Millennium director

Chapter 347 Mads Mikkelsen and Anne Hathaway

Chapter 347 Mads Mikkelsen and Anne Hathaway

Los Angeles, November 12, afternoon.


When Gravity was released in Japan and competed with Red Cliff Part 1 for the box office market, Wu Yuan, who was far across the ocean, didn't pay much attention.

Gravity is destined to be a movie specially made for the Chinese market to inspire national honor and science fiction dreams. It does not have the luxury of sweeping Asia or even the world.

Even if the original version did achieve good results in the global market, if the director is changed and a group of Chinese actors are changed, the situation will be different.

Wu Yuan has more important things to do than focusing on his box office performance in the Japanese market.

Paramount, after discussing with Universal, finally decided to respect the opinions given by director Wu Yuan and invite actors according to his requirements.

Wu Yuan is no longer the Chinese director who was unknown in Hollywood when he made Juno.

As the fourth top commercial film director in the world to enter the club with a single film box office exceeding US$1 billion, even Paramount and Universal have to recognize and accept Wu Yuan's casting vision.

He said that Mads Mikkelsen is more suitable than Leonardo, that is, more suitable.

It is worth mentioning that if nothing else happens, Nolan will break multiple box office records in North America with The Dark Knight this year and will become the fifth movie in the world to have a box office of over 1 billion US dollars, joining this club.

Nolan has already contacted Leonardo in advance and invited him to star in Nolan's next film Inception. Paramount has no chance to find Leonardo.

If Leonardo cannot be pursued, Paramount’s first choice would definitely be to accept Wu Yuan’s suggestion and contact Mads Mikkelsen and Anne Hathaway.

Mads Mikkelsen and Anne Hathaway were also very surprised when they received invitations from Paramount.

The two of them immediately agreed to the film without even reading the script.

Even though Anne Hathaway was filming Disney's blockbuster project Alice in Wonderland, she immediately agreed to the invitation to Interstellar.

Both movies invited her to play supporting roles. Alice in Wonderland will be finished soon. She can't catch up with the filming of Interstellar.

For this reason, she even took a day off from the crew to come to Los Angeles to meet Wu Yuan.

Not only her, but Mads Mikkelsen, who also received an invitation and has a very free schedule next year, also came to Los Angeles to meet Wu Yuan in person.

Wu Yuan directly arranged for the two of them to meet in Beverly Hills.

Liu Yifei has left Los Angeles and went to Switzerland with the crew of Kingsman to film the snowy mountain battle. There was only Wu Yuan and some servants in the huge mansion.

In order to show respect, Wu Yuan waited at the gate of the mansion in advance to welcome the two future right-hand men.

Hi Annie, nice to meet you.

First to arrive was the beautiful Anne Hathaway.

I have to admit that this actress whose fame spreads all over the world is really a super beauty.

Whether it's the princess look in the Princess Diaries trilogy, the working woman in The Devil Wears Prada or the sexy Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises.

Since her debut, she has contributed a lot of glamorous screen images, which are extremely unforgettable.

And Anne Hathaway, who came to see Wu Yuan today, was obviously specially dressed.

She has slightly curly hair shawl, puts on a plush hat, and wears a snow-white gauze skirt. The hem of the skirt covers her ankles. Her innocence reveals a bit of playfulness. In this early winter of November, she is so beautiful. Freeze people.

With a bright smile on her face, she walked quickly to Wu Yuan as soon as she got off the car and gave him a warm hug.

Dear Director Daniel, I am also very happy to meet you, and I am even more happy that you can invite me to star in your new movie.

Wu Yuan hugged her with a smile in his eyes, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he stretched out his hand to welcome her in.

Even Wu Yuan, who is used to seeing beauties in the industry, was amazed by her appearance.

Anne Hathaway's appearance is almost in line with Chinese and Western aesthetics.

You know, in some European and American aesthetics, there are roughly two definitions of beauty.

One is a traditional Western beauty with blond hair and blue eyes.

The other one is Anne Hathaway or Monica in The Beautiful Legend of Sicily. She obviously has a typical white skin color, but has black hair and black eyes. At first glance, she looks Asian. The beauty is very obvious.

The latter is easier for Asia and Europe to adopt.

For example, Sophie Marceau and Gal Gadot are European and American actresses who are popular in Asia.

And Anne Hathaway is even more heavyweight.

It's just that her reputation in the United States is not very good. There are many people who like her and even more who hate her.

I can't help it, it's just so beautiful.

It is because Anne Hathaway's various performances are so perfect that no matter what kind of state Anne Hathaway shows, many European and American people will think that she is pretentious, too pretentious, and not at all. reality.

However, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, looking at Anne Hathaway's road to fame, it is indeed perfect and a bit exaggerated.

At the age of 19, she was chosen by the director of Princess Diaries because she was so beautiful.

In front of the camera, Annie at this age has transformed from an ordinary high school student to a princess, and her acting skills are so mature that it is hard to believe.

After becoming famous with The Princess Diaries, Anne's face that is almost everyone's ideal first love made her famous in North America and was regarded as the nation's first love.

Does this route feel familiar?

Yes, Anne Hathaway's path to fame is basically the same as Liu Yifei's, and she is even a high-end version of Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei became the nation's first love through three TV series, while Anne Hathaway became famous in North America through the Princess Diaries trilogy.

And Annie's acting talent exceeds that of Liu Yifei.

When everyone thought that Anne would take the route of a sweet woman like The Princess Diaries in the future, she resolutely transformed.

The bold and bold rich girl in Pretty Woman and the large-scale scenes.

Sexy and beautiful Catwoman from The Dark Knight.

The Devil Wears Prada style for white-collar women in the workplace.

To the later noble and pretentious White Queen in Alice in Wonderland, to the role of Fantine in Les Misérables after shaving off her hair.

Anne Hathaway always breaks people's previous perceptions of her with new works just when everyone thinks she will nail down a certain role.

Of course, because of her excellence, she has won various awards from Oscars to Golden Globes, to the American Film Critics Association, and the British Film Institute. In addition to starring in large-scale movies, she has no black spots or shortcomings, which has attracted countless North American women envied and hated her.

When a person is good enough, it will naturally trigger a lot of jealousy and disgust among the same sex.

It is because the posture shown by Anne Hathaway is too dazzling, to put it bluntly, too excellent, so that it is beyond the level of actors of the same generation. This sense of unreality has led many movie fans to think that Anne Hathaway is Wei's perfection is actually acted.

If she were like Justin Bieber, who smokes and drinks in private and is proficient in speed racing, she would not have caused a black trend.

You are an American, but you are different from most young Americans. You are not playful at all, and you have no scandal or black material about you. How can you be accepted by others?

No one believed that such a young man who became famous at the age of 19 and entered the vanity fair of Hollywood could be so pure. He was definitely faking it!

The more you pretend, the more people will hate you.

This is the American idea.

Wu Yuan, a Chinese, cannot agree with this and cannot understand it.

Anyway, in his opinion, the better Anne Hathaway, the high-profile version of Liu Yifei, the better. He wished there were more such good actors.

It’s no wonder that although Anne Hathaway is disliked by many North American women, she still continues to get more and more film appointments in Hollywood.

There is no director who wouldn't like an actor like her who is talented, willing to try any role, has a big enough scale, and can perform well.

Well, the premise is that she is not his girlfriend.

Anne Hathaway's large-scale appearances in Pretty Woman and Love and the Elixir are impossible for Wu Yuan to let Liu Yifei play in this life. His girlfriend's talent is even worse, so he can't imitate Anne. · Hathaway.

Annie, you are one of the best actresses born in the 1980s in the United States. As soon as my new movie plan is confirmed, I want to invite you to star.

After guiding Anne Hathaway to sit down in the living room, Wu Yuan praised her without hesitation after the servant brought coffee and tea.

It's almost certain that The Dark Knight's global box office has exceeded US$1 billion. Congratulations, your Catwoman should be the most successful Catwoman in history.

Thank you. Anne Hathaway elegantly picked up the coffee and took a sip. She was not nervous when facing Wu Yuan, a great Hollywood director. Instead, she smiled and teased: I didn't expect that I am so outstanding in your heart. , is she better than Keira Knightley?

Keira Knightley is also an actress born in the 1980s.

Oh, Anne, KK is British. Wu Yuan winked at Anne Hathaway: You are the best actress of the young generation in the United States in my mind, and KK is the best actress of the young generation in the UK. , it’s not a conflict, is it?”

After all, KK is also the queen's heroine who has collaborated with him in three Pirates of the Caribbean and one Rush Hour 3. Of course Wu Yuan will not belittle his own little girl just to praise Anne Hathaway.

Haha, Daniel, you are the most eloquent director I have ever seen. Anne Hathaway smiled wildly and looked very happy.

The beauty smiled, which was pleasing to the eye, and Wu Yuan unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth. Just as he was about to make some more jokes, a servant walked into the hall with another middle-aged man.

Another actor Wu Yuan invited today, Mads Mikkelsen, is also here.

Hi Max, see you again.

Are you ready to work with me again?

Wu Yuan stood up and smiled at Mads Mikkelsen.

Mads Mikkelsen, who also had a smile on his face, nodded and said without any doubt: Of course, I can't wait to star in your new movie.

This is awesome!

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