now that you are a big director and have gone to Hollywood to make movies, you have forgotten about this matter?

When Wang Xiaoshuai said this, Wu Yuan remembered it.

I really can't blame him. There are too many things going on on the Juno crew recently. Wu Yuan, who is so busy with this movie, can't even pretend to have other things in his mind.

You can forget it! Wu Yuan said quickly: Go to Berlin, right? I will remember this!

Senior brother, don't worry, I will definitely come. I will be in Berlin before the closing ceremony!

Well, as long as you haven't forgotten, don't be late. You are the number one male! Wang Xiaoshuai warned him a few more times before hanging up the phone.

Seventeen Years Old Bicycle has been shortlisted for the main competition section of the Berlin International Film Festival, and is very likely to win an award.

The Berlin International Film Festival prefers films that tend to be satirical and political.

Precisely, although Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle tells the story of two teenagers and bicycles, in fact the whole story is a metaphor for the gap between urban and rural areas caused by China's changes at the end of the last century. It can be regarded as a metaphor and satire on society.

This is what the old men at the Berlin Film Festival love!

Wang Xiaoshuai then sent the film to Berlin instead of Cannes or Venice. He was also full of confidence in this trip to Berlin.

Wu Yuan, the leading actor in a movie, naturally has to follow the director's baton and cannot be absent.

He didn't want to miss it either. Which director wouldn't want to visit the three major European companies?

Although I am going to Berlin this time as an actor, I can also see the world first and become familiar with the process.

But he really didn't have time to accompany Wang Xiaoshuai to the Berlin Film Festival.

For the Juno crew, every day of downtime costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is money we can't afford to waste.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yuan negotiated with John.

The opening on February 7th will definitely be late, and the crew can accept a shutdown of three days at most.

Therefore, Wu Yuan could only set off on the night of the 16th, arrive in Berlin on the 17th, and return immediately after attending the closing ceremony on the 18th.

In this regard, we should consider that Seventeen Years Old Bicycle can win awards. Otherwise, if the film does not win awards, the crew will not be able to attend the closing ceremony.

Anyway, John felt that he would not win the award, and Wu Yuan would most likely go to Berlin to experience the atmosphere and then return home.

In this way, after Wu Yuan spent ten days working on the scene with Scarlett little by little, Wu Yuan gave the crew three days of leave with a wave of his hand. On the night of the 16th, he boarded a plane to Berlin. .

When we landed, it was already the morning of the 17th Berlin time, and the entire Seventeen Years Old Bicycle crew came together to pick up Wu Yuan.

It is said that there are all members, but in fact there are only Wang Xiaoshuai, Gao Yuanyuan, Cui Lin, and two producers from France and Baodao.

Even China Film Group did not send anyone here because the copyright ownership of Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle is a bit unclear. Beijing Film Studio asked to share the copyright, but the producers did not agree. It is still in the quarrel stage.

However, the two producers have already made a deal in the past week, selling the global rights to Bicycle Seventeen for a huge sum in Berlin.

While walking out of the airport with Wang Xiaoshuai and others, Wu Yuan took the initiative to explain: Brother, it's not that I didn't want to come earlier, but Fox Searchlight won't let anyone go.

As you know, the Hollywood crew will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars if they stop working for one day. Even if I am the director, I can't stop working casually.

After all, all this money comes from Fox Searchlight, and I'm just a wage earner.

After all, he is his senior brother, and he was the one who brought him into the industry in the first place, so he still needs to be respected.

Seeing the sincere look on Wu Yuan's face, Wang Xiaoshuai couldn't complain that he was late, so he just muttered in disgust: You are really awesome now.

The domestic box office of The Night the Comet Came was close to 20 million, and the global rights sold for more than 2 million US dollars.

Now I'm going to Hollywood to make movies.

Except Wu Baige from Hong Kong Island, you are the most powerful director in China.

How could Wu Yuan let his senior brother praise him so much? He quickly shook his head: No, senior brother is the one who is really awesome.

'Seventeen-Year-Old Cycling' has been shortlisted for the main competition. Maybe we can get the Golden Bear back in the end. This is a great achievement.

My box office sales are nothing. I haven't won any serious awards.

Wang Xiaoshuai finally regained some psychological balance.

Indeed, what if Wu Yuan can sell box office? Can he win the Golden Bear?

The new generation of mainland art film directors should watch Wang Xiaoshuai!

In fact, it wasn't that he couldn't see his junior brother doing well, but everything that happened to Wu Yuan in the past six months made Wang Xiaoshuai dumbfounded.

When filming Seventeen Years Old Bicycle, Wu Yuan was still an unknown directing student, and he would decisively sell himself for 10,000 yuan.

In less than a year, he transformed into a director with a movie box office worth 20 million, and he was the second Chinese director to go to Hollywood to make a movie!

Good guy, Wang Xiaoshuai doesn’t even know how to face this junior brother.

Gao Yuanyuan, Cui Lin and others were even more uncomfortable. They were so nervous from the beginning to the end when they came to pick up the plane that they didn't know what to say to Wu Yuan.

In Lu Xun's words, there was already a tragically thick barrier between them.

Everyone needs to re-examine and adapt to the current Wu Yuan.

For you, I have specially postponed the movie premiere today! Wang Xiaoshuai sighed and patted Wu Yuan on the shoulder.

The film festival opens on the 7th and closes on the 18th. It is definitely a poor choice to postpone the premiere of the participating films until the 17th. Word-of-mouth will not even have time to ferment in the on-site publications.

But now Wu Yuan is indeed qualified to make the whole crew wait for him alone. If he doesn't come, the movie will not premiere.

I got in the car with everyone who picked me up at the airport, and instead of going back to the hotel, I drove directly to the premiere theater of Seventeen Years Old Bicycle!

In the car, Wu Yuan looked at the Berlin street scene and asked Wang Xiaoshuai curiously: Brother, can our movie be released in China?

Wang Xiaoshuai was very satisfied with the word we in Wu Yuan's mouth, but he still sighed and said with some disappointment: It's probably impossible.

The bureau said that too many alleys were filmed in the movie and the modern side of the capital was not captured. This would affect the film's bid for the Olympics and they would not grant a screening permit.

But I have negotiated with the management in Baodao. It will be released in Baodao on the 20th. This can be regarded as a domestic release!

By the way, this year's Berlin Film Festival also has Baodao films shortlisted for the main competition. I just don't know if they can win the prize.

In reality, Seventeen Years Old Bicycle premiered in Berlin on the 17th. I don't know why Wang Xiaoshuai chose such a date. This is a movie in the main competition!

There is no time for word-of-mouth reviews of the venue catalog to ferment!

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